US weekly jobless claims For the week ending 5/16, DOL reported first 2.438M in initial unemployment claims, down 249K from the prior week. Initial claims will drift down as the economy reopens, provided the virus cooperates with the reopening push. DOL News Release The total new unemployment insurance claims related to the pandemic now stands at 38.6M.
Jobless claims jump 2.4 million in mid-May — but the number is almost 1 million higher when federal filings are included - MarketWatch The federal program allows for self-employed workers and independent contractors eligible for unemployment benefits.
Last week, the CBO projected that 2nd quarter GDP will decline by 38%. For the fiscal year ending in September 2020, the CBO predicts a federal government budget deficit of $2.2 trillion. CBO projects 38% drop in GDP, $2.1 trillion increase in the deficit I suspect that the $2.1T deficit prediction will be on the optimistic side.
The Atlanta Fed's GDP model currently estimates 2nd quarter GDP at -41.9% annualized rate. GDPNow-Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Merrill Lynch's number is at -40%. Goldman Sachs' model is more optimistic at a -39% decline.
Fed's April 2020 Meeting Minutes ("Members further concurred that the ongoing public health crisis would weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and posed considerable downside risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.")
Discussion of Fed's April meeting minutes
Last Tuesday, Donald represented that infection rates were coming down, everything was going back to normal, and the economy would soar in the 3rd and 4th quarters and in 2021:
Trump: "We’re going to have a really good third quarter. It’s already happening. You see it; you see what’s going on. We’re opening up. The states are opening up. Numbers are going down as they open. Look at Georgia. Look at Florida. Look at others. We have states that are opening up, and the numbers are going down.
Stock-market traders brace for ‘dogfight’ as S&P 500 lingers below its 200-day moving average - MarketWatch
This is an interesting article that contains some kernels of my frequently postulated long term prediction. cited in Of Two Minds - Our Fate Is Sealed, Vaccines Won't Matter: Four Long Cycles Align, cited and discussed in ‘Call it fate, call it karma’-Why the coronavirus is merely ‘the final kick into the abyss’ for the U.S. economy-MarketWatch
I would not claim that the Day of Reckoning is close or that investment decisions can not now be predicated on its occurrence. We will need to be closer in time for the Stock Jocks and other investors to react to the inevitability.
A ‘much more severe’ selloff looms in the stock market, strategist warns - MarketWatch
The ‘Great Repression’ is here and it will make past downturns look tame, economist says-MarketWatch The economist is David Rosenberg, who have mocked in the past, but he has a reasonable forecast now IMO for the near future.
Walmart (WMT) earnings Q1 2021 soar during coronavirus crisis
Britain sells its first bonds at a negative interest rate-MarketWatch Several European nations have been selling bonds at negative interest rates. Britain has now joined that list.
Germans paid to borrow as negative rates reach consumers- Reuters Does this sound rational to anyone?
Trump (2/24/20): “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA." Trump's Statements About the Coronavirus -
Study estimates 24 states still have uncontrolled coronavirus spread (5/23/20)
TRUMP: "When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn't do any testing we would have very few cases." Trump on coronavirus testing: “When you test, you have a case” - Vox
By changing the punctuations and the formatting, I have recognized that the preceding statement, made by the self-proclaimed Extremely Stable Genius, is not the usual idiotic gibberish but a poem.
"The Test" by Doofus Don, an Extremely Stable Genius in TrumpWorld
When you
you have a case
When you
you find
is wrong
with people
If we didn’t
do any
we would have
very few cases.
Without a doubt, Donald is a genius in TrumpWorld, one of that world's leading intellectuals and savants.
And, in the Alternate Reality known as TrumpWorld, the way to bring the Covid-19 infection rate down to almost zero is to refrain from any testing.
Trump deems houses of worship 'essential' amid coronavirus pandemic and threatens to override governors
Trump slams governors, demands they open houses of worship 'right now'
Trump: "The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, this weekend. If they don't do it, I will override the governors." (emphasis added)
Donald does believe that his presidential power has no limits and has made that claim on many occasions. All the times Trump said the constitution let's him do whatever he wants - YouTube
Donald has no legitimate power to overrule governors who have closed mass gatherings.
A court with jurisdiction could enjoin enforcement of an order prohibiting large religious gatherings as an infringement of religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution's First Amendment. Dictator Don does not have the authority.
That kind of court decision requires balancing the police power of the state to protect its citizens from a pandemic with the exercise of religious freedoms. Federal Judge Blocks Kansas Limits on Religious Gatherings | Kansas News | US News; Court upholds California ban on church services in coronavirus pandemic - Los Angeles Times; Coronavirus and religious liberty: Pastors sue for right to hold services - Vox; Opposing Church Closures Becomes New Religious Freedom Cause-NPR So far the lower court decisions are not consistent with one another.
Houses of worship, which Trump says are essential, are coronavirus hotspots - Business Insider The entire epidemic in South Korea started with a church congregation.
Any large gathering risks widespread infections, hospitalizations and deaths, which is irrelevant to Demagogue Don, who is simply pandering to his evangelical base that overwhelmingly voted for him in 2016 and will do so again in 2020. If people die, that is just too bad since the only thing that matters is Trump winning reelection.
Some churches will reopen with social distancing and mandatory mask wearing. Others will ignore one or both of those precautions and they will become hot spots for their members and communities.
Trump ramps up retaliatory purge with firing of State Department inspector general The IG was investigating Pompous Pompeo so he had to go.
The government whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright who says the Trump administration's coronavirus response has cost lives - 60 Minutes - CBS News Donald responded that it was Dr. Bright who caused great harm and injustice. Trump says coronavirus whistleblower Rick Bright is ‘causing great injustice and harm’ - The Washington Post
Just about everything is turned upside down in Trump's America.
Trump has sidelined the CDC. Growing friction between White House, CDC hobbles pandemic response (Trump awarded a $10.2M contract to a private company called TeleTracking, to provide the same data that is collected by the CDC. Maybe that company will provide Donald with far fewer infections and deaths due to the pandemic); White House tensions with CDC spill into public view as top Trump adviser criticizes agency response
'We've been muzzled': CDC sources say White House putting politics ahead of science
Nebraska refuses to disclose coronavirus rates at meatpacking plants - The Washington Post
Angry confrontations between 'reopen' protesters, News 12's Kevin Vesey (there is a remarkable nationwide consistency on how Trumpsters respond to reporters covering them)
US medical mask maker blasts government for failing to prepare for pandemic: 'I've been ignored for so long'
Pentagon fires its point person for Defense Production Act Donald recently installed a Trumpster, Michael Cutrone, to vet DOD officials subservience to Donald. Trump Taps Point Man to Remove Pentagon Officials Seen as Disloyal; Trump sending ally to Pentagon to vet officials' loyalty: report
Trump goes without mask on trip to Pennsylvania PPE factory Trump also stated several times that Covid-19 tests are overrated. Teflon Don has made it clear to anyone listening with functioning brain cells that the rising number of infections is bad for him.
Trump Spreads Distorted Claim on Wuhan Lab Funding -
Where the U.S. Ranks in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita - (U.S. has one of the highest death rates per capita. Trump made the following false claim: “Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people.”)
Federal government to begin gathering data on covid-19 deaths in nursing homes - The Washington Post (5/7/20 article)
Eric Trump on 'Judge Jeanine' show claims coronavirus is Democratic hoax, will ‘magically’ vanish after 2020 election - The Washington Post
Inspector General’s Firing Puts Pompeo’s Use of Taxpayer Funds Under Scrutiny
It is unusual for Barr to push back on one of Trump's outlandish requests. William Barr just punched a hole in Trump’s baseless ‘Obamagate’ trial balloon
Trump calls Romney a ‘LOSER’ following sharp criticism for firing inspectors general
Trump threatens to permanently cut WHO funding, leave body if changes aren’t made within 30 days; see Demagogue Don' tweet and his letter to the WHO contained therein. The Lancet rebuts Trump's claims in WHO letter
"Women, you have to treat 'em like shit": a new ad turns Trump's quotes against him - Vox
Trump to CBS's Paula Reid: "Just A Rude Person You Are. Enough Of You" | Video | RealClearPolitics In TrumpWorld, women have to know their place.
Judge allows fraud suit against Trump, family and company to proceed; Lawsuit claims Trump, kids made millions off scams
Doctor Don's Miracle Cure:
Last week, Doctor Don disclosed that he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure. Despite FDA Caution, Trump Says He Is Taking Hydroxychloroquine As A Preventive
Many will follow Doctor Don's recommendation to take this malaria drug even though they are not infected with COVID-19 and the drug has well known and potentially serious side effects. Some will die, but Doctor Don will not be responsible. Donald takes no responsibility for the consequences of his actions.
Donald repeated last Monday his claim that there was nothing to lose by taking this drug. Trump: “You know the expression I’ve used … ? What do you have to lose. Okay? What do you have to lose?” Trump’s stunning claim that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine could trigger a cascade of negative effects - The Washington Post
After Doctor Don reiterated his recommendation, based on his deeply researched medical opinion that people had nothing to lose by taking the "miracle cure", another study was released that reached a different conclusion. Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says
For patients given this drug, there was a 37% increase risk of death and a 137 percent increased risk of a serious heart arrhythmias. The study was based on a review of 96,000 Covid-19 patient hospital records. The study was "unable to confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, when used alone or with a macrolide, on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19."
This is a link to the study released yesterday: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis - The Lancet
I suspect that Doctor Don acquired all of his knowledge about hydroxychloroquine from the Fox "News" personality Laura Ingraham and Elon Musk.
Laura is a somewhat less obnoxious Ann Coulter clone, though equally non-brilliant, who has an hour long, evening program on Fox "News".
Lately, she has been touting the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, making the usual uninformed and misleading claims. Hydroxychloroquine truther Laura
Drug promoted by Trump as coronavirus ‘game changer’ increasingly linked to deaths
Covid-19 Updates:
Lockdown Delays Cost at Least 36,000 Lives, Data Show
Nearly 600 workers from North Carolina Tyson chicken processing plant test positive for COVID-19 - CBS News (5/21 article;
Coronavirus hot spots erupt across the country; experts warn of second wave in South
Coronavirus spread by talking can remain in air, researchers find (for up to 14 minutes)
Coronavirus: Wearing a mask can reduce transmission by 75%, new study claims
China’s New Outbreak Shows Signs the Virus Could Be Changing Viruses will mutate and may "learn" how to become more deadly.
Trump administration paying huge premium for mask-cleaning machines. Which don't do the job.
Churchgoer potentially exposed 180 others to COVID-19
CDC tracks cluster of coronavirus cases in rural Arkansas to church, raising alarm on religious gatherings
Study: COVID-19 now spreading fastest in small, rural counties
Texas reports single highest daily rate increase of infections (5/17/20 article)
Florida knew a COVID-19 pandemic was likely; state leaders didn't warn the public
Coronavirus testing is 'a mess' in the US, report says
Two-thirds of health care workers were still reporting PPE shortages in early May: Poll - The Washington Post
Pompous Pompeo:
Pompous Pompeo has the same problem as Donald.
Both have trouble keeping their stories straight. Mike Pompeo offers another defense in his IG controversy — then immediately undercuts it
Pompeo first claimed that the firing of the State Department IG could not have been in retaliation of an ongoing investigation of him since he did not know of any investigation.
Pompous Pompeo then admitted he was aware of the investigation into at least one of his many potentially unlawful activities. Pompeo Declined Interview Request From Inspector General About Saudi Arms Sales - The New York Times
New revelations of potentially unethical or unlawful conduct are starting to come to light. Pompeo's elite taxpayer-funded dinners raise new concerns
Pompeo Quietly Visits Conservative Donors and Political Figures on State Dept. Trips
Donald is going to start cleaning up the D.C. swamp soon.
Trump has now fired 5 Inspector Generals since 4/3/20: Here are the 4 inspectors general ousted by the Trump administration - ABC News This list does not include the recently fired IG for the Department of Transportation who was investigating Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao who is the Secretary for Transportation. Trump Just Removed the IG Investigating Elaine Chao. Chao’s Husband, Mitch McConnell, Already Vetted the Replacement; US lawmakers slam Trump’s firing of watchdog investigating Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao | South China Morning Post
Trump's authoritarian streak is in full bloom.
Between 2000 and 2020, only one IG has been fired by a President. Obama fired the IG for the Corporation for National Community Service. Trump Twists Record on Inspectors General -, citing Removal of Inspectors General: Rules, Practice, and Considerations for Congress, a report prepared by the Congressional Research Service.
Do not expect republican politicians to check him, no matter what he does.
With the exception of Mitt Romney, no republican politician will challenge or even criticize Donald most egregious and outrageous comments and acts. They are completely subservient to him.
Disgusting Don's Daily Outrages:
Throughly Despicable Don makes deplorable and vicious comments almost on a daily basis.
Donald repeated-again-his baseless claim that Joe Scarborough murdered his intern last Wednesday. Mika Brzezinski Blasts Trump for Again Accusing Husband Joe Scarborough of Murder, Calls Him a ‘Sick Person!’
This is the latest unfounded murder accusation tweeted by the President of the United States on 5/20/20:
The prior tweet was on 5/12/20:
Trump’s vicious claim that Joe Scarborough might have murdered an aide - The Washington Post Donald is a practicing Christian in TrumpWorld.
Trump has repeated this knowingly false and fact free accusation many times in the past. Donald Trump, Joe Scarborough and the 'unsolved mystery' that isn't - The Washington Post; Trump promotes conspiracy theory accusing MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough of murder - POLITICO; Trump baselessly claims Joe Scarborough was involved in a Florida murder - Vox
Why is Donald doing this?
First, he is an overwhelmingly repulsive human, so these kind of comments are natural for him, as normal as breathing.
Second, Donald is also a well known trafficker in baseless conspiracy theories, starting with the birther conspiracy that gave him prominence among republicans who are naturally inclined to believe them.
Third, making factually supported statements that contradict Donald's stories and reality creations, which are broadcast to a wide audience, will send Donald into a rage and a vicious response. He will not tolerate being challenged with the truth.
Donald has zero positive personality attributes. No one in American public life comes close to his level of repulsive personality characteristics.
And, he will receive over 60 million votes next November to serve another 4 years
Most republicans view him to be a role model for their children.
72 percent of Republicans think Trump is 'a good role model for children'
I have thought about preparing a course curriculum for those republican children, covering such matters as Trump University, the Trump Foundation, a sample of about a thousand tweets and other statements disparaging others, and starting off each class with mandatory daily viewing of the Access Hollywood tape. Full tape with lewd Donald Trump remarks (Access Hollywood) - YouTube
Trump's preferred construction firm lands $1.3 billion border wall contract, the biggest so far - The Washington Post
Alaska Rep. Ben Carpenter (R) says Hitler not a white supremacist after comparing coronavirus measures to Nazi rule - The Washington Post
As Tara Reade’s Expert Witness Credentials Are Questioned, So Are Verdicts - The New York Times;
Tara Reade: A complicated life and conflicting accounts muddle efforts to understand allegation against Joe Biden; Lawyer drops Biden accuser Tara Reade as resumé questions lead to review of past expert testimony (Reade claimed to have graduated from Antioch University in Seattle and to have been a visiting professor at that school. An Antioch University spokesman stated that she attended the university but did not graduate and was never a professor. Instead, she provided several hours of "administrative work". If she did not graduate from college, I am wondering how she was able to gain admission to a law school.)
Trump calls Dana Nessel the ‘Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan’ — here’s how she is responding - MarketWatch Donald will not tolerate criticism and will react more negatively when the criticism comes from a woman. There is a term that describes this behavior by the way: 12 Ways to Spot a Misogynist | Psychology Today;
61 things Donald Trump has said about women (just as of 10/16/18)
‘Horseface,’ ‘Lowlife,’ ‘Fat, Ugly’: How the President Demeans Women - The New York Times; Donald Trump Has Always Degraded Women | Time
The GOP is not a conservative party.
All trades are commission free except as otherwise noted.
1. Small Ball:
A. Restarted SCHK-Bought 5 at $21.77:
Quote: SCHK | Schwab 1000 Index ETF Overview
Sponsor's Website: Schwab 1000 Index® ETF | Schwab Funds
Closing Price 5/22/20: SCHK $28.97 +$0.10 +0.35%
Last Discussed: Item # 3.F. Eliminated SCHK-Sold 10 at $30.56 (12/7/2019 Post)
Expense Ratio: .05%
Top 10 Holdings as of 5/15/20:
B. Restarted WTBA-Bought 10 at $15.8; 5 AT $14.95 :
Quote: West Bancorp Inc. (WTBA)
Closing Price 5/22/20: WTBA $16.66 -$0.03 -0.18%
WTBA is a bank holding company that owns West Bank that has "eight offices in the Des Moines, Iowa metropolitan area, one office in Coralville, Iowa, and four offices in Minnesota in the cities of Rochester, Owatonna, Mankato and St. Cloud."
WTBA SEC Filings
Investment Category: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
Last Elimination: Item # 3.A. Sold 100 WTBA at $23.12-Used Commission Free Trade (4/29/17 Post)(profit snapshot = $1,146.24)-Bought 100 WTBA at $11.67 (6/29/13 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.21 per share
Last Ex Dividend: 5/5/20 (shares owned as of)
Current Position: 15 shares
Average Cost: $15.52
Dividend Yield at Average Cost: 5.15%
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20): West Bancorporation, Inc. Announces Net Income for the First Quarter of 2020, Declares Quarterly Dividend
"first quarter 2020 net income was $8.1 million, or $0.49 per diluted common share, compared to first quarter 2019 net income of $6.9 million, or $0.42 per diluted common share."
As noted in the press release, WTBA normally raises its dividend effective for the second quarter. The Board decided to refrain from doing so due to the uncertainties created by the pandemic.
For the first quarter, this numbers are good compared to other small regional banks.
5 Year Financial Data:
C. Added to SCM - Bought 5 at $6.79:
Quote: Stellus Capital Investment Corp (SCM)
Closing Price 5/22: SCM $7.45 +$0.25 +3.47%
Last Discussed: Item # 2.B. (5/9/2020 Post) I have nothing to add to that recent discussion.
D. Started CLOU-Bought 10 at $16.25:
Quote: Global X Cloud Computing ETF Overview
Closing Price 5/22: CLOU $19.35 +$0.32 +1.68%
This fund invests in "companies positioned to benefit from the increased adoption of cloud computing technology, including companies whose principal business is in offering computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), managed server storage space and data center real estate investment trusts, and/or cloud and edge computing infrastructure and hardware." (emphasis added)
Some major cloud computing companies have significant business operations that do not fall into category, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle. Those stocks are not owned by CLOU or another one called the WisdomTree Cloud Computing ETF (WCLD)
I have owned in the past one cloud computing ETF that includes those companies. First Trust Cloud Computing ETF (SKYY)
WCLD and CLOU spiraled down in price during the March decline.
This 10 share position is what I call a placeholder.
In the event of another major decline, I will include it a "wave small ball buying program".
Chart CLOU:
Sponsor's Website: Cloud Computing ETF
Expense Ratio: .68%
Top 10 Holdings as of 5/15/20:
E. Added to GNL-Bought 1 at $13.19; 1 at $12.61:
Quote: Global Net Lease (GNL)
Closing Price 5/22: GNL $13.92 +$0.06 +0.43%
Investment Strategy: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy
Management: External
Website: Global Net Lease
SEC Filings
SEC Form 10-Q for the Q/E 3/31/20
Property Type Diversification | GNL
2019 Annual Report (risk factor summary starts at page 9 and ends at page 31)("As of December 31, 2019, we owned 278 properties consisting of 31.6 million rentable square feet, which were 99.6% leased with a weighted-average remaining lease term of 8.3 years. Based on the percentage of annualized rental income on a straight-line basis as of December 31, 2019, 63.2% of our properties are located in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada and 37% are located in Europe.") The properties are subject to net leases.
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20): Global Net Lease Reports First Quarter 2020 Results
"Portfolio is allocated 48% office, 47% industrial/distribution and 5% retail at the end of the quarter compared to 53% office, 39% industrial/distribution and 8% retail based on annualized straight-line rent as of March 31, 2019.
Collected 98% of April cash rents as of April 30, 2020
Portfolio 99.6% leased with an 9.0 year weighted average remaining lease term, up from 8.1 years in prior year quarter"
SEC Filed First Quarter Investor Presentation:
Other Recent News: Global Net Lease Completes European Refinancing With €70 Million French Loan; Signs Term Sheet For $88 Million Whirlpool Portfolio Financing (5/18/20)
Last Sell Discussions: Item # 1.E. Sold 10 GNL at $21.51 (2/19/20 Post); Item # 2.B. Pared GNL-Sold Highest Cost 50 Shares at $20.05 (12/11/19 Post)
Last Buy Discussion: Item # 4.A. Added 5 GNL at $17.65; 5 at $16.87, 5 at $16.3; 5 at $14.6; 5 at $14; 10 at $13.5; 5 at $12.94; 2 at $12.66; 2 at $12.1; 2 at $$; 1 at 10.1; 4 at $11.48 and 2 at $10.8 (4/4/20 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.40 per share or $1.6 per share, cut from an annual rate of $2.13 per share. Global Net Lease Announces Dividend Change The reason given was "limited visibility on the long-term impact of the COVID-19 virus."
The dividend needed to be cut before the pandemic since it was not being covered by cash flow, as I have noted in the past and point out once again when discussing the last earnings report below. The COVID-19 pandemic gave the company the cover to do what needed to be done. I do not view it as a negative but a correction of a clearly excessive penny rate.
Last Ex Dividend Date: 4/9/2020
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20):
Current Position: 118+ shares
Average Cost Per Share: $16.15
Dividend Yield at Cost = 9.91%
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
Purchase Restriction: Each subsequent purchase, except for dividend reinvestments, must reduce my average cost per share.
F. Added 1 RDSB at $34.08; 1 at $28.9; 1 at $27.61; 1 at $24.88 and 1 at $24.18:
Quote: RDS.B | Royal Dutch Shell PLC ADR B Overview
Closing Price 5/22: RDS-B $30.34 -$0.14 -0.46%
Those adds were in my Schwab Account and were made prior to Royal Dutch slashing its dividend. First quarter 2020 interim dividend | Shell Global The new penny rate is $.32 per share, down from $.94. RDS.A | Royal Dutch Shell Plc-Dividend Channel This is Shell's first dividend cut since WWII. Shell cuts dividend for first time since WWII-Seeking Alpha
Shell slashes dividend as earnings sink - MarketWatch
In January 2020, Shell's CEO made the following statement: "I think lowering the dividend is not a good lever to pull if you want to be a world-class investment case, so we’re not going to do that. And it's also not needed, to be perfectly honest."
Dividend: $.32 per share
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
After the dividend slash, I decided to eliminate my smaller positions in my Vanguard and Fidelity accounts.
Last Earnings Report (3/31/20):
CCS = Current Cost of Supplies
Recent News Article: Shell to significantly reduce costs to ensure capital position amid coronavirus - MarketWatch
I eliminated my RDSB positions in my Fidelity and Vanguard taxable accounts after the company announced its dividend slash.
G. Eliminated RDSB in Fidelity and Vanguard Taxable Accounts: Sold 5 RDSB at $32.09 (Fidelity) and 9 at $32 (Vanguard)
Profit Snapshots: +$54.1
H. Small Ball Pare-Sold 10 THQ at $17.55 (4/15) and 10 at $17.9 (4/16) -highest cost lots:
Quote: Tekla Healthcare Opportunities Fund Overview-a leveraged CEF
Closing Price 5/22: THQ $17.96 +$0.11 +0.62%
Sponsor's website: Fund Basics
Profit Snapshot: +$23.34
Item # 1.I Restarted THQ-Bought 10 at $16.7 and 5 at $16,58 (3/7/20 Post); Item # 3.E. Added 5 THQ at $16.25, 5 at $14.3; 5 at $14.07 and 5 at $11.9 (3/28/20 Post) I sold the 10 shares bought at $16.7; the 5 shares bought at $16.58 and the 5 shares bought at $16.25.
New Average Cost Per Share = $13.44
Data Date of 4/15/20 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $19.19
Closing Market Price: $17.6
Discount: -8.29%
Data Date of 4/16/20 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $19.55
Closing Market Price: $18.02
Discount: -7.83%
Sourced: THQ-CEF Connect
Distributions: Monthly at $.1125 (ROC Supported)
Yield at $13.44 = 10.04%
Last Ex Dividend: 5/19/20
I. Bought 10 MNR at $11.4:
Quote: Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. Cl A (MNR)
MNR is classified as an industrial REIT. As of 3/31/20, it owned116 properties with total square footage of 23.0 million that was 99.4% occupied. 10-Q for the Q/E 3/31/20 at page 10
Closing Price 5/22: MNR $12.36 +$0.02 +0.16%
Investment Category: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy
Dividend: Quarterly at $.17 per share ($.68 annually)
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20 (owned lot as of)
Dividend yield at $11.4 = 6%
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20) SEC Filling (list of properties starts at page 17)
Note the higher share count. MNR has an ongoing ATM program for both its common and preferred stocks.
I own 80 shares of the preferred stock and last discussed purchase here: Item # 4.B. Added 10 MNRPRC at $20.46; 10 at $15.31; 10 at $18 (5/9/20 Post)
Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. 6.125% Cumulative Preferred Series C Stock (closed at $24.61 last Friday, ex dividend on 5/14/20)
The last public offering was made in October 2018, consisting of 8M shares plus the greenshoe priced to the public at $15 per share. Prospectus
Securities Portfolio: This REIT owns other REIT marketable securities, which has turned into a major negative for MNR shareholders IMO. As of 3/31/20, the portfolio was valued at $99M with an unrealized loss at that time of $136.1M. MNR received dividend income paid by those securities of 3.6M during the quarter. One of the larger holdings is UMH Properties Inc. (UMH) As of 3/31/20, MNR owned 1.3M UMH shares and 1M shares of UMH's 8% cumulative preferred stock. UMH Properties Inc. 8% Cumulative Series B Preferred Stock Overview I have not been able to find a reference listing other owned REIT equity securities.
Major Exposure to FedEx: MNR has major exposure to FedEx and its subsidiaries "consisting of 60 separate stand-alone leases covering 10.4 million square feet as of March 31, 2020. FedEx accounts for about 45% of MNR's total leased space.
J. Bought and Sold 100 MNR in a Dividend Harvest:
I did a dividend clip with a 100 share MRR lot bought in another account, buying on 5/12 and selling on 5/21.
K. Added to PBCT-Bought 10 at $11.27; 10 at $10.87:
Quote: People's United Financial Inc (PBCT)
Closing Price 5/22: PBCT $10.86 -$0.31 -2.78%
Investment Category: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
PBCT Consensus Analyst E.P.S. Estimates
PBCT SEC Filings
PBCT 2019 Annual Report
Last Buy Discussion: Item # 2.C. Added to PBCT - Bought 5 at $12; 5 at $10.72; 5 at $9.72 ($/25/20 Post)
I discussed the last earnings report in that post. SEC Filed Press Release
Last Round Trips: Item # 3.A. Eliminated PBCT-Sold 101+ at $17.57 (5/22/19 Post)-Item # 3.A. Bought 100 PBCT at $15.65(11/28/18 Post); Item # 4 Sold 100 PBCT at $14.61 (9/21/13 Post)-Item # 1 Bought 100 PBCT at $11.47 (6/14/12 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.1775 per share ($.71 annually)
Stock Information | Dividend History | People's United Bank
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
Last Ex Dividend: 4/30/20
Current Position: 81+ shares
Average Cost Per Share: $13.26
Dividend Yield at Average Cost: 5.35%
Purchase Restriction: Each purchase must reduce my average cost per share.
On 5/5/20, UBS cut its price target to $9 from $9.5. I do not have access to that report. The PT is reasonable provided the recession continues throughout this year or the recovery is slow, taking more than a year after the recessions ends to recover to pre-pandemic GDP growth.
A recent SA article discussing PBCT is not yet behind SA's paywall. People's United Financial: Provision Expense Likely To Be Heightened For Another Quarter-Seeking Alpha
PBCT is a dividend aristocrat. Dividend Aristocrats In Focus Part 14: People's United Financial Sure Dividend It is a component of the NOBL ETF: ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF
L. Eliminated CHN-Sold 10 at $20.63:
Quote: China Fund Inc. (CHN)
Closing Price 5/22: CHN $19.84 -$0.79 -3.83%
Profit Snapshot: $15.31
Item # 4. C. Restarted CHN-Bought 10 at $19.1(4/11/20 Post)
Sponsor's Website: The China Fund Inc.
I thought that Hong Kong and mainland China listed stocks would decline based on this announcement: China's proposed national security law could end Hong Kong as we know it - CNN
I will reconsider starting a position after the dust settles.
I had started a position in CHIQ, see below, which was sold for the same reason.
M. Eliminated CHIQ-Sold 5 at $18.03:
Quote: CHIQ | Global X MSCI China Consumer Discretionary ETF
Closing Price 5/22: CHIQ 17.65 -$0.43 -2.38%
Profit Snapshot: $8.65
Last Round-Trip Discussion: Item # 4 Sold 10 CHIQ at $18.18 (11/16/19 Post)-Item # 5 Bought 10 CHIQ at $14.87 (6/15/19 Post); Item # 2.D. Eliminated CHIQ-Sold 71+ shares at $16.04 (3/13/19)(profit snapshot = $94.59)
Sponsor's website: MSCI China Consumer Discretionary ETF
2. Canadian Reset Equity Preferred Stocks:
A. Added to PWFPRT- Bought 50 at C$11.1 (C$1 Commission):
Quote: PWF-PT.TO
Closing Price 5/22: PWF-PT.TO C$13.94 -C$0.17 -1.20%
This brings me up to 100 shares.
Last Discussed: Item # 1.A. Bought 50 PWFPRT at C$16.94 (11/20/19 Post)
Par Value: C$25
Classification: Reset Equity Preferred
Dividends: Non-Cumulative and Quarterly
Last Coupon Reset: January 2019
Resets: Every 5 years
Coupon: 2.37% spread to the 5 year Canadian bond
Last Reset Coupon = 4.215%
Effective through but not Including 1/31/2024
Optional Redemption: Issuer's Option on reset dates at par + accrued dividends
Current Yield at C$11.1 = 9.49%
Power Financial has been acquired by Power Corporation. Power Corporation and Power Financial Announce Completion of Reorganization and the Determination of the Final Offer Price for the Pre-Emptive Right
Last Ex Dividend Date: 4/8/20
B. Added 50 FTSPRM at C$12.4 (C$1 Commission):
Quote: FTS-PM.TO
Closing Price 5/22: FTS-PM.TO C$14.80 -C$0.23 -1.53%
Website: Home
The issuer is an electric and gas utility based in Canada that also has utility operations in the U.S. The U.S. operations consist of UNS Energy and Central Hudson.
The company also owns the ITC U.S. transmission network.
Par Value: C$25
Dividends: Quarterly and Cumulative
C. Added 10 EBGEF at $13.1:
Quote: EBGEF
Closing Price 5/22: EBGEF US$14.45 +$0.15 +1.06%
Security: Cumulative, reset equity preferred stock issued by Enbridge Inc priced in U.S.D.s and traded on the U.S. Grey Market.
Link to all ENB Preferred Shares and Hybrid Securities - Enbridge Inc. (prospectuses are linked)
I am in a deep percentage loss hole on this one.
Last Discussed: Item # 1.A. Bought 100 EBGEF at $20.1 (5/26/19 Post)
Par Value: US$25
Coupon: 2.82% spread to the 5 year U.S. treasury note, resets every five years As with other Canadian resets, a fixed coupon was initially paid.
The quarterly fixed coupon penny rate was $.275 (.044 x. $25 par value = $1.1 annually 4 quarters = $.275)
When the coupon reset for five years effective for the 2019 second quarter, the new quarterly penny rate was $.33596 or a 22.17% increase
Current Coupon: Quarterly at $.33596 per share (or $1.34 rounded annually) The coupon is about 5.36% at that penny rate. The U.S. five year note would have been close to 2.56% on the reset date. 2019 Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates The weakness in the price is mostly attributable IMO to a belief that the coupon will reset in March 2024 at much lower rate.
Next Reset: 3/1/24
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20
Current Yield at $13.1 = 10.23%
US weekly jobless claims For the week ending 5/16, DOL reported first 2.438M in initial unemployment claims, down 249K from the prior week. Initial claims will drift down as the economy reopens, provided the virus cooperates with the reopening push. DOL News Release The total new unemployment insurance claims related to the pandemic now stands at 38.6M.
Jobless claims jump 2.4 million in mid-May — but the number is almost 1 million higher when federal filings are included - MarketWatch The federal program allows for self-employed workers and independent contractors eligible for unemployment benefits.
Last week, the CBO projected that 2nd quarter GDP will decline by 38%. For the fiscal year ending in September 2020, the CBO predicts a federal government budget deficit of $2.2 trillion. CBO projects 38% drop in GDP, $2.1 trillion increase in the deficit I suspect that the $2.1T deficit prediction will be on the optimistic side.
The Atlanta Fed's GDP model currently estimates 2nd quarter GDP at -41.9% annualized rate. GDPNow-Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Merrill Lynch's number is at -40%. Goldman Sachs' model is more optimistic at a -39% decline.
Fed's April 2020 Meeting Minutes ("Members further concurred that the ongoing public health crisis would weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and posed considerable downside risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.")
Discussion of Fed's April meeting minutes
Last Tuesday, Donald represented that infection rates were coming down, everything was going back to normal, and the economy would soar in the 3rd and 4th quarters and in 2021:
Trump: "We’re going to have a really good third quarter. It’s already happening. You see it; you see what’s going on. We’re opening up. The states are opening up. Numbers are going down as they open. Look at Georgia. Look at Florida. Look at others. We have states that are opening up, and the numbers are going down.
But it’s a transition to greatness. It’s the third quarter, and then it’s going into the fourth quarter. I think the fourth quarter is going to be really good. But I think that, above all, next year you’re going to have a tremendous year." end of Trump quote. Remarks by President Trump After Senate GOP Policy Lunch | U.S. Capitol | The White House
US housing starts April 2020 (down 30.2% to a 5 year low)
Markets and Market Commentary:US housing starts April 2020 (down 30.2% to a 5 year low)
![]() |
Highest CD Rates-Fidelity |
This is an interesting article that contains some kernels of my frequently postulated long term prediction. cited in Of Two Minds - Our Fate Is Sealed, Vaccines Won't Matter: Four Long Cycles Align, cited and discussed in ‘Call it fate, call it karma’-Why the coronavirus is merely ‘the final kick into the abyss’ for the U.S. economy-MarketWatch
I would not claim that the Day of Reckoning is close or that investment decisions can not now be predicated on its occurrence. We will need to be closer in time for the Stock Jocks and other investors to react to the inevitability.
A ‘much more severe’ selloff looms in the stock market, strategist warns - MarketWatch
The ‘Great Repression’ is here and it will make past downturns look tame, economist says-MarketWatch The economist is David Rosenberg, who have mocked in the past, but he has a reasonable forecast now IMO for the near future.
Walmart (WMT) earnings Q1 2021 soar during coronavirus crisis
Britain sells its first bonds at a negative interest rate-MarketWatch Several European nations have been selling bonds at negative interest rates. Britain has now joined that list.
Germans paid to borrow as negative rates reach consumers- Reuters Does this sound rational to anyone?
Trump (2/24/20): “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA." Trump's Statements About the Coronavirus -
![]() |
As of 5/22/20 |
TRUMP: "When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn't do any testing we would have very few cases." Trump on coronavirus testing: “When you test, you have a case” - Vox
By changing the punctuations and the formatting, I have recognized that the preceding statement, made by the self-proclaimed Extremely Stable Genius, is not the usual idiotic gibberish but a poem.
"The Test" by Doofus Don, an Extremely Stable Genius in TrumpWorld
When you
you have a case
When you
you find
is wrong
with people
If we didn’t
do any
we would have
very few cases.
Without a doubt, Donald is a genius in TrumpWorld, one of that world's leading intellectuals and savants.
And, in the Alternate Reality known as TrumpWorld, the way to bring the Covid-19 infection rate down to almost zero is to refrain from any testing.
Trump deems houses of worship 'essential' amid coronavirus pandemic and threatens to override governors
Trump slams governors, demands they open houses of worship 'right now'
Trump: "The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, this weekend. If they don't do it, I will override the governors." (emphasis added)
Donald does believe that his presidential power has no limits and has made that claim on many occasions. All the times Trump said the constitution let's him do whatever he wants - YouTube
Donald has no legitimate power to overrule governors who have closed mass gatherings.
A court with jurisdiction could enjoin enforcement of an order prohibiting large religious gatherings as an infringement of religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution's First Amendment. Dictator Don does not have the authority.
That kind of court decision requires balancing the police power of the state to protect its citizens from a pandemic with the exercise of religious freedoms. Federal Judge Blocks Kansas Limits on Religious Gatherings | Kansas News | US News; Court upholds California ban on church services in coronavirus pandemic - Los Angeles Times; Coronavirus and religious liberty: Pastors sue for right to hold services - Vox; Opposing Church Closures Becomes New Religious Freedom Cause-NPR So far the lower court decisions are not consistent with one another.
Houses of worship, which Trump says are essential, are coronavirus hotspots - Business Insider The entire epidemic in South Korea started with a church congregation.
Any large gathering risks widespread infections, hospitalizations and deaths, which is irrelevant to Demagogue Don, who is simply pandering to his evangelical base that overwhelmingly voted for him in 2016 and will do so again in 2020. If people die, that is just too bad since the only thing that matters is Trump winning reelection.
Some churches will reopen with social distancing and mandatory mask wearing. Others will ignore one or both of those precautions and they will become hot spots for their members and communities.
The government whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright who says the Trump administration's coronavirus response has cost lives - 60 Minutes - CBS News Donald responded that it was Dr. Bright who caused great harm and injustice. Trump says coronavirus whistleblower Rick Bright is ‘causing great injustice and harm’ - The Washington Post
Just about everything is turned upside down in Trump's America.
Trump has sidelined the CDC. Growing friction between White House, CDC hobbles pandemic response (Trump awarded a $10.2M contract to a private company called TeleTracking, to provide the same data that is collected by the CDC. Maybe that company will provide Donald with far fewer infections and deaths due to the pandemic); White House tensions with CDC spill into public view as top Trump adviser criticizes agency response
'We've been muzzled': CDC sources say White House putting politics ahead of science
Nebraska refuses to disclose coronavirus rates at meatpacking plants - The Washington Post
Angry confrontations between 'reopen' protesters, News 12's Kevin Vesey (there is a remarkable nationwide consistency on how Trumpsters respond to reporters covering them)
US medical mask maker blasts government for failing to prepare for pandemic: 'I've been ignored for so long'
Pentagon fires its point person for Defense Production Act Donald recently installed a Trumpster, Michael Cutrone, to vet DOD officials subservience to Donald. Trump Taps Point Man to Remove Pentagon Officials Seen as Disloyal; Trump sending ally to Pentagon to vet officials' loyalty: report
Trump goes without mask on trip to Pennsylvania PPE factory Trump also stated several times that Covid-19 tests are overrated. Teflon Don has made it clear to anyone listening with functioning brain cells that the rising number of infections is bad for him.
Trump Spreads Distorted Claim on Wuhan Lab Funding -
Where the U.S. Ranks in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita - (U.S. has one of the highest death rates per capita. Trump made the following false claim: “Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people.”)
Federal government to begin gathering data on covid-19 deaths in nursing homes - The Washington Post (5/7/20 article)
Eric Trump on 'Judge Jeanine' show claims coronavirus is Democratic hoax, will ‘magically’ vanish after 2020 election - The Washington Post
Inspector General’s Firing Puts Pompeo’s Use of Taxpayer Funds Under Scrutiny
It is unusual for Barr to push back on one of Trump's outlandish requests. William Barr just punched a hole in Trump’s baseless ‘Obamagate’ trial balloon
Trump calls Romney a ‘LOSER’ following sharp criticism for firing inspectors general
Trump threatens to permanently cut WHO funding, leave body if changes aren’t made within 30 days; see Demagogue Don' tweet and his letter to the WHO contained therein. The Lancet rebuts Trump's claims in WHO letter
"Women, you have to treat 'em like shit": a new ad turns Trump's quotes against him - Vox
Trump to CBS's Paula Reid: "Just A Rude Person You Are. Enough Of You" | Video | RealClearPolitics In TrumpWorld, women have to know their place.
Judge allows fraud suit against Trump, family and company to proceed; Lawsuit claims Trump, kids made millions off scams
Doctor Don's Miracle Cure:
Last week, Doctor Don disclosed that he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure. Despite FDA Caution, Trump Says He Is Taking Hydroxychloroquine As A Preventive
Many will follow Doctor Don's recommendation to take this malaria drug even though they are not infected with COVID-19 and the drug has well known and potentially serious side effects. Some will die, but Doctor Don will not be responsible. Donald takes no responsibility for the consequences of his actions.
Donald repeated last Monday his claim that there was nothing to lose by taking this drug. Trump: “You know the expression I’ve used … ? What do you have to lose. Okay? What do you have to lose?” Trump’s stunning claim that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine could trigger a cascade of negative effects - The Washington Post
After Doctor Don reiterated his recommendation, based on his deeply researched medical opinion that people had nothing to lose by taking the "miracle cure", another study was released that reached a different conclusion. Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says
For patients given this drug, there was a 37% increase risk of death and a 137 percent increased risk of a serious heart arrhythmias. The study was based on a review of 96,000 Covid-19 patient hospital records. The study was "unable to confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, when used alone or with a macrolide, on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19."
This is a link to the study released yesterday: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis - The Lancet
I suspect that Doctor Don acquired all of his knowledge about hydroxychloroquine from the Fox "News" personality Laura Ingraham and Elon Musk.
Laura is a somewhat less obnoxious Ann Coulter clone, though equally non-brilliant, who has an hour long, evening program on Fox "News".
Lately, she has been touting the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, making the usual uninformed and misleading claims. Hydroxychloroquine truther Laura
Drug promoted by Trump as coronavirus ‘game changer’ increasingly linked to deaths
She dismisses, of course, all of the studies that establish no benefit and the potential for harm, as does Doctor Don, M.D. & PhD in B.S..
Instead Doctor Laura, M.D & PhD in B.S., relies on a small study conducted by the French Dr. Didiet Raoult, which has been dismissed and roundly criticized by experts in the field.
Her summaries of this study are typical for a Fox "News" personality, leaving out details that would undermine her claim.
One scientist sarcastically referred to the study, which had only 26 patients, as follows: “My results always look amazing if I leave out the patients who died.”
Her summaries of this study are typical for a Fox "News" personality, leaving out details that would undermine her claim.
One scientist sarcastically referred to the study, which had only 26 patients, as follows: “My results always look amazing if I leave out the patients who died.”
In Raoult's "study", 6 of the patients were "lost in follow up" and were not included in his findings. One had stopped taking the drug due to adverse side effects. Three patients had to be transferred to intensive care.
The following linked article details other serious problems with the study that Ms. Ingraham had to know about when touting it on her Fake News program He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19. - The New York Times ("Beyond its apparent errors and omissions, the study’s design — its small size, its flawed control, the unrandomized assignment of patients to the treatment and control groups — was widely viewed to render its results meaningless.")
More important than the numerous flaws in Raoult's small study which would by themselves render it unreliable, Ingraham had to know that another French Doctor, Jean-Michel Molina, who directs the infectious-disease departments at two public hospitals in Paris, was unable to duplicate Raoult's claimed results:
"Within five days, one had died, and two others had been transferred out of his service to intensive care. In another patient, the treatment was suspended after the onset of cardiac issues, a known side effect of the drugs. Eight of the 10 surviving patients still tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at the conclusion of the study period." (emphasis added) Molina observed no antiviral activity in his patients who received Donald's miracle drug hydroxychloroquine.
Why Did Fox News's Laura Ingraham Relentlessly Push Hydroxychloroquine? | GQ
Trump Says Fox News Isn't the Same and He's 'Looking for a New Outlet' after Host Warns Against His Medical Advice Merely mentioning a fact or facts is viewed in TrumpWorld as being anti-Trump. Why? Facts and truth are Trump's enemies.
What to Know About the Malaria Drug Trump Says He Is Using
‘This is insane!’ Many scientists lament Trump’s embrace of risky malaria drugs for coronavirus | Science | AAAS
Why Trump is at odds with his medical experts over Covid-19 drugs - STAT
Thoughts on the Gautret et al. paper about Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin treatment of COVID-19 infections – Science Integrity Digest (discusses problems with the Raoult "study")
Hydroxychloroquine-FDA appears to soften stance on drug after Trump says he takes it So is the FDA making a political decision on matters impacting public health or one grounded in science. The FDA basically jettisoned the following warning after Donald said he was taking the drug: FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems | FDA
Trump continued making false and factually unsupported statements about this drug last Tuesday. He claimed, for example, there was only 1 study that questioned his medical opinion and that was done by an "enemy" who gave the drug to patients near death. Trump dismisses hydroxychloroquine study as “enemy statement” The "enemy" statement was prepared by the following University of Virginia and VA Doctors:
Outcomes of hydroxychloroquine usage in United States veterans hospitalized with Covid-19
There was another U.S. study finding no benefits: Hydroxychloroquine Fails to Help Coronavirus Patients: Study-Time;
Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 | NEJM Other studies show no benefit. Hydroxychloroquine: No Help, Clear Harm in COVID-19 RCT and Cohort Studies | (“Based on best available evidence, there are known harms and no available evidence of benefits.”)
Trump's hydroxychloroquine obsession makes no scientific sense - The Washington Post
COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Brings Prolonged QT Arrhythmia Issues | DAIC Doctor Don, M.D. and PhD in B.S., disagrees with the cardiologists, claiming that there is nothing to lose by taking hydroxychloroquine.
And, Donald trumpeted the study from France, apparently referring to Raoult's "study" without mentioning of course the problems or the other study from France, both discussed above.
Maybe Donald will want to swallow his hydro pill by swigging some camel urine. Iranian Islamic medicine ‘specialist’ claims camel urine cures coronavirus infections | Arab News
The bottom line is that there is no reliable scientific proof that Donald's miracle cure works. There is proof that some people will suffer serious side effects from taking hydroxychloroquine.
Two large scale, scientifically designed studies are under way to test efficacy and safety. There is also an ongoing study that has enrolled first responders to assess whether the drug has preventive qualities.
Personally, I am going to stick with my chocolate brownies as a preventive measure. It has not been conclusively proven through a scientifically designed trial that brownies are not a cure for Covid-19. And, I eat them and do not have an infection. Case proved in TrumpWorld.
++++++ Trump Says Fox News Isn't the Same and He's 'Looking for a New Outlet' after Host Warns Against His Medical Advice Merely mentioning a fact or facts is viewed in TrumpWorld as being anti-Trump. Why? Facts and truth are Trump's enemies.
What to Know About the Malaria Drug Trump Says He Is Using
‘This is insane!’ Many scientists lament Trump’s embrace of risky malaria drugs for coronavirus | Science | AAAS
Why Trump is at odds with his medical experts over Covid-19 drugs - STAT
Thoughts on the Gautret et al. paper about Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin treatment of COVID-19 infections – Science Integrity Digest (discusses problems with the Raoult "study")
Hydroxychloroquine-FDA appears to soften stance on drug after Trump says he takes it So is the FDA making a political decision on matters impacting public health or one grounded in science. The FDA basically jettisoned the following warning after Donald said he was taking the drug: FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems | FDA
Trump continued making false and factually unsupported statements about this drug last Tuesday. He claimed, for example, there was only 1 study that questioned his medical opinion and that was done by an "enemy" who gave the drug to patients near death. Trump dismisses hydroxychloroquine study as “enemy statement” The "enemy" statement was prepared by the following University of Virginia and VA Doctors:
Outcomes of hydroxychloroquine usage in United States veterans hospitalized with Covid-19
There was another U.S. study finding no benefits: Hydroxychloroquine Fails to Help Coronavirus Patients: Study-Time;
Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 | NEJM Other studies show no benefit. Hydroxychloroquine: No Help, Clear Harm in COVID-19 RCT and Cohort Studies | (“Based on best available evidence, there are known harms and no available evidence of benefits.”)
Trump's hydroxychloroquine obsession makes no scientific sense - The Washington Post
COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Brings Prolonged QT Arrhythmia Issues | DAIC Doctor Don, M.D. and PhD in B.S., disagrees with the cardiologists, claiming that there is nothing to lose by taking hydroxychloroquine.
And, Donald trumpeted the study from France, apparently referring to Raoult's "study" without mentioning of course the problems or the other study from France, both discussed above.
Maybe Donald will want to swallow his hydro pill by swigging some camel urine. Iranian Islamic medicine ‘specialist’ claims camel urine cures coronavirus infections | Arab News
The bottom line is that there is no reliable scientific proof that Donald's miracle cure works. There is proof that some people will suffer serious side effects from taking hydroxychloroquine.
Two large scale, scientifically designed studies are under way to test efficacy and safety. There is also an ongoing study that has enrolled first responders to assess whether the drug has preventive qualities.
Personally, I am going to stick with my chocolate brownies as a preventive measure. It has not been conclusively proven through a scientifically designed trial that brownies are not a cure for Covid-19. And, I eat them and do not have an infection. Case proved in TrumpWorld.
Covid-19 Updates:
Lockdown Delays Cost at Least 36,000 Lives, Data Show
Nearly 600 workers from North Carolina Tyson chicken processing plant test positive for COVID-19 - CBS News (5/21 article;
Coronavirus hot spots erupt across the country; experts warn of second wave in South
Coronavirus spread by talking can remain in air, researchers find (for up to 14 minutes)
Coronavirus: Wearing a mask can reduce transmission by 75%, new study claims
China’s New Outbreak Shows Signs the Virus Could Be Changing Viruses will mutate and may "learn" how to become more deadly.
Trump administration paying huge premium for mask-cleaning machines. Which don't do the job.
Churchgoer potentially exposed 180 others to COVID-19
CDC tracks cluster of coronavirus cases in rural Arkansas to church, raising alarm on religious gatherings
Study: COVID-19 now spreading fastest in small, rural counties
Texas reports single highest daily rate increase of infections (5/17/20 article)
Florida knew a COVID-19 pandemic was likely; state leaders didn't warn the public
Coronavirus testing is 'a mess' in the US, report says
Two-thirds of health care workers were still reporting PPE shortages in early May: Poll - The Washington Post
Pompous Pompeo:
Pompous Pompeo has the same problem as Donald.
Both have trouble keeping their stories straight. Mike Pompeo offers another defense in his IG controversy — then immediately undercuts it
Pompeo first claimed that the firing of the State Department IG could not have been in retaliation of an ongoing investigation of him since he did not know of any investigation.
Pompous Pompeo then admitted he was aware of the investigation into at least one of his many potentially unlawful activities. Pompeo Declined Interview Request From Inspector General About Saudi Arms Sales - The New York Times
New revelations of potentially unethical or unlawful conduct are starting to come to light. Pompeo's elite taxpayer-funded dinners raise new concerns
Pompeo Quietly Visits Conservative Donors and Political Figures on State Dept. Trips
Donald is going to start cleaning up the D.C. swamp soon.
Trump has now fired 5 Inspector Generals since 4/3/20: Here are the 4 inspectors general ousted by the Trump administration - ABC News This list does not include the recently fired IG for the Department of Transportation who was investigating Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao who is the Secretary for Transportation. Trump Just Removed the IG Investigating Elaine Chao. Chao’s Husband, Mitch McConnell, Already Vetted the Replacement; US lawmakers slam Trump’s firing of watchdog investigating Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao | South China Morning Post
Trump's authoritarian streak is in full bloom.
Between 2000 and 2020, only one IG has been fired by a President. Obama fired the IG for the Corporation for National Community Service. Trump Twists Record on Inspectors General -, citing Removal of Inspectors General: Rules, Practice, and Considerations for Congress, a report prepared by the Congressional Research Service.
Do not expect republican politicians to check him, no matter what he does.
With the exception of Mitt Romney, no republican politician will challenge or even criticize Donald most egregious and outrageous comments and acts. They are completely subservient to him.
Disgusting Don's Daily Outrages:
Throughly Despicable Don makes deplorable and vicious comments almost on a daily basis.
Donald repeated-again-his baseless claim that Joe Scarborough murdered his intern last Wednesday. Mika Brzezinski Blasts Trump for Again Accusing Husband Joe Scarborough of Murder, Calls Him a ‘Sick Person!’
This is the latest unfounded murder accusation tweeted by the President of the United States on 5/20/20:
![]() |
5/20/20 Tweet |
Trump’s vicious claim that Joe Scarborough might have murdered an aide - The Washington Post Donald is a practicing Christian in TrumpWorld.
Trump has repeated this knowingly false and fact free accusation many times in the past. Donald Trump, Joe Scarborough and the 'unsolved mystery' that isn't - The Washington Post; Trump promotes conspiracy theory accusing MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough of murder - POLITICO; Trump baselessly claims Joe Scarborough was involved in a Florida murder - Vox
Why is Donald doing this?
First, he is an overwhelmingly repulsive human, so these kind of comments are natural for him, as normal as breathing.
Second, Donald is also a well known trafficker in baseless conspiracy theories, starting with the birther conspiracy that gave him prominence among republicans who are naturally inclined to believe them.
Third, making factually supported statements that contradict Donald's stories and reality creations, which are broadcast to a wide audience, will send Donald into a rage and a vicious response. He will not tolerate being challenged with the truth.
Donald has zero positive personality attributes. No one in American public life comes close to his level of repulsive personality characteristics.
And, he will receive over 60 million votes next November to serve another 4 years
Most republicans view him to be a role model for their children.
72 percent of Republicans think Trump is 'a good role model for children'
I have thought about preparing a course curriculum for those republican children, covering such matters as Trump University, the Trump Foundation, a sample of about a thousand tweets and other statements disparaging others, and starting off each class with mandatory daily viewing of the Access Hollywood tape. Full tape with lewd Donald Trump remarks (Access Hollywood) - YouTube
Trump's preferred construction firm lands $1.3 billion border wall contract, the biggest so far - The Washington Post
Alaska Rep. Ben Carpenter (R) says Hitler not a white supremacist after comparing coronavirus measures to Nazi rule - The Washington Post
As Tara Reade’s Expert Witness Credentials Are Questioned, So Are Verdicts - The New York Times;
Tara Reade: A complicated life and conflicting accounts muddle efforts to understand allegation against Joe Biden; Lawyer drops Biden accuser Tara Reade as resumé questions lead to review of past expert testimony (Reade claimed to have graduated from Antioch University in Seattle and to have been a visiting professor at that school. An Antioch University spokesman stated that she attended the university but did not graduate and was never a professor. Instead, she provided several hours of "administrative work". If she did not graduate from college, I am wondering how she was able to gain admission to a law school.)
Trump calls Dana Nessel the ‘Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan’ — here’s how she is responding - MarketWatch Donald will not tolerate criticism and will react more negatively when the criticism comes from a woman. There is a term that describes this behavior by the way: 12 Ways to Spot a Misogynist | Psychology Today;
61 things Donald Trump has said about women (just as of 10/16/18)
‘Horseface,’ ‘Lowlife,’ ‘Fat, Ugly’: How the President Demeans Women - The New York Times; Donald Trump Has Always Degraded Women | Time
The GOP is not a conservative party.
All trades are commission free except as otherwise noted.
1. Small Ball:
A. Restarted SCHK-Bought 5 at $21.77:
Quote: SCHK | Schwab 1000 Index ETF Overview
Sponsor's Website: Schwab 1000 Index® ETF | Schwab Funds
Closing Price 5/22/20: SCHK $28.97 +$0.10 +0.35%
Last Discussed: Item # 3.F. Eliminated SCHK-Sold 10 at $30.56 (12/7/2019 Post)
Expense Ratio: .05%
Top 10 Holdings as of 5/15/20:
B. Restarted WTBA-Bought 10 at $15.8; 5 AT $14.95 :
Quote: West Bancorp Inc. (WTBA)
Closing Price 5/22/20: WTBA $16.66 -$0.03 -0.18%
WTBA is a bank holding company that owns West Bank that has "eight offices in the Des Moines, Iowa metropolitan area, one office in Coralville, Iowa, and four offices in Minnesota in the cities of Rochester, Owatonna, Mankato and St. Cloud."
WTBA SEC Filings
Investment Category: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
Last Elimination: Item # 3.A. Sold 100 WTBA at $23.12-Used Commission Free Trade (4/29/17 Post)(profit snapshot = $1,146.24)-Bought 100 WTBA at $11.67 (6/29/13 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.21 per share
Last Ex Dividend: 5/5/20 (shares owned as of)
Current Position: 15 shares
Average Cost: $15.52
Dividend Yield at Average Cost: 5.15%
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20): West Bancorporation, Inc. Announces Net Income for the First Quarter of 2020, Declares Quarterly Dividend
"first quarter 2020 net income was $8.1 million, or $0.49 per diluted common share, compared to first quarter 2019 net income of $6.9 million, or $0.42 per diluted common share."
As noted in the press release, WTBA normally raises its dividend effective for the second quarter. The Board decided to refrain from doing so due to the uncertainties created by the pandemic.
For the first quarter, this numbers are good compared to other small regional banks.
5 Year Financial Data:
C. Added to SCM - Bought 5 at $6.79:
Quote: Stellus Capital Investment Corp (SCM)
Closing Price 5/22: SCM $7.45 +$0.25 +3.47%
Last Discussed: Item # 2.B. (5/9/2020 Post) I have nothing to add to that recent discussion.
D. Started CLOU-Bought 10 at $16.25:
Quote: Global X Cloud Computing ETF Overview
Closing Price 5/22: CLOU $19.35 +$0.32 +1.68%
This fund invests in "companies positioned to benefit from the increased adoption of cloud computing technology, including companies whose principal business is in offering computing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), managed server storage space and data center real estate investment trusts, and/or cloud and edge computing infrastructure and hardware." (emphasis added)
Some major cloud computing companies have significant business operations that do not fall into category, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle. Those stocks are not owned by CLOU or another one called the WisdomTree Cloud Computing ETF (WCLD)
I have owned in the past one cloud computing ETF that includes those companies. First Trust Cloud Computing ETF (SKYY)
WCLD and CLOU spiraled down in price during the March decline.
This 10 share position is what I call a placeholder.
In the event of another major decline, I will include it a "wave small ball buying program".
Chart CLOU:
Sponsor's Website: Cloud Computing ETF
Expense Ratio: .68%
Top 10 Holdings as of 5/15/20:
E. Added to GNL-Bought 1 at $13.19; 1 at $12.61:
Closing Price 5/22: GNL $13.92 +$0.06 +0.43%
Investment Strategy: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy
Management: External
Website: Global Net Lease
SEC Filings
SEC Form 10-Q for the Q/E 3/31/20
Property Type Diversification | GNL
2019 Annual Report (risk factor summary starts at page 9 and ends at page 31)("As of December 31, 2019, we owned 278 properties consisting of 31.6 million rentable square feet, which were 99.6% leased with a weighted-average remaining lease term of 8.3 years. Based on the percentage of annualized rental income on a straight-line basis as of December 31, 2019, 63.2% of our properties are located in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada and 37% are located in Europe.") The properties are subject to net leases.
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20): Global Net Lease Reports First Quarter 2020 Results
"Portfolio is allocated 48% office, 47% industrial/distribution and 5% retail at the end of the quarter compared to 53% office, 39% industrial/distribution and 8% retail based on annualized straight-line rent as of March 31, 2019.
Collected 98% of April cash rents as of April 30, 2020
Portfolio 99.6% leased with an 9.0 year weighted average remaining lease term, up from 8.1 years in prior year quarter"
SEC Filed First Quarter Investor Presentation:
Other Recent News: Global Net Lease Completes European Refinancing With €70 Million French Loan; Signs Term Sheet For $88 Million Whirlpool Portfolio Financing (5/18/20)
Last Sell Discussions: Item # 1.E. Sold 10 GNL at $21.51 (2/19/20 Post); Item # 2.B. Pared GNL-Sold Highest Cost 50 Shares at $20.05 (12/11/19 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.40 per share or $1.6 per share, cut from an annual rate of $2.13 per share. Global Net Lease Announces Dividend Change The reason given was "limited visibility on the long-term impact of the COVID-19 virus."
The dividend needed to be cut before the pandemic since it was not being covered by cash flow, as I have noted in the past and point out once again when discussing the last earnings report below. The COVID-19 pandemic gave the company the cover to do what needed to be done. I do not view it as a negative but a correction of a clearly excessive penny rate.
Last Ex Dividend Date: 4/9/2020
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20):
Current Position: 118+ shares
Average Cost Per Share: $16.15
Dividend Yield at Cost = 9.91%
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
Purchase Restriction: Each subsequent purchase, except for dividend reinvestments, must reduce my average cost per share.
F. Added 1 RDSB at $34.08; 1 at $28.9; 1 at $27.61; 1 at $24.88 and 1 at $24.18:
Quote: RDS.B | Royal Dutch Shell PLC ADR B Overview
Closing Price 5/22: RDS-B $30.34 -$0.14 -0.46%
Those adds were in my Schwab Account and were made prior to Royal Dutch slashing its dividend. First quarter 2020 interim dividend | Shell Global The new penny rate is $.32 per share, down from $.94. RDS.A | Royal Dutch Shell Plc-Dividend Channel This is Shell's first dividend cut since WWII. Shell cuts dividend for first time since WWII-Seeking Alpha
Shell slashes dividend as earnings sink - MarketWatch
In January 2020, Shell's CEO made the following statement: "I think lowering the dividend is not a good lever to pull if you want to be a world-class investment case, so we’re not going to do that. And it's also not needed, to be perfectly honest."
Dividend: $.32 per share
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
After the dividend slash, I decided to eliminate my smaller positions in my Vanguard and Fidelity accounts.
Last Earnings Report (3/31/20):
CCS = Current Cost of Supplies
Recent News Article: Shell to significantly reduce costs to ensure capital position amid coronavirus - MarketWatch
I eliminated my RDSB positions in my Fidelity and Vanguard taxable accounts after the company announced its dividend slash.
G. Eliminated RDSB in Fidelity and Vanguard Taxable Accounts: Sold 5 RDSB at $32.09 (Fidelity) and 9 at $32 (Vanguard)
Profit Snapshots: +$54.1
H. Small Ball Pare-Sold 10 THQ at $17.55 (4/15) and 10 at $17.9 (4/16) -highest cost lots:
Quote: Tekla Healthcare Opportunities Fund Overview-a leveraged CEF
Closing Price 5/22: THQ $17.96 +$0.11 +0.62%
Sponsor's website: Fund Basics
Profit Snapshot: +$23.34
Item # 1.I Restarted THQ-Bought 10 at $16.7 and 5 at $16,58 (3/7/20 Post); Item # 3.E. Added 5 THQ at $16.25, 5 at $14.3; 5 at $14.07 and 5 at $11.9 (3/28/20 Post) I sold the 10 shares bought at $16.7; the 5 shares bought at $16.58 and the 5 shares bought at $16.25.
New Average Cost Per Share = $13.44
Data Date of 4/15/20 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $19.19
Closing Market Price: $17.6
Discount: -8.29%
Data Date of 4/16/20 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $19.55
Closing Market Price: $18.02
Discount: -7.83%
Sourced: THQ-CEF Connect
Distributions: Monthly at $.1125 (ROC Supported)
Yield at $13.44 = 10.04%
Last Ex Dividend: 5/19/20
I. Bought 10 MNR at $11.4:
Quote: Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. Cl A (MNR)
MNR is classified as an industrial REIT. As of 3/31/20, it owned
Closing Price 5/22: MNR $12.36 +$0.02 +0.16%
Investment Category: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy
Dividend: Quarterly at $.17 per share ($.68 annually)
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20 (owned lot as of)
Dividend yield at $11.4 = 6%
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 3/31/20) SEC Filling (list of properties starts at page 17)
Note the higher share count. MNR has an ongoing ATM program for both its common and preferred stocks.
I own 80 shares of the preferred stock and last discussed purchase here: Item # 4.B. Added 10 MNRPRC at $20.46; 10 at $15.31; 10 at $18 (5/9/20 Post)
Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. 6.125% Cumulative Preferred Series C Stock (closed at $24.61 last Friday, ex dividend on 5/14/20)
The last public offering was made in October 2018, consisting of 8M shares plus the greenshoe priced to the public at $15 per share. Prospectus
Securities Portfolio: This REIT owns other REIT marketable securities, which has turned into a major negative for MNR shareholders IMO. As of 3/31/20, the portfolio was valued at $99M with an unrealized loss at that time of $136.1M. MNR received dividend income paid by those securities of 3.6M during the quarter. One of the larger holdings is UMH Properties Inc. (UMH) As of 3/31/20, MNR owned 1.3M UMH shares and 1M shares of UMH's 8% cumulative preferred stock. UMH Properties Inc. 8% Cumulative Series B Preferred Stock Overview I have not been able to find a reference listing other owned REIT equity securities.
Major Exposure to FedEx: MNR has major exposure to FedEx and its subsidiaries "consisting of 60 separate stand-alone leases covering 10.4 million square feet as of March 31, 2020. FedEx accounts for about 45% of MNR's total leased space.
J. Bought and Sold 100 MNR in a Dividend Harvest:
I did a dividend clip with a 100 share MRR lot bought in another account, buying on 5/12 and selling on 5/21.
![]() |
100 MNR shares +9.97 (+$17 dividend clip) |
Quote: People's United Financial Inc (PBCT)
Closing Price 5/22: PBCT $10.86 -$0.31 -2.78%
Investment Category: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
PBCT Consensus Analyst E.P.S. Estimates
PBCT SEC Filings
PBCT 2019 Annual Report
Last Buy Discussion: Item # 2.C. Added to PBCT - Bought 5 at $12; 5 at $10.72; 5 at $9.72 ($/25/20 Post)
I discussed the last earnings report in that post. SEC Filed Press Release
Last Round Trips: Item # 3.A. Eliminated PBCT-Sold 101+ at $17.57 (5/22/19 Post)-Item # 3.A. Bought 100 PBCT at $15.65(11/28/18 Post); Item # 4 Sold 100 PBCT at $14.61 (9/21/13 Post)-Item # 1 Bought 100 PBCT at $11.47 (6/14/12 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.1775 per share ($.71 annually)
Stock Information | Dividend History | People's United Bank
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes
Last Ex Dividend: 4/30/20
Current Position: 81+ shares
Average Cost Per Share: $13.26
Dividend Yield at Average Cost: 5.35%
Purchase Restriction: Each purchase must reduce my average cost per share.
On 5/5/20, UBS cut its price target to $9 from $9.5. I do not have access to that report. The PT is reasonable provided the recession continues throughout this year or the recovery is slow, taking more than a year after the recessions ends to recover to pre-pandemic GDP growth.
A recent SA article discussing PBCT is not yet behind SA's paywall. People's United Financial: Provision Expense Likely To Be Heightened For Another Quarter-Seeking Alpha
PBCT is a dividend aristocrat. Dividend Aristocrats In Focus Part 14: People's United Financial Sure Dividend It is a component of the NOBL ETF: ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF
L. Eliminated CHN-Sold 10 at $20.63:
Quote: China Fund Inc. (CHN)
Closing Price 5/22: CHN $19.84 -$0.79 -3.83%
Profit Snapshot: $15.31
Item # 4. C. Restarted CHN-Bought 10 at $19.1(4/11/20 Post)
Sponsor's Website: The China Fund Inc.
I thought that Hong Kong and mainland China listed stocks would decline based on this announcement: China's proposed national security law could end Hong Kong as we know it - CNN
I will reconsider starting a position after the dust settles.
I had started a position in CHIQ, see below, which was sold for the same reason.
M. Eliminated CHIQ-Sold 5 at $18.03:
Quote: CHIQ | Global X MSCI China Consumer Discretionary ETF
Closing Price 5/22: CHIQ 17.65 -$0.43 -2.38%
Profit Snapshot: $8.65
Last Round-Trip Discussion: Item # 4 Sold 10 CHIQ at $18.18 (11/16/19 Post)-Item # 5 Bought 10 CHIQ at $14.87 (6/15/19 Post); Item # 2.D. Eliminated CHIQ-Sold 71+ shares at $16.04 (3/13/19)(profit snapshot = $94.59)
Sponsor's website: MSCI China Consumer Discretionary ETF
2. Canadian Reset Equity Preferred Stocks:
A. Added to PWFPRT- Bought 50 at C$11.1 (C$1 Commission):
Quote: PWF-PT.TO
Closing Price 5/22: PWF-PT.TO C$13.94 -C$0.17 -1.20%
This brings me up to 100 shares.
Last Discussed: Item # 1.A. Bought 50 PWFPRT at C$16.94 (11/20/19 Post)
Par Value: C$25
Classification: Reset Equity Preferred
Dividends: Non-Cumulative and Quarterly
Last Coupon Reset: January 2019
Resets: Every 5 years
Coupon: 2.37% spread to the 5 year Canadian bond
Last Reset Coupon = 4.215%
Effective through but not Including 1/31/2024
Optional Redemption: Issuer's Option on reset dates at par + accrued dividends
Current Yield at C$11.1 = 9.49%
Power Financial has been acquired by Power Corporation. Power Corporation and Power Financial Announce Completion of Reorganization and the Determination of the Final Offer Price for the Pre-Emptive Right
Last Ex Dividend Date: 4/8/20
B. Added 50 FTSPRM at C$12.4 (C$1 Commission):
Quote: FTS-PM.TO
Closing Price 5/22: FTS-PM.TO C$14.80 -C$0.23 -1.53%
Issuer: USD priced Fortis Inc (FTS)
Website: Home
The issuer is an electric and gas utility based in Canada that also has utility operations in the U.S. The U.S. operations consist of UNS Energy and Central Hudson.
The company also owns the ITC U.S. transmission network.
Par Value: C$25
Dividends: Quarterly and Cumulative
Coupon: Resets Every 5 years at a 2.48% spread to the five year Canadian government bond
Last Reset: Effective starting on 12/1/19 to and excluding 12/1/2024
Fortis has an option to redeem at par value on the reset dates.
Fortis has an option to redeem at par value on the reset dates.
New Penny rate per share: C$.2445625 (C$.97825 annually)
Current Position: 150 shares
Average Cost Per Share: $C15.41
Current Yield at C$15.41 = 6.35%
Prior Purchases (still owned): Item # 3.A. Bought 50 FTSPRM at C$16.28 (3/14/20 Post); Item # 2. A. Bought 50 FTSPRM at C$17.55(11/23/19 Post)
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20 (received on 150 shares)
Current Position: 150 shares
Average Cost Per Share: $C15.41
Current Yield at C$15.41 = 6.35%
Prior Purchases (still owned): Item # 3.A. Bought 50 FTSPRM at C$16.28 (3/14/20 Post); Item # 2. A. Bought 50 FTSPRM at C$17.55(11/23/19 Post)
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20 (received on 150 shares)
C. Added 10 EBGEF at $13.1:
Quote: EBGEF
Closing Price 5/22: EBGEF US$14.45 +$0.15 +1.06%
Security: Cumulative, reset equity preferred stock issued by Enbridge Inc priced in U.S.D.s and traded on the U.S. Grey Market.
Link to all ENB Preferred Shares and Hybrid Securities - Enbridge Inc. (prospectuses are linked)
I am in a deep percentage loss hole on this one.
Last Discussed: Item # 1.A. Bought 100 EBGEF at $20.1 (5/26/19 Post)
Par Value: US$25
Coupon: 2.82% spread to the 5 year U.S. treasury note, resets every five years As with other Canadian resets, a fixed coupon was initially paid.
The quarterly fixed coupon penny rate was $.275 (.044 x. $25 par value = $1.1 annually 4 quarters = $.275)
When the coupon reset for five years effective for the 2019 second quarter, the new quarterly penny rate was $.33596 or a 22.17% increase
Current Coupon: Quarterly at $.33596 per share (or $1.34 rounded annually) The coupon is about 5.36% at that penny rate. The U.S. five year note would have been close to 2.56% on the reset date. 2019 Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates The weakness in the price is mostly attributable IMO to a belief that the coupon will reset in March 2024 at much lower rate.
Next Reset: 3/1/24
Last Ex Dividend: 5/14/20
Current Yield at $13.1 = 10.23%
3. Intermediate Term Bond Basket Strategy:
A. Bought 2 AON 3.5% SU Bonds Maturing on 6/14/24:
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Issuer: Aon PLC
Website: Risk - Reinsurance - Retirement - Health - Data & Analytics | Aon
Aon Reports First Quarter 2020 Results ("Net income from continuing operations attributable to Aon shareholders was $773 million, or $3.29 per share, compared to $659 million, or $2.70 per share, in the prior year period.")
Bought at a Total Cost of 95.563 (includes $1 per bond commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 4.671%
Credit Ratings:
FITCH is at BBB+ with a negative outlook as of 4/1/20. Aon plc Credit Ratings- Fitch Ratings; Fitch Maintains Negative Watch on Aon's 'BBB+' IDR Following Annual Review
B. Bought 2 Select Income REIT 4.25% SU Maturing on 5/15/24:
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Issuer: Select Income REIT was acquired by Office Properties Income Trust (OPI). This bond is now an OPI obligation, see page F-27, OPI 2019 Annual Report
Credit Ratings:
Bought at a Total Cost of 94.149
YTM at Total Cost = 5.866%
4. Short Term Corporate Bond Ladder Basket Strategy:
A. Bought 2 Wellpoint 4.35% SU Bonds Maturing on 8/15/20:
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Issuer: Welltower changed its name to Anthem Inc. (ANTM) in 2014.
ANTM | Anthem Inc. Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch
2019 ANTM Annual Report (see debt list at page 122)
Last Bond Offering (9/19): Prospectus (3 maturities totalling $2.5B in principal amount)
Bought at a Total Cost of 99.7 (includes $1 per bond commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 5.143%
B. Bought 2 AON 2.8% SU Bonds Maturing on 3/15/21:
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail
Total Cost at99.85 (with $2 brokerage commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 2.959%
Yield of 1 year Treasury bill as of date of purchase: .14%
C. Bought 2 Exelon 2.45% SU Bonds Maturing on 4/15/21:
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus not linked)
Total Cost at 99.539 (with $2 commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 2.913%
Current Yield at Total Cost = 2.46%
Issuer: Exelon Corp. (EXC)
EXC | Exelon Corp. Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch
About Exelon - Corporate Information
2019 EXC Annual Report
Last Bond Offering (3/2020): Prospectus
Credit Ratings:
5. Exchange Traded Bonds:
A. Pared ARGD-Sold 25 at $25.4-Part of Highest Cost Lot:
Quote: Argo Group International Holdings Ltd. 6.5% Senior Notes Due 2042 (ARGD)(formerly traded under the symbol AGIIL)
Closing Price 5/22: ARGD $25.49 0.00 0.00%
Investment Category: Exchange Traded Baby Bonds, a subcategory of EXCHANGE TRADED BONDS
Note in the following snapshot I averaged down during the March meltdown buying 25 shares in several purchases. The lowest purchase price was $10.25. By selling 25 shares of the 30 purchased at a total cost of $25.22 (7/18/20), I reduced my average cost per share, raised my yield, and reduced by risk, while keeping my capital gain tax obligation to the lowest possible amount.
Position Before Pare: 125 Shares
Average Cost Before Pare: $23.28
Average Cost After Pare: $22.76
Profit Snapshot: +$1.74
Item # 1.A. Bought 30 ARGD at $25.33-Used Commission Free Trade (7/25/18 Post)
Last Discussed: Item # 2.A (4/25/20 Post)
The last quarterly ex interest date was on 2/27/20. I do not have the next one, which will probably be next week.
Yield at $22.76 Average Cost: 7.14%
Security Description: Final Prospectus Supplement
Par Value: $25
Coupon: 6.5% paid on the $25 par value
Interest: Quarterly
Last Ex Interest Date: 2/27/20
Optional Redemption: At $25 plus accrued interest at issuer's option
Guarantor: Argo Group International Holdings Ltd. (ARGO)
Senior Unsecured Debt
The issuer can redeem now at par value. Given the low interest rate environment, and the issuer's credit rating, this option will restrain price appreciation above the $25 par value. The security will generally reach its maximum price point shortly before its ex interest date.
ARGO Analyst Estimates
ARGO SEC Filings
Maturity: Unless redeemed early at issuer's option, the bond matures on 9/15/42;
Interest Rate Risk: Asymmetric in favor of issuer
Bond Rating: According to Quantumonline, the bond has a BBB- rating from S & P.
Trades Flat (whoever owns the security on the ex interest date receives the entire interest payment with no accrued interest paid to the bond seller)
Realized ARGD-AGIIL Gains to Date: $599.94
Previous Round-Trip Discussions:
Item # 3 Sold 50 AGRD at $25.87 (9/25/19 Post)
Previous Transactions when the symbol was AGIIL): Item # 4 Sold 100 AGIIL (9/25/17 Post)(profit snapshots = $30.09)-South Gent's Comment Blog # 8: Bought 50 AGIIL at $24.98 (bought back 50 shares sold at $26.69 in May 2016) and Item # 5. Bought 50 AGIIL at $24.6 in IB Account-Update For Exchange Traded Bonds And Preferred Stock Basket Strategy As Of 1/22/16 - South Gent | Seeking Alpha
A. Bought 2 AON 3.5% SU Bonds Maturing on 6/14/24:
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Website: Risk - Reinsurance - Retirement - Health - Data & Analytics | Aon
Aon Reports First Quarter 2020 Results ("Net income from continuing operations attributable to Aon shareholders was $773 million, or $3.29 per share, compared to $659 million, or $2.70 per share, in the prior year period.")
Bought at a Total Cost of 95.563 (includes $1 per bond commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 4.671%
![]() |
Third Party Price as of 5/22/19: 107.399 |
FITCH is at BBB+ with a negative outlook as of 4/1/20. Aon plc Credit Ratings- Fitch Ratings; Fitch Maintains Negative Watch on Aon's 'BBB+' IDR Following Annual Review
B. Bought 2 Select Income REIT 4.25% SU Maturing on 5/15/24:
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Issuer: Select Income REIT was acquired by Office Properties Income Trust (OPI). This bond is now an OPI obligation, see page F-27, OPI 2019 Annual Report
Credit Ratings:
Bought at a Total Cost of 94.149
YTM at Total Cost = 5.866%
4. Short Term Corporate Bond Ladder Basket Strategy:
A. Bought 2 Wellpoint 4.35% SU Bonds Maturing on 8/15/20:
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus linked)
Issuer: Welltower changed its name to Anthem Inc. (ANTM) in 2014.
ANTM | Anthem Inc. Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch
2019 ANTM Annual Report (see debt list at page 122)
Last Bond Offering (9/19): Prospectus (3 maturities totalling $2.5B in principal amount)
Bought at a Total Cost of 99.7 (includes $1 per bond commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 5.143%
B. Bought 2 AON 2.8% SU Bonds Maturing on 3/15/21:
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail
Total Cost at99.85 (with $2 brokerage commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 2.959%
Yield of 1 year Treasury bill as of date of purchase: .14%
I now own 4 bonds.
FINRA Page: Bond Detail (prospectus not linked)
Total Cost at 99.539 (with $2 commission)
YTM at Total Cost = 2.913%
Current Yield at Total Cost = 2.46%
Issuer: Exelon Corp. (EXC)
EXC | Exelon Corp. Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch
About Exelon - Corporate Information
2019 EXC Annual Report
Last Bond Offering (3/2020): Prospectus
Credit Ratings:
5. Exchange Traded Bonds:
A. Pared ARGD-Sold 25 at $25.4-Part of Highest Cost Lot:
Quote: Argo Group International Holdings Ltd. 6.5% Senior Notes Due 2042 (ARGD)(formerly traded under the symbol AGIIL)
Closing Price 5/22: ARGD $25.49 0.00 0.00%
Investment Category: Exchange Traded Baby Bonds, a subcategory of EXCHANGE TRADED BONDS
Note in the following snapshot I averaged down during the March meltdown buying 25 shares in several purchases. The lowest purchase price was $10.25. By selling 25 shares of the 30 purchased at a total cost of $25.22 (7/18/20), I reduced my average cost per share, raised my yield, and reduced by risk, while keeping my capital gain tax obligation to the lowest possible amount.
Position Before Pare: 125 Shares
Average Cost Before Pare: $23.28
Average Cost After Pare: $22.76
Profit Snapshot: +$1.74
Item # 1.A. Bought 30 ARGD at $25.33-Used Commission Free Trade (7/25/18 Post)
Last Discussed: Item # 2.A (4/25/20 Post)
The last quarterly ex interest date was on 2/27/20. I do not have the next one, which will probably be next week.
Yield at $22.76 Average Cost: 7.14%
Security Description: Final Prospectus Supplement
Par Value: $25
Coupon: 6.5% paid on the $25 par value
Interest: Quarterly
Last Ex Interest Date: 2/27/20
Optional Redemption: At $25 plus accrued interest at issuer's option
Guarantor: Argo Group International Holdings Ltd. (ARGO)
Senior Unsecured Debt
The issuer can redeem now at par value. Given the low interest rate environment, and the issuer's credit rating, this option will restrain price appreciation above the $25 par value. The security will generally reach its maximum price point shortly before its ex interest date.
ARGO Analyst Estimates
ARGO SEC Filings
Maturity: Unless redeemed early at issuer's option, the bond matures on 9/15/42;
Interest Rate Risk: Asymmetric in favor of issuer
Bond Rating: According to Quantumonline, the bond has a BBB- rating from S & P.
Trades Flat (whoever owns the security on the ex interest date receives the entire interest payment with no accrued interest paid to the bond seller)
Realized ARGD-AGIIL Gains to Date: $599.94
Previous Round-Trip Discussions:
Item # 3 Sold 50 AGRD at $25.87 (9/25/19 Post)
Previous Transactions when the symbol was AGIIL): Item # 4 Sold 100 AGIIL (9/25/17 Post)(profit snapshots = $30.09)-South Gent's Comment Blog # 8: Bought 50 AGIIL at $24.98 (bought back 50 shares sold at $26.69 in May 2016) and Item # 5. Bought 50 AGIIL at $24.6 in IB Account-Update For Exchange Traded Bonds And Preferred Stock Basket Strategy As Of 1/22/16 - South Gent | Seeking Alpha
During that 2013 price plunge, I did buy some shares. Item # 6 Bought 50 AGIIL at $20.2 (December 2013 Post) I sold that lot at $24.21: Item # 2 Sold 50 AGIIL at $24.21-Roth IRA (6/28/14 Post)(profit snapshot=$186.48 plus two quarterly interest payments totaling $40.62; total return 22.33% in about 6 months)
Another 50 share lot was bought in October 2013: Item # 3 Bought: 50 AGIIL at $21.11 (10/13/2013 Post). I sold the lot bought in October 2013 at $24.48: Item # 2 Sold: 50 AGIIL at $24.48 (6/7/14 Post)(profit snapshot=$152.58; total return of $193.2 or 18.17% in about 7 months).
During the March to early April decline, I also bought shares in 3 other accounts, either 5 or 10 shares.
This is a fairly typical pattern for exchange traded bonds, particularly during meltdown periods which occur periodically. I am in one my accounts, and decide to buy while keeping my overall total position within my pre-existing limits for that security, one of many risk mitigation techniques.
ARGD Total Position: 125 shares
I will generally max out at 150 shares. I owned 150 before selling the 25 shares discussed in this section.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor but simply an individual investor who has been managing my own money since I was a teenager. In this post, I am acting solely as a financial journalist focusing on my own investments. The information contained in this post is not intended to be a complete description or summary of all available data relevant to making an investment decision. Instead, I am merely expressing some of the reasons underlying the purchase or sell of securities. Nothing in this post is intended to constitute investment or legal advice or a recommendation to buy or to sell. All investors need to perform their own due diligence before making any financial decision which requires at a minimum reading original source material available at the SEC and elsewhere. A failure to perform due diligence only increases what I call "error creep". Stocks, Bonds & Politics: ERROR CREEP and the INVESTING PROCESS Each investor needs to assess a potential investment taking into account their personal risk tolerances, goals and situational risks. I can only make that kind of assessment for myself and family members.
During the March to early April decline, I also bought shares in 3 other accounts, either 5 or 10 shares.
This is a fairly typical pattern for exchange traded bonds, particularly during meltdown periods which occur periodically. I am in one my accounts, and decide to buy while keeping my overall total position within my pre-existing limits for that security, one of many risk mitigation techniques.
ARGD Total Position: 125 shares
I will generally max out at 150 shares. I owned 150 before selling the 25 shares discussed in this section.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor but simply an individual investor who has been managing my own money since I was a teenager. In this post, I am acting solely as a financial journalist focusing on my own investments. The information contained in this post is not intended to be a complete description or summary of all available data relevant to making an investment decision. Instead, I am merely expressing some of the reasons underlying the purchase or sell of securities. Nothing in this post is intended to constitute investment or legal advice or a recommendation to buy or to sell. All investors need to perform their own due diligence before making any financial decision which requires at a minimum reading original source material available at the SEC and elsewhere. A failure to perform due diligence only increases what I call "error creep". Stocks, Bonds & Politics: ERROR CREEP and the INVESTING PROCESS Each investor needs to assess a potential investment taking into account their personal risk tolerances, goals and situational risks. I can only make that kind of assessment for myself and family members.
South Gent,
ReplyDeleteBefore this pandemic is over is it possible to determine/investigate if anyone should be responsible (and to what degree) for so many deaths in the U.S.? Were we too late in closing the ports on the East Coast? Did we take too long to lock down the nursing homes to protect the elderly? ...etc.
Or, is it just force majeure?
Y: Epidemiologists believe that the major path for the U.S. pandemic was through infected European travelers rather than those coming from China.
DeleteThat is based on unique markers that tie NYC and other major east court points of entry to Europe.
Travel restrictions were not imposed on travel from Europe until mid-March. During February there were 1.8M people who traveled to the U.S. from Europe.
The entrance path was more from Europe through NYC than from China to the West Coast.
There was gross negligence by U.S. and many state officials in dealing with the pandemic.
The widespread infection and death rates in nursing homes was one indicia of that gross negligence. They will be sued, and will lose or settle a lot of cases. Governments at all levels share the blame.
Many states have quit providing data on Covid-19 related deaths in nursing homes. The reason given is privacy rights which is not applicable when individual information is not disclosed of course. The real reason is that several governors do not want to look bad.
About 1/3rd of COVID-19 related deaths are nursing home residents or staff members.
In New Jersey, for example, this NYT article says that 52% of the deaths were nursing home residents or staff members.
Force majeure is not relevant to personal injury lawsuits. It would apply in contractual situations where a party can not fulfill the terms due to the pandemic.
I am still seeing widespread outbreaks in congregate settings. I expect more will start to be reported after the Memorial day weekend, more factory restarts and church services starting back up.
Some of the guidelines that I have seen from Nashville churches do not include mandatory mask wearing. At least for now, some effort is being made to socially distant by operating at 50% of capacity.
You've turned to poems and brownies? Sounds yummy, and that is a cute poem.
ReplyDeleteRomney standing up to Trump reminded me, I came across this tweet from Sessions 1-2 days ago. I haven't seen much commentary on it yet. I hope it's just a beginning of a nice feud. I vaguely remember Trump had to be a little nicer to Sessions because his base started to complain. While Romney is more of a moderate. I did a double take on the tweet, to check it was real.
Looking that up I came across this. Be fun if the Mueller report made a resurgence into people's attention.
On the topic of Trumpers, I said something negative about trump in reply to a "pro" tweet the other day. Shortly after THREE Magas followed me. I had to explain that they didn't mean to. Bright wasn't what came to mind.
I just read that polls are showing a drop in support even among evangelicals. Drop in support, not necessarily in voting.
Read the link on Carpenter. His ideas are so obviously ridiculous they aren't worth comment. One has to be quite dense to think "fear" is what drove Hitler. I will add that he seems to think Jews are in "our" (his) country. Jewish community is frustrated that Hitler and Nazis get used for everything.
On his comparison, this story from my aunt popped into mind:
""My aunt when 15-16years old, had violated curfew. I don't remember why it was hard to get back in time, but it was just outside the cutoff. A Nazi soldier started following after her. She knocked on a random house. Lady opened the door, surmised quickly, and said something like "You little brat, what you are doing out late again. You know better. I'm sorry officer, I will make sure she is punished." She didn't know my aunt's name but had covered well. He left them to be. They were both at risk of death. But the virus wasn't microscopic.""
When one points out that Trump is bigoted there are many examples, including court decisions he's lost. When pointing out antisemitism it gets into weeds more but there are several glaring examples. Mostly he's a philoantisemite. He believes the libels that Jews are powerful, good with money, and of benefit to him, so he tries to "be nice." But that is nothing to be trusted as history shows. This week he added one more to the pile that I haven't seen getting attention. Even Jewish community is too overwhelmed with ugh (such as all the stuff you've listed) these days to pay a lot of attention. So now Henry Ford, renown antisemite and honored with metal by literal Nazis, has "very good genes." In a vetted speech, careful words referring to white supremacy genes, not merely Ford's accomplishments. Said to his son, who would probably like very much not to think about his father's behavior ever again.
Reade, that she found an attorney had been a surprise after all the ones who'd turned her down. Then she did that Megan Ryan (spelling?) interview and changed more parts of her story to even less believable. Things that no attorney would have recommended one to say. This appears to have run it's course. There is now enough material to dismiss it, at anyone who tries to use it. I can't believe it's taken this long to figure out she never graduated and lied her way into testifying as an "expert." How did no one catch this??? The Bernie bros use of her incessantly, was disturbing. My perception for a while now is borderline personality disorder. Several therapists (friends & online) have concurred that it's highly probable/possible.
Negative loans - I don't understand. Paying someone to take money from you. I'm not sure I even understand how this works. You (banks) pay you continously to hold their money? So the give you money scott free then pay you regularly to hold that money. I got to try me some of this. Maybe I should stop worrying about having enough funds to invest at the bottom. I can then take out a loan and get paid to do so.
ReplyDeleteLand: There have been European banks that have mortgage loans for individuals at negative rates. I read this story late last year which explains how it works.
I linked the wrong article. This is the link to a Danish bank offering negative mortgage rates.
Now I see how it's arranged. It's closing costs and fees that counters the rate "credited." So the banks aren't losing money but sure aren't making much. But seeing how it "works." That is not a working concept. Article adds costs for depositors to get the bank to hold their money.
DeleteReading through the debt scenarios I understand it's a problem. I don't come to the same conclusions. These read like apocalypses. It's possible. Triggers, stressors have caused breakouts into wars that then make resources even more scarce. It's also possible, that with a chance in gov't, debt will start to be reined in. We do what's really needed, which is harness the improved productively that tech gives us to compensate for the lost economic growth it's triggered (contraction it's triggered.) Better education processes, and more attention to quality use instead of frustrated sloppiness, and there could be enough paradigm shift to counter the problem. Add immigration.
ReplyDeleteOur lifestyles won't be the same filling up with cheap plastic junk from unregulated countries. But a new way of being "well off" will come. Already there's been a mental shift to preferring spending on "experiences" over plastic. It won't be easy. But it's not "last straw" yet, though I've definitely wondered if the amount of debt with this crisis has put us into a last straw place.
There's interesting thoughts in there, such as the triggers into wars seem to come every 80 years. But that's too small a sample size to give a statistically meaningful prediction. There's lots pulling us apart. There's been a lot of getting to know each other in this smaller world too.
USA is young. And a different kind of experiment. I'm not counting it out that quickly. In the last week i've finally seen moderate middle noise waking up and clucking. One was a whole string of gripes at Chris Hayes on MSNBC and his support for Bernie STILL. There's a fed up with populism and extremes. It's not a guarantee of out of the woods. But that voice has been muted since mid-Bush.
You've been saying there will be signs if this is about to enact. That seems very likely. It's not clear yet. Things often move more quickly than expected but this isn't showing signs of a crack and breakdown now/yet. I have also had the sense of needing to keep a close eye on all big rallies, and be careful about indicators of time to move out for a while. Even without all of that, I still wonder about the crash that was coming in 1-2 years that got reempted by the virus crisis. I'll look carefully at the economy vs market when this is over before deciding.
This clip from Scarborough may be the reason for the recent tweets. Followed below it with two more favorites of the Duck's.
ReplyDeleteIt's more at the end
Land: Donald did not attend Church today. As a substitute for prayer and Christian fellowship, he played golf and published two new tweets accusing Scarborough of murdering his intern.
DeleteIn those two tweets, Donald was commenting on tweets from conspiracy wingnuts that he likes to provide a worldwide audience.
He also retweeted a number of tweets from a guy called John K. Stahl who, according to the NYT, regularly engages in raciest and sexist tweets.Donald wanted to give this guy a worldwide platform to spew his venom. After reading a number of Stahl's tweets, I understand why the Duck finds his vitriol so appealing.
Well that adds to the nausea level.
DeleteHow is visual media so soaked in corona, that they don't have time to mention either of these? Aren't they a little bored repeating the corona to take a 2 mins break?
Land: Only an evil person could publish those tweets suggesting Joe Scarborough murdered Lori Kaye Klausutis in 2001.
DeleteHer family will not discuss Trump's tweets since they fear retaliation by Trump's online troll army.
All of allegations that Donald includes in his tweets about this accidental death are false.
1. Scarborough was 900 miles away in Washington on the day Klausutis died
2. Scarborough announced that he was going to retire months before her death
3. Klausutis was not a marathon runner as claimed by Donald. She was not pregnant at the time of her death and was happily married.
3. Her death was ruled as accidental by the coroner. She told people on the day of death that she did feel well. She had a “floppy mitral valve” that would lead to fainting spells due to abnormal heart rhythm.
There is zero evidence linking Scarborough to her death, but then evidence is not needed for Donald and his troll army to publicly accuse people of murder.
Trump routinely traffics in incendiary and false allegations as a sitting U.S. President and republicans either endorse those efforts or remain silent.
Some have suggested that Trump is just trying to distract people from the 100K Covid-19 death milestone. Maybe that is the case, but Trump started making this baseless charge back in 2017 when Scarborough started to criticize him.
Donald will viciously attack anyone who criticizes him to a national audience. He is basically telling his cult that Joe Scarborough's criticisms can be dismissed since he murdered this young lady.
Trump routinely traffics in conspiracy theories. In one of the Scarborough tweets from yesterday, Trump relied on the "investigation" by Matthew Couch, a conspiracy propagator who gained some national notoriety by alleging that the DNC and/or Hillary Clinton murdered Seth Rich. The origins of that one turned out to be Russia.
Matt Couch's video on Seth Rich
Prior to internet, no one would have paid any attention to people like Matthew Couch. The internet gave them an outlet, but it is Trump who is giving them a worldwide audience.
Good to know the detailed facts.
DeleteOf course they aren't useful in Trump argument world. Those you'd want to present them to, are too far hypnotized to hear any of it.
I haven't taken time to post facts on the lawsuits to that Trumpite yet. He's since posted somewhere in a discussion about where to watch movies...that Netflix is good but has gratuitous left leaning agenda in it's movies. His wording bothered me more than what I just wrote. So he's a complete goner.
It feels so pointless to do my usual spring gardening, planting flowers. I've been doing it anyway. I do the community area, so it creates a feel good. Always helpful to have neighbors more cheery. There's something less fun about plant shopping with a mask and worry. It's usually fun to wander around the plants and see the pretty flowers. My glasses fogged up. The workers (Lowes) in the garden area seemed despondent.
Lack of inflation? Five years ago the 6-8 packs of starter flowers were 1.5, then 2.25. Now it's 3.50. Potting soil, 1.5 and 2cubic bags is now 7.50 for the cheapest. That seems higher. Stuff wasn't in stock as much this year.
According to tonight's futures, I sold too soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to wonder if this is like 1999. There's a point to watch the skyrocketing and not participate.
In 2013 and on, that attitude was a huge mistake. I can't tell the difference.
Over $301, my SPX bought on the way down becomes profitable. I'll lighten up some more. Then buy any decent dip.
We won't close down the economy for a 2nd wave. But will it make investors leery anyway and cause a pullback?
Market's treating this as a limited dip. And market might be right about that. We didn't know if we'd come out of the 2008 events. We can be pretty sure we'll come out of this. Just not sure when.
We'll have a debt problem to contend with. But not immediately.
I don't see a robust economy when gov't has to cut back for the debt and we haven't developed good economic items like education and immigration. But low rates will keep businesses able to expand, and stocks as TINA.
Land: I doubt that there will be widespread shutdowns even with a significant second wave unless the virus mutates into a far more deadly strain which is what happened with the Spanish Flu pandemic.
DeleteThe push now is to reopen regardless of the consequences. Some people will practice precautions like social distancing and wearing masks while others will ignore one or both of those practices.
The choice that people will have to make over the coming months is whether to attend mass gatherings, like church services, when there are people in attendance who are not wearing masks and social distancing is spotty.
I doubt that economic conditions will return to pre-Covid 19 levels before 2022, though the numbers will start to look better as more businesses reopen.
Another issue is whether the Democrats will succeed in regaining control over the Senate and the presidency, while maintaining a majority in the House. It is hard to see corporate tax rates remaining where they are now with the Democrats in control.
The federal debt bomb fuse has been lit but is not likely to blow for several more years. For now, spending trillions of borrowed money remains an economic stimulus with no near term downside consequences.
Interest rates are so low now, and will likely remain below the inflation rate for an extended period. It is the future expectation that results in expanded stocks multiples. Eventually, the FED will lose control over intermediate and longer term interest rates given the size of the federal debt, a decline in the USD, and inflationary trends.
I am doing some light buying where it makes some sense to me given the alternatives for cash. Yesterday, Toronto was open so I bought 100 shares of POW:CA at C$21.37. This brings me up to 230 shares, 30 more than my maximum limit. The other 130 are the USD priced PWCDF traded on the U.S. pink sheet exchange. I recently discussed purchases of that one.
The excitement seems to be added to by medical announcements. Are any yet showing up on significant? Since past ones so far they've been about sensationalism, over actual progress that will change anything.
DeleteHum, politics likely will start coming up. Regulations will be a big worry if Dem surges. Drug stocks will take a hit.
Land: The only significant development that is worth relying upon was the remdesivir results announced on 4/29 in a press release. The drug did improve the time to recovery.
DeleteThe New England Journal of Medicine, which is the premier publication in the medical field, published the more detailed preliminary results late last week:
News that some firm has started a new Phase 1 clinical trial is not worthy of creating excitement. There are 10 compounds in trials, all early ones. The general feel is that one or more will be successful but that remains to be seen.
I can definitely say that short term instruments that will produce a negative real yield before taxes are not appealing.
I am confident that the Stock Jocks believe that the virus will generally cooperate with the reopening push.
The impact of the election will become more dominant during the summer and fall. I believe the Democrats will keep control over the House and have a good shot in the Senate.
Early polls show a few senate races, previously thought as lean republican, are now toss ups or close to it, including the ones in Iowa, Montana and North Carolina due in large part to solid democrat candidates who will be well funded.
The republican incumbents in Arizona, Colorado, and Maine are likely to lose as is the Democrat in Alabama.
So there is a real chance that the Democrats can pick up 5 seats in the Senate which would give them control.
The Democrats may even have a chance in Kansas and a slim chance to beat McConnell in Kentucky and Lindsay Graham in S.C. based on relatively strong and well funded candidates.
The likely stock market impact will be in the health sector as you mention and in an stock multiple adjustment based on likely higher corporate income taxes.
Good news if Senate comes into play.
DeleteI'm not sure corporate tax would be increased. I'd heard Bill Clinton talk about the need to lower it. So I'm not sure what the overall Dem platform is. Though I'm sure there'll be some pushing for a raise.
But there was so much excess in that bill that could be cleaned up. Breaks for people who need to refuel their planes?
Regulations are a no-brainer. Wonder if FB & other social media, Google and Amazon will take a hit or be perceived as susceptible.
Physicians Realty Trust (DOC)
ReplyDelete$17.66 +$0.98 (+5.88%)
My plan for this stock required me to sell my remaining shares at $17.66. This was a 45 share lot bought at $12.96 (3/20/20).
Item # 1.A.
I hesitated given the dividend yield, but the reasons for establishing a sell target range had not changed and have been discussed in prior posts including the one linked above.
Donald published two tweets today giving credence to the fact free conspiracy theory that Joe Scarborough murdered his staffer Lori Klausutis. This occurred after her husband pleaded with Twitter to delete the tweets, saying in a letter that his "wife deserves better.”
See his letter at
Trump is already a permanent stain on American ideals. He is evil. The stain will only penetrate deeper when and if he is reelected.
With socios there's normally an iceberg of trouble under what's seen. We've had hints of how evil it is. The "nuttiness" and buffooning is part of the game they're playing to cover up.
DeleteI wondered why now. Someone on twitter gave a good idea. He was just being credibly credited with many covid murders. This is a good distraction. Not just to move attention, but to de-power the attacks on him over murder.
Someone else posted that in 1998 a plane of his casino execs went down. He was having a lot of problems with them. He had some reason he couldn't make the flight. Could be nothing. With someone of this nature I'd want an investigation.
Apparently Florida may be benefiting from Trump's newest that Biden is a doddering old fool. First cause he taking about their demographic. Second cause well, Trump is. It was on CNN or MSNBC, guest who's talked with a voters & had some polling info (I missed the data.)
I didn't buy or sell. Even now futures are heavily green.
Flight was 1989
DeleteAres Capital Corp. (ARCC)
ReplyDelete$15.34 +$0.615 +4.18%
Part of the small ball trading "program" involves selling my highest cost lots when I can do so profitably and after averaging down. I sold my highest cost 20 shares today, bought in 2008, for a small profit.
The averaging down process was described in this post published on 4/4/20:
Item # 4.C. Added 5 at ARCC at $14.3; 5 at $14; 5 at $13.67; 5 at $12.5; 5 at $12.4; 5 at $12; 5 at $11.74; 5 ARCC at $10.4; 5 ARCC at $9.4:
I still own those shares. The pare lowered my average cost per share to $11.94 from $12.83 and increased my dividend yield to 13.4% based on the current penny rate. I also accomplished my objective for a BDC by selling the 20 shares profitably. Any gain, no matter how small, is viewed as victory for a BDC stock trade. The sold lots were 2 ten share purchases made on 3/16/18 and 12/21/18. Another objective for a BDC stock, successfully sold at a profit, is to harvest multiple quarterly dividends from the shares sold.
This is an excerpt from the letter written by Timothy Klausutis to Twitter requesting that Trump's malicious libel about his dead wife be deleted by Twitter which of course would never happen:
"The frequency, intensity, ugliness, and promulgation of these horrifying lies ever increases on the internet. These conspiracy theorists, including most recently the President of the United States, continue to spread their bile and misinformation on your platform disparaging the memory of my wife and our marriage. President Trump on Tuesday tweeted to his nearly 80 million followers alluding to the repeatedly debunked falsehood that my wife was murdered by her boss, former U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough. The son of the president followed and more directly attacked my wife by tweeting to his followers as the means of spreading this vicious lie."
What Donald is doing is libeling a dead woman who is not around to defend her good name. He is accusing her, with no proof whatsoever, of having an affair with Scarborough, with the subtext that she became pregnant, which then in Trump's evil spirit became the motive for Scarborough to murder her. Twitter provides a worldwide audience to this filth. Donald is just doing what comes naturally to someone who is pure evil.
Tri-Continental Corp. (TY)
I will discuss a "placeholder" purchase of 10 shares at $22.93 in my next post.
A placeholder is a small ball purchase that is simply occupying a spot in my portfolio.
I am not likely to buy more until there is another collapse in stock prices.
When that happens, and it will happen, I will generally implement "wave buying" during really bad days occurring after a substantial market decline. The security that is holding a place would be included in that "buying program".
During the March meltdown, I was doing 80 to 120 buy trades during major down days.
TY, like ADX, is a CEF that survived the 1929 crash and the Great Depression.
It has been paying dividends now for 76 consecutive years.
TY just declared its regular dividend of $0.2824 per share and a long term capital gain distribution of $0.2074 per share:
Most of the capital gain distributions, if any, will generally be paid in the 4th quarter.
The discount to net asset value per share closed at -13.53% yesterday:
I recall first buying this one back in the early 1980s, but have focused more attention on ADX in recent years.
It has been awhile since I looked at the portfolio. I was surprised to see a significant allocation to plain vanilla corporate bonds, convertible preferred stock and convertible bonds. My memory was that the fund might own some treasuries from to time but it was still mostly a stock fund.
The last SEC filed shareholder report was for the period ending 12/31/2019, so the portfolio may have changed significantly since that filing:
And, I do not approve of almost half of corporate bond holdings that are junk which is one reason for the placeholder assigned status. The total weighting in plan vanilla corporate bonds was at 12.7% as of 12/31/19.
Interesting on TY's history an current junk exploration. Could it be like those fallen angles, with former good companies that are now riskier ratings.
Delete"another collapse in stock prices. /// When that happens, and it will happen,"
DeleteAre you holding place thinking it will be in the next year-ish. Or is just a general observation that crashes happen so wait long enough there will be one?
The differences in the indices today are all over the place. DOWs up because travel stocks are gaining. QQQ is down, looks like rotation is happening which is considered a green shoot.
I put in an order for WMT to buy back what I sold. See if it fills.
There's no forward guidance by most companies. That says a lot about how to figure out prices for far value. As in, it's not very easy at all.
Land: I am referring to crashes that have occurred regularly since I started to invest. I generally refer to crash as being a fairly rapid decline of 30+% or a decline over 45+% that occurs over several months.
DeleteThe 33.5% 1987 decline occurred over a 101 day period, with most of that happening in one day.
The most recent decline was -33.9% and took place over 33 days.
The 45%+ declines have happened 3 times since I bought my first stock in the late 1960s. I would prefer to see one of those resets now.
I have previously referred to Yardeni's numbers on this subject:
I am doing some light buying that goes beyond small ball purchases which I generally define as anything less than $1K. I mentioned in an earlier comment buying 100 POW:CA.
The Nasdaq 100 is declining today. Possibly some traders are taking some profits.
Regional bank stocks have been a beneficiary of the stock rotation this week.
SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (KRE)
$39.77 +$1.90 (+5.02%)
As of 12:52PM EDT
KRE closed last Friday at $34.93.
The regional bank stocks were certainly depressed. They are an economically sensitive sector.
Looking at individual stocks, including several that I have been buying as of late, the market was forecasting huge loan charge offs and likely major dividend cuts. That message was IMO embedded in their prices.
The Stock Jocks may come back to those beliefs based on subsequent developments. For now, the uptrend is consistent with the Stock Jock's current consensus belief that everything will be just fine soon.
Net interest margin compression is still a major headwind for them even if non-performing loans and charge-offs turn out to be less than recently estimated by the prevailing 2009 prices assigned to the stocks.
Land: Regarding TY's junk bonds, most of them that I recognize have been junk rates for as long as I can remember.
DeleteAs to the fallen angel ETF, it has being doing well for a bond ETF since I last discussed it.
VanEck Vectors Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF
$27.94 +$0.0799 +0.29%
Last Updated: May 27, 2020 at 1:24 p.m. EDT
I will be discussing that one in my next post. I got up to 30 shares before selling my highest cost 5 share lot.
The FED did disclose that it was buying fallen angel bond ETFs which creates demand for the bonds owned by those ETFs. Junk bonds will generally respond more than higher quality bonds to significant changes in investor perceptions about the economy.
The junk bond ETF JNK is now trading at $101.33 but it hit an intraday low of $83.18 on 3/23/20.
I'm not surprised junk moves more on investor perceptions, in both directions.
DeleteInteresting on these.
Land: A lot of price movements are explainable in significant part by stories that investors come to believe about the future. Most of the time, the narrative is optimistic.
DeleteThe story now is that the push to reopen will be successful.
Once the generally accepted story is identified, the investor is in a better position to evaluate how subsequent data points will impact the continued belief in the consensus narrative, reflected in prices, about the future.
Robert Shiller is one prominent economist who talks about how shared stories influence investor behavior.
Stories can be quickly rejected and formed, though normally the process is more static.
This year has seen rapid changes in the consensus narrative.
In early February 2020, the narrative was that the epidemic in China would not spread to the U.S. or at least spread in any meaningful way. Trump helped develop that false narrative.
The narrative abruptly changed starting in late February when too many facts just poked holes in it. The new story was doom and gloom which lasted for about 30 days or so.
Junk bonds and BDCs which lend money to junky borrowers will spiral down when the narrative is a recession with no clear end in sight.
Those kind of stocks will be hyper sensitive to that narrative, as they were in March 2020 and during 2008 and into 2009.
The narrative changed to a more positive economic outlook, which has been the case starting in April. The new narrative will not likely change until something comes along that overwhelms the narrative with too many indisputable and inconsistent information.
For now, the narrative is upbeat about the future so junk bonds are running with stocks.
"A narrative" - that fits.
DeleteI notice that it can take 2 weeks to change moods completely. Hard part of seeing the narrative, acting accordingly, while not letting one's own emotions override it, nor letting it's emotions take one over (such as believing the sky is falling when the market decides so...)
Land: When I try to understand the dominant narrative in a stock market index, specific stocks or sectors, I do so without emotion, nor do I let my own opinions based on facts interfere with understanding the messages being sent by price movements. It does not matter what I believe is the likely future scenario when I am trying to ascertain the narrative driving prices.
DeleteBased on what I know now, I do not agree that the Blue Sky scenario, which includes a V shaped recovery, is the most likely one.
I do not see the virus cooperating with the reopening push even without a mutation that makes it more deadly. That opinion is based on observations about how many people are reacting now, with substantial numbers refusing to take precautions, and an understanding of how easy the virus spreads. Trump is encouraging those who are abandoning all precautions through his conduct and speech. Yesterday, for example, he mocked a reporter for wearing mask, saying that he was only doing so in order to be politically correct.
I would agree that large scale lockdowns are not likely even with a rapid increase in infection and death rates through the summer months which would become worse in the fall and winter without an effective vaccine. I don't think that is the issue for the economy.
The major issue is how consumers will react to those events. Will they spend more or save more. I anticipate the latter.
The other issue is that many businesses will go bankrupt in the coming months, particularly small ones that are the engine for job growth. The unemployment rate will start to fall as the economy reopens, but many jobs that existed in late 2019 will no longer exist and new business starts are likely to be sluggish until the smoke clears.
I do not see SPX profits returning to the 2019 level until 2021. The 2020 first quarter dug a hole as noted by FactSet:
The second quarter SPX earnings will create a crater to crawl out of.
I would not call what I am doing now as buying even though I am entering buy orders. Technically speaking, they are buy orders but not substantively.
The focus is on generating income with depressed common stocks and a smattering of new exchange traded bond and preferred stock purchases.
Yesterday, I bought 10 share of ORI at $15.7.
Old Republic International Corp.
Dividend $0.21
Ex Dividend: 6/4
I last ventured into that name with a 50 share purchase at $17.86 that was sold at $19.67 (10/18/17):
Item # 5.A.
Frustrating end of day. I left for a "meeting" with the market way up. I hadn't had a chance to put in sell orders but didn't push, figured I'd do it later. End of day and all these issues are off those nice highs.
DeleteOnly sold 10 more GRMN at 91.24 this time. Makes my 83 & 84 sales look anemic.
Land: The selloff started after the White House announcement that Donald was going to talk about China tomorrow.
DeleteCongress has just passed legislation that could lead to delisting of Chinese companies from U.S. exchanges.
I don't think that Trump has signed that legislation yet.
Trump may discuss signing that bill and possibly other matters relating to China's crackdown on Hong Kong's autonomy.
And, Trump wants to blame China for all of U.S. Covid-19 deaths.
Trump earlier this month pressured a federal retirement fund from owning certain Chinese stocks.
Hawkish noises that China will need to retaliate are becoming more frequent in state controlled media.
My trades today were mostly double short ETF purchases made when the market was up a lot.
In my Schwab account, for example, I had been buying 1 SDS share at a time and bought 10 today. Still meaningless of course, but it does express more concern about current market levels.
I did a placeholder buy of FDN, just 1 share.
First Trust Dow Jones Internet Index Fund (FDN)
$159.75 0.17 0.11%
I will not be discussing that one until I buy more shares which is not likely without a significant decline.
When looking at the chart, I was impressed with its bungee jumping qualities and will pick up more shares during a "wave buying program" after a significant decline.
I meant to link a Forbes article discussing the legislation that may lead to the delisting of Chinese stocks from U.S. exchanges.
I've seen completely opposite takes on the Hong Kong part. One that Pomeo was letting China gain authority. The other than WH is exercising rights for actions that push back at China's invalid behavior.
DeleteSeems like there's a lot more to this than just that HK piece I keep coming across.
The size of movement has more feel of algos than the last week. Maybe a sign of more activity coming, i.e. shift in direction...
The conspiracy-ist in me says wall street got wind of China stuff. Used algos to push up prices to sell in preparation for this to show up.
South Gent,
ReplyDeleteRe. "Interest rates are so low now, and will likely remain below the inflation rate for an extended period."
Over time I have acquired a number of high yielding stocks (BDC’s REIT’s and MLP’s). While the yield level had some setback during the crash the value of this portfolio has lost 30%~50% of its value. However, it will generate more income than a portfolio of much higher value in bank accounts or CD’s, given the Fed’s zero interest rate policy
Y: BDCs are just a tough space. The name of the game IMO is total return and many of those stocks have produced negative total returns even with their high dividend yields.
DeleteI am currently in a hole with several of them and have tried to dig myself out by averaging down which is a violation of the First Rule of Holes (when in one, quit digging)
They were crushed along with regional banks during March but have slowly began recovering.
I restarted PFLT in my Fidelity account, just 15 shares with an average cost of 5.96 (up 42%). I talked about ARCC in a prior comment above (up 29% based on last quote) Averaging down on NMFC has brought me back almost to even with an $11 unrealized loss. TPVG is now up over 20% after averaging down several times. SAR is down to an unrealized loss of about $72 and will be eliminated when and if becomes profitable.
I started with 10 share buys, and have not yet discussed, HRZN at $9.29 and TCPC at $9.01. I also started a couple of new ones.
I have several problem children, including OFS, CGBD, and FSK. I have been averaging down on those and reinvesting the dividend as a means to average down and will hopefully escape within a year or two maybe. By averaging down on SCM, I have a current unrealized loss of $65.
BDCs require a lot of effort and may not be the trouble. For now, I will stick with my objective of trying to earn a total return in excess of the dividend yield which is easier said than done.
I check the WSJ dividend page every night to view dividend announcements and stocks about to go ex dividend. I am not a subscriber but this particular page is available to non-subscribers.
Tonight, this page lists the exchange traded securities going ex dividend or ex interest next Friday.
Among those securities is ARGD, which I discuss in this post. (Item # 5.A.)
I also see a few recently purchased securities that I have not got around yet to discussing here. Two of those are regional bank stocks. One was the exchange traded bond CSWCL issued by the BDC Capital Southwest. I bought just 10 shares at $22.25 on 5/14. I have been nibbling on BDC baby bonds as of late, looking for yield all over the place.
When there is a long list, as there is now, I will frequently see something that I did not know existed which I will investigate. I did not see anything interesting in the dividend announcements, but the ex dividend list had a couple of new ones for me to examine.
My trades today were mostly some double short ETF purchases near the close and selling highest cost lot positions into strength. I am still not a believer in the V shaped recovery story.
All of the names will look new to me, lol. It is good to know there's div date info.
DeleteI need more rise to sell much more. My spx is at 302 then 310-311 and up. Other etfs bought at similar places.
So you are buying depressed stocks. And selling what's come into strength. While expecting some kind of pullback before this is all over.
I haven't figured out depressed items to buy. The indices are not that. The stocks I'd looked at have run up already. But if there is a pullback, hopefully I'm move better this time, now that I see how it works more.
I don't see the catalyst for a downturn. Unless it's political. If there isn't another shutdown, then it won't get as bad again. The current rate of increased deaths won't be enough to panic investors.
I tried to listen to news today for how the nearly opened locations are doing. Kornaki on MSNBC in Chris Hardball's slot showed charts & graphs. It sounds like while testing is up so cases are up, deaths are largely not rising, and low enough to not flood the system.
Maddow & CNN were trying to claim lots of uptake. What I listened to didn't sound that way. Then I had trouble staying focused on more cornona commentary.
So I have no idea if there's an increase showing up. And if it's enough to matter to businesses, gov'ts,and therefore investors.
This article was interesting. About the volume indicating selling while prices spiked.
ReplyDeleteIt's assumption that the pattern means panic selling. It's only assumption.
Land: It is not possible to draw any conclusion from the NYSE's Arms Index for 5/28/20. The rise in the index may have been related to the announcement that Trump would be talking about China today.
DeleteI would view it as rational behavior now to do at least some selling into strong rallies.
I would expect that program trading or day trading in options and futures may be linked to a rising Arms Index during a stock market rally.
While the Stock Jocks believe that their V shaped recovery forecast is the right one, that remains to be seen.
The CBO recently forecasted annualized 15.8% real GDP growth in the second half.
Even with that growth spurt, the real GDP number for 2020 would be a -5.6%. So what will the Stock Jocks do when and if the second half surge does not occur and instead recessionary type conditions continue into the third quarter and the overall rebound is sluggish and slow.
Well then the CBO is quite optimistic too.
DeleteI think investors don't know how to price in a lost or down GDP quarter, before pricing in a rise in the 2nd quarter. That assumes the 2nd quarter will recover. They haven't included a stalled time period into the #s.
The economy was badly dented. There's lots of good workarounds, and pockets of economy. It's not the same as having everything humming. Additional problem, the last year didn't have much rise. The economy wasn't humming, it was idling while the market priced in what was't happening. The counter problem is low rates and expectation they will stay so, so stocks are the only investment left.
Merchants Bancorp Preferred Series A (MBINP)
Jun 12, 2020
In an earlier comment, I mentioned reviewing the WSJ dividend page every night. One reason is to identify income stocks that were not known to me.
MBINP was one such stock that I picked up in that manner after seeing its dividend announcement.
I had never heard of the issuer, Merchants Bancorp:
After researching this bank holding company for a brief period, and reviewing the prospectus for the preferred stock, I bought 10 shares at MBNIP at $24.01. By having it an account list, I am more likely to see a significant price drop that would spur more interest, assuming no material negative change in the credit risk.
MBINP is a fixed-to-floating rate equity preferred stock that pays non-cumulative dividends which is a negative. That is standard, however, for bank holding company preferred stocks.
The security pays a fixed coupon of 7% to but excluding 4/1/24. The issuer's option to redeem is triggered on that date which is common for this type of security. If not redeemed, the coupon starts to float at a 4.605% spread to the 3 month Libor rate which will not be around on that date. The alternative rate mechanism set out in the prospectus would become the floating rate replacement for Libor.
If you are a Fidelity brokerage customer, then you will not be able to buy this security online. That broker prohibits its customers from buying all fixed-to-floating rate preferred stocks and a large number of other types of securities as well. Accordingly, I stuck it into my Schwab account where I am earning .01% on idle cash.
I have a 3pm activism zoom meeting on canvassing I'm prepping for.
ReplyDeleteJust did a quick check on state of indices. Sudden down around 2:30pm. Let me guess. Trump finally showed up for his 2pm conference?
Land: Donald started with a lot of tough talk, which knocked stocks down a bit, but then he said nothing about the trade pact. He withdrew the U.S. from WHO, claiming that WHO was controlled by China and China in his opinion was responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the past several months. He basically accused China of mass murder. That part sounded like a campaign speech, part of his effort to absolve his administration from any responsibility for the shutdowns, U.S. infections and deaths.
DeleteThe other part was to set in motion taking away Hong Kong preferential status vis-a-vis the U.S.
This was widely discussed as a likely response to China's crackdown on HK's autonomy. The fact that nothing else was done vis-a-vis probably sparked a relief rally. I don't think that is the right response, given the growing tensions on top of everything else. But, then I am just a guy sitting at a desk in Tennessee who does not count in the scheme of things.
Thank you for that summary. That was much more cogent than media's presented in any unmuting moments I listened into.
DeleteI'm set up to go do calls before we "get together" again. Yuck. Not my idea of a fun activity.
I agree, there is too much tension with China to ignore it. Observations:
1) Trump's behaving differently than prior clashes. He's not setting it up, and making a mission out of it... nor adding crazy-hazy confusion to the mix.
2) In the past it's taken several weeks for the market to decide Trump's clashes with China mattered. So this may take a couple weeks to start impacting, IF and that's what I don't know, if it continues to "interact" between the countries. Brief word was that this will upset China.
3) This is China getting brazen, challenging Trump. Wonder what they're seeing. I trust their abilities to spot an opening more than I trust this admin's ability not to be an opening.
Land: China had to expect that Hong Kong would lose its special status.
DeleteThere was no substantive change in the U.S. position on trade, which is all that the Stock Jocks wanted to hear. Donald leveled the usual hyperbole that China has behaved badly and taken advantage of the U.S. when Obama was President and in prior unnamed administrations. China has heard all of that many times.
I doubt that Trump has the legal authority to redirect congressional appropriations for WHO. That will not stop him from trying.
He does have a point that China contributes only a fraction of what the U.S. has historically given to that organization.
Donald is demagoguing the issue about WHO's response to the pandemic but everyone that matters in the world expects the Duck to act and speak like the malignant narcissistic demagogue that is.
His reaction to Twitter placing factcheck icon on two of his reality creations about voting is also consistent with how internet trolls react to moderators. He claimed that Twitter was silencing his right to free speech. Somehow, he is still speaking a lot on Twitter.
Donald is the foremost internet troll in the world, and the leading propagator of fact free conspiracy theories.
When facing a troll, I often post this article.
Sometimes it even shuts them up.
I simply blocked Trump a long time ago. I do not understand why all those who put #resist in their profiles, have not blocked him.
They say "but I need to know what he says to resist it." I point out that if he says anything coherent and many incoherent things, media will read it off. They disappear and don't block him. Maybe they'll mute him.
Twitter is his power base. He uses it to get around all the usual policy reviews & restrictions, and media filtering a president's content for.... facts. He uses it to push his dog whistles & bully shaming & problem policies, straight out to the public. So I will never understand why the public didn't just take away his power. Then the followers & bots left, wouldn't have been enough power for him.
Those who didn't block him (and use twitter regularly,) let him have his abuse method.
In general the problem of platform amplification of hate & falsehoods & bullying has to be solved. Trump or no trump. But his temper tantrum over being factchecked was entertaining... he then followed it by trying to bite off his own nose with that EO. It didn't have many teeth, unfortunately.
Free speech is a right not to be jailed for speech, by the gov't. That's all it is. I can tell how an interaction will go, by whether people know that.
So this all was a big nothing with China? Only was a set up for his campaign themes. "Don't look at the blood on my shirt, they did it to us." They who? "I'll let you know, I have a they for every occasion."
So from a market perspective, this is a green light on the v-shaped recovery... and the market is not nearly high enough to reflect the economy as it will be in 6mos or 1 year.
I sold 2 more SOXX at 252.30. Sold 8 SPY at 306.01 after hours. Had order for another 8 at slightly higher that never hit.
Decided to hold my VYM in both accounts infinity.
I hope there is some chance to get in lower into my various sells. If not, then I will wait for VIX under 20 that's for long enough with enough outside sense, to start buying into a stable VIX. Market's not there yet.
I'm going to move brokerage cash into my 1.6% account. I can pull it back for investing instantaneously.
Land: Trump's malignant narcissism and sociopathic personality characteristics are expressed frequently in public statements including his internet trolling activities on Twitter.
DeleteOther personality characteristics are a empathy deficit, bullying and finding immediate pleasure gratification in intimating others. His tweets relating to Joe Scarborough have all of those indicia of Trump's mental illnesses.
I have published a new post: