ADP estimated that 123,000 private payroll jobs were lost last month. ADP National Employment Report The losses were concentrated in industries adversely impacted by the strong resurgence in Covid infections after the Thanksgiving holiday.
This will be the last BLS jobs report for the Trump presidency. Employment Situation Summary The government estimated that 140,000 jobs were lost in December. However, the BLS also revised up its October and November numbers by 135,000 more than its previous estimates.
The ISM services PMI for December rose to 57.2%, up from 55.9% in November. The new orders component rose to 58.5 from 57.2. December
Markets and Market Commentary:
Jeremy Siegel: Dow should hit 35,000 this year, but warns of setback
China says it will respond to delisting of telecom giants
Bill Gross says stock market is 'bubblicious' and that 'Robinhood and momentum rule' - MarketWatch The gist is that the central banks have artificially pumped up stock multiples into bubble territory. What Bond King Bill Gross Is Buying Now | Barron's (Gross favors buying natural gas pipeline stocks. He is currently recommending Magellan Midstream Partners (MMP), BP Midstream Partners (BPMP), and Enterprise Products Partners (EPD). I will not own a MLP. I do own stock in 5 pipeline corporations: ENB, KMI, OKE, PBA, and TRP.
Jeremy Grantham refers to the current market as an epic bubble. Waiting for the Last Dance (First Paragraph quote: "The long, long bull market since 2009 has finally matured into a fully-fledged epic bubble. Featuring extreme overvaluation, explosive price increases, frenzied issuance, and hysterically speculative investor behavior, I believe this event will be recorded as one of the great bubbles of financial history, right along with the South Sea bubble, 1929, and 2000.")
I would generally agree that momentum trading, commission free trades, massive money creation, and near zero interest rates have all contributed to the stock and bond market bubbles.
10 Biden tax plans that will sail through a Democratic-controlled Senate --- and how to prepare for them - MarketWatch The corporate tax cut was passed with a bare majority under what is called a budget reconciliation process that avoided the filibuster which requires 60 votes for closure. Full Details and Analysis: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - Tax Foundation; What is reconciliation? | Tax Policy Center That tax bill passed 51 to 49 in the Senate. U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 115th Congress - 1st Session The Democrats can now do the same assuming republicans do not cancel the Georgia runoff election results.
Citi downgrades U.S. stocks, predicting that global equities will be flat in 2021 except in these key markets - MarketWatch The firm recommends overweights in the U.K., Emerging Markets, energy, healthcare, IT and materials.
Bond Yields’ Jump Could Be a Big Problem for Stocks | Barron's The 10 year treasury yield has risen from .52% (8/4/20) to 1.13% yesterday. While that is a huge percentage move, the 1.13% yield is not going to entice Stock Jocks to learn about how to buy a bond. For me, a 1.13% yield on a ten year bond is as meaningless as .52%.
Treasury Yield Curve January 2021
If the rise continues, it may have some impact on those who value stocks based on discounting future earnings by the 10 year yield, causing them to lighten up on stocks.
The Fed and other central banks have proven over the past 12+ years that they can control interest rates throughout the maturity spectrum. Yields are still well below the current inflation for short maturities and below the likely annual inflation rate for all other maturities.
When inflation was running hot after WWII, the FED managed to keep the 10 year treasury rate from rising. It was only after they stop trying to contain the rise that 10 yield rose to over 4% from around 2% and never rising above 2.5% Before the Accord: U.S. Monetary-Financial Policy, 1945-51 As noted in that article, inflation was hot during that period:
Inflation rates:
Consumer Price Index, 1913- | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
The rise in rates in the early 1950s coincided with a robust economic recovery and the start of a long term bull market in stocks (and a long term bear market in bonds that lasted approximately 32 years).
The bottom line is that the historical evidence indicates that central banks can suppress interest rates below the inflation rate for an extended period of time.
Excess money creation on steroids is not producing inflation since the money is not needed in the real economy and has instead led to inflated financial asset prices.
M2 Money Stock (M2-St. Louis Fed
Velocity of M2 Money Stock-St. Louis Fed
While the Fed denies that it is monetizing the federal debt, there is no other way to look at it except debt monetization IMO. And there is a powerful incentive for the FED to suppress interest rates given the deteriorating financial condition of the U.S. government.
System Open Market Account Holdings of Domestic Securities - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK (almost $6.7 trillion in owned treasuries and mortgage backed securities)
Federal Debt Held by Federal Reserve Banks-St. Louis Fed
Debt to the Penny | Fiscal Data | U.S. Treasury:
Covid-19 Updates:
The U.S. Covid pandemic remains "under control" in TrumpWorld:
Tens of millions view him as honest and a tell it like it is person. As a direct result of that difficult to comprehend belief, reinforced by Fox "news" and other Trump favored media outlets, millions viewed the pandemic as a hoax or so inconsequential that wearing masks and social distancing was unnecessary. And that led to more infections and deaths.
Even now, Disgusting Don is downplaying the pandemic, recently calling the death toll "fake news":
With Trump a no-show, Mar-a-Lago guests left to party maskless with Rudy Giuliani and Vanilla Ice
Dictator-Want-To-Be Don the Con and His Republican Enablers:
Trump Inspired Assault on the Citadel of American Democracy:
On 1/6/21, armed Trumpsters successfully stormed the Capital and occupied the chamber, forcing a suspension of the electoral vote tally. 4 dead after rioters stormed the halls of Congress to block Biden's win; Who Was Ashli Babbitt? Woman Killed in Capitol Embraced Trump, QAnon - The New York Times
Capitol Police officer dies from injuries suffered during riots - ABC News He was struck by a fire extinguisher. In TrumpWorld, the officer was not murdered by a Trumpster but an Antifa member who had infiltrated the mob to make them look bad. Fact checking Republicans' unsubstantiated claims that Antifa infiltrated Capitol riot (the claims were based on a false story published by the Trumpster paper, Washington Times, that claimed a facial recognition firm, XRVision, had identified Antifa supporters in the crowd. The firm denied that false claim stating that he had instead 'identified two Neo-Nazis and a supporter of the radical right-wing conspiracy QAnon, not members of Antifa."
This was the culmination of the false statements about election fraud made by Trump, thousands of republican politicians across the country, and their media outlets including the Fake News networks Fox, OANN and Newsmax.
The most immediate trigger for the assault made against the citadel of democracy were comments made by Trump, Giuliani and Don Jr. shortly before the coup attempt Trump incites mob in violent end to presidency
Trump made this statement to the mob: "We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong... If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore." Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev His entire speech filled with the usual demonstrably false claims about election fraud designed to incite the mob who were already filled with rage beforehand.
Giuliani told the crowd to "wage trial by combat".
Donald Trump Jr. fanned the false claims of fraud and then made this statement: "The people who did nothing to stop the steal -- this gathering should send a message to them."
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was photographed giving the Trumpster mob a raised fist before they stormed the capital. Josh Hawley made clenched-fist salute to pro-Trump mob before riots
Hawley is one of the republican ringleaders who attempted last week to overrule the election results. He thinks that will help him become President in 2024. Hawley's salute is not quite the "Sieg Heil!" since he needed to do it with an open fist and his palm turned down. It is close enough for me however.
Simon & Schuster Cancels Plans for Senator Hawley’s Book - The New York Times Another publishing house will pick it up.
National Association of Manufacturers calls DC protests sedition (The National Association of Manufacturers called for serious consideration be given for Trump's immediate ouster under the 25th Amendment which of course will not happen even though he was always unfit to be President within the meaning of that Amendment. Section 4: 25th Amendment U.S. Constitution)
Trump supporters storm U.S. Capitol, shots, tear gas fired - The Washington Post (1/6/21)(“USA! USA!” chanted the would-be saboteurs of a 244-year-old democracy." One message written on a door rad "MURDER THE MEDIA". The Trumpsters smashed windows and vandalized offices. For hours, Trump made "little effort to quell the violence he had helped instigate, finally sharing a video at 4:17 p.m. in which he told people to “go home” — while continuing to promote the lie that he had won the election.")
"The president had appeared to White House aides to be enjoying watching the scenes play out on television." Trump Is Said to Have Discussed Pardoning Himself - The New York Times
Trump Downplays Insurrection in video -NPR After the mob attack, Trump released a video making these statement: "We had an election that was stolen from us," claiming he won in a landslide. Donald sympathized with the mob telling them he knows their pain and hurt and to "go home in love and peace".
There is an extremely strong and growing base of authoritarians in the GOP who will accept the most outlandish conspiracy theories.
Capitol building breached, Pence evacuated: USA Today (1/6/21);
US Capitol: Police clearing pro-Trump mob from building after rioters stormed halls of Congress
Congress evacuated as pro-Trump rioters storm Capitol, halting declaration of Biden victory
Washington Post: In call, Trump demands Georgia official 'find' votes to tilt election
Obama: GOP 'fantasy narrative' about election spurred today's violence
‘Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date - The New York Times
Michelle Obama calls on Facebook, other platforms to ban Trump forever
Barr condemns Trump's actions during Capitol riots
After the Trumpsters attacked the capital which they now blame on Antifa, and it was clear that Biden would replace Trump, some republicans even managed to acquire a backbone, sort of, and condemned the Trump inspired attack but did not go so far of course as to actually assign any blame to Trump (Romney being one of a few of exceptions) or themselves for peddling demonstrably false statements and narratives about the election.
The responsibility for the attack goes beyond just Trump to most republican politicians and their servile propaganda media outlets who aired the baseless election fraud claims and gave them credence.
{Do not expect a mea culpa from Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and the rest of the ilk at Fox. You would have only had to watch the first few minutes of Hannity's program last night to come to that conclusion. There will be no mea culpa either for the relentless campaign to downplay the pandemic. Hannity is what I would expect for an ignorant, demagogic far right person who only completed high school is elevated to a 1 hour evening program on national television watched by millions. How Far Will Sean Hannity Go? - The New York Times (11/28/17 article)}
Trump's Falsehood-Filled 'Save America' Rally -
As riot raged at Capitol, Trump tried to call senators to overturn election
There is certainly a double standard on how police responded to the Trumpster riot compared to prior peaceful protesters near or at the capital. Police criticized for double standard after Capitol riot; Capitol security failure raises question of double standard after Black Lives Matter crackdown - CBS News The police made only a few arrests.
Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account - MarketWatch
Capitol riots: Trump supporters threatened, attacked reporters - The Washington Post
At party retreat far from D.C. turmoil, Republicans still sing praises of Trump - The Washington Post (1/8/2021) In Capital, a G.O.P. Crisis. At the R.N.C. Meeting, a Trump Celebration. - The New York Times (1/9/21) The GOP remains Trump's party.
45% of republicans support the attack on the Capital. Poll: One-fifth of voters, almost half of Republicans, agree with storming of US Capitol; 45% of Republicans approve of the Capitol riots, poll claims | The Independent
The republican party is not a conservative one.
Trump's Pressure to Change the Voting Results in Georgia:
Trump Pressured Georgia Official to ‘Find’ Enough Votes to Overturn Election ("President Trump demanded that Georgia’s Republican secretary of state “find” him enough votes to overturn the presidential election, and threatened him with “a criminal offense,” during an hourlong telephone conversation with him on Saturday".) The conversation was recorded.
Delusional Don claimed that he carried Georgia by "hundreds of thousands of votes". When the republican Georgia Secretary of State stood by the certified election results, confirmed by several recounts including a hand recount of paper ballots, Don the Authoritarian threatened him and his lawyer with criminal prosecution:
Trump: " That’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. That's a big risk”. Full transcript: Trump's audio call with Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger
Coming from the President of the United States, who has the power to implement the threat through a compliant DOJ, the threat becomes far more serious and sinister.
In Trump's America, the refusal of the republican Secretary of State to find enough votes for Trump so he could win the state was the crime, furthered buttressed in TrumpWorld by Raffensperger’s unwillingness to accept Trump's baseless conspiracy theories as true.
Trump’s call to Georgia secretary of state may have violated federal, state law - The Washington Post; republished at MSN:
Did Trump break the law in his call to Georgia’s secretary of state? Some lawyers say yes;
Trump Call to Georgia Official Might Violate State and Federal Law - The New York Times
In Georgia, Trump says he'll 'fight like hell' to hold on to presidency - MarketWatch
Trump could be indicted by a grand jury for that call, and a court would not dismiss the charge IMO. The decision on whether Trump committed a felony beyond a reasonable doubt would be left to a jury who would probably deadlock. Trump will not be charged because he is in effect above the law.
In the years and decades to come, I believe that more information will come to light establishing Donald's criminal activities using a "clear and convincing" evidentiary standard rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The evidence will never be accepted by his his cult members, numbering in the tens of millions, no matter how reliable and cogent. What can you say about the 79% of republicans who believe Donald is honest? Question 9--National (US) Poll-September 23, 2020 About the same number of republicans believe that the election was stolen and view Donald as a role model for their children.
AP Fact Check: Debunking Trump's false claims in Georgia call- MarketWatch
What Republicans Are Doing Is Worse Than Treason-The Atlantic They have become completely untethered from what has actually made America great.
The Republican Insurrection to Cancel the Biden Victory Petered Out After the Mob Attack on the Capital:
The enemies of American democracy, led by Trump, have branded themselves again as such when refusing to accept the election results last week. 11 Republican senators push to delay certification of election results; Cruz, cadre of other GOP senators vow not to certify Biden win without probe of baseless voter fraud claims - The Washington Post They were not satisfied with the certified election results or their failure to overturn the certified results through over 60 court challenges.
Which Members of Congress Objected to Certifying Biden’s Victory? - The New York Times Several republicans who had announced their opposition before 1/6, providing fuel for what would soon happen, decided to withdraw their opposition after the Trump inspired mob assault. Both Tennessee senators, Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty (both 100% pure Trumpsters) were among those insurrectionists. Six republican House members for Tennessee decided to continue their insurrection against democracy: Tim Burchett; Scott DesJarlais; Chuck Fleischmann; Mark E. Green (my representative); Diana Harshbarger and John Rose.
Before 1/6/21, Pence endorsed this last effort to overturn the election results and make no mistake that is exactly what the republicans attempted to do last week and and for the past two months. Pence Welcomes Futile Bid by G.O.P. Lawmakers to Overturn Election-The New York Times; republished at MSN -Pence Welcomes Bid to Overturn Biden’s Election as Republican Senators Join (noting that neither Pence nor the republican seditionists in the House and Senate have made a single specific allegation of fraud using credible evidence that would be admissible in a court; nor have they recognized that the certified election results were in many cases verified by audits and hand counts of paper ballots (which they reject since they failed to confirm their fact free conspiracy theories); and that the courts, including many republican judges, rejected almost 60 court challenges filed by republicans seeking to reverse Trump's election losses.)
Trump claimed again last Monday that Pence has the authority to reject certified election results. That is true is Trump's America where the republican VP has the power to elect a republican President and VP forever. Pence faces pressure from Trump to thwart Electoral College vote
Trump: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president. We will never give up. We will never concede.”
If the democrats win, the republican VP just finds that the election was fraudulent, with no evidence required other than baseless conspiracy theories readily accepted and embraced by republican voters, and the VP just overrules the certified election results.
Having failed to have a court reverse the certified election results in several states and to thereafter empower republican controlled legislatures to choose the electors rather than the voters, which they were unable to accomplish, they now want a "commission" to decide the election within 10 days rather than the voters.
Donald will frequently cite Fake News to buttress his baseless claims of election fraud. This tweet is just one of many examples from last Monday:
America's Mad King is eating his own. Trump attacks No. 2 Senate Republican as the President turns on allies in his final days in office
Republican-led Senate overrides Trump defense veto Trump's veto was just another obvious example of why he should never had been President.
The 100% pure Trumpster Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) announced that he will not join the effort to cancel the election results because it will not succeed. Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton says he won’t join group of Republican lawmakers challenging Trump’s loss - The Washington Post
Trump allies turn on lawyer Lin Wood after Pence execution tweets - Business Insider Lin Wood and his sidekick Sydney Powell have filed several frivolous lawsuits attempting to throw out election results that Trump does not like.
Trump will be a permanent stain on America, but only because he was elected as President in 2016, though losing the popular vote, and received over 74M votes in his reelection effort even though it was obvious who and what he was. If the election was held today, I believe his total would be about the same, and those voters are still here.
Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, a conservative but, instead, the antithesis of one. I would say the same about most republicans.
In this post, I discuss several purchases where I used Fidelity's new fractional share trading option to start positions in AMGN, CRM, GD, and LMT. This trading option allows Fidelity's customers to buy shares in dollar amounts. So far, I am using it only with stocks priced over $100 per share.
Small ball is a risk mitigation trading strategy. The result is that my stock positions are a mile wide and an inch deep.
Even with over 250 individual stock positions and several stock funds, my allocation to stocks is less than 10% of my total assets held in brokerage accounts.
1. Small Ball:
A. Started GIS (Schwab Taxable Account)-Bought 2 at $60; 1 at $59.3; 1 at $58.7; 5 at $58.92; 5 at $58.58:
Quote: General Mills Inc. (GIS)
Stock Information as of 1/8/2021:
General Mills: Brands overview
General Mills Inc. Interactive Charts
My most recent discussion can be found in this 12/19 comment.
Last Blog Discussion: Item # 1.F. Bought 2 GIS at $47.88 (3/28/20 Post)
GIS is one of the diminishing number of stocks that is currently price in my fair value range.
Average Cost this account: $58.95 (15 Shares)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.51 per share
Yield at $58.95 = 3.46%
Last Ex Dividend Date: 1/7/21 (owned all as of in this account)
Dividend Reinvestment: Yes at less than $65
5 Year Chart:
GIS is currently in disfavor which is reflected in the chart. While earnings have been good, the Stock Jocks have in effect dismissed the better than expected earnings as a one-off event caused by the pandemic.
Maybe they would like the stock more if the P/E multiple was over 100 and moving rapidly to 200.
SEC Filed Earnings Press Release
I would expect pet food revenues to continue growing. One reason is that a lot of pets were adopted during the pandemic. During coronavirus, animal shelters don’t have enough dogs for the demand - The Washington Post; Americans are spending more money on their pets during the pandemic
The GIS Convenience Store and Foodservice business segment has been hurt by the pandemic with net sales declining "14 percent to $440 million, reflecting reduced away-from-home food demand related to the pandemic" This segment will see improved revenues and profits when the pandemic is just a bad memory compared to the pandemic impacted period.
The cereal sales have been up during the pandemic and that may not hold when it is over.
General Mills says economic troubles will drive at-home dining even after the pandemic is over - MarketWatch
The Stock Jocks are IMO penalizing several packaged food companies for having good earnings reports during the pandemic period. Sure, revenues and profits may stagnate Y-O-Y starting in the second half of 2021, but that does not explain why the current price is less than the prices prevailing shortly before the pandemic.
Earnings have been beating the consensus estimates:
Other Recent Buy Discussions: Item # 5 A. Bought 2 GIS at $40.25, 2 at $39.45, 10 at $38.3 and 5 at $36.75-Used Commission Free Trades (12/29/18 Post)
Other Recent Sell Discussions: Item # 1.A. Eliminated GIS-Sold 27+ at $54.86 (3/21/20 Post)(profit snapshot = ($426.37); Item # 1.A. Sold 13 GIS at $55.02-Used Commission Free Trade (8/17/19 Post)(profit = $134.13); Item 1.B. Sold Highest Cost GIS lots at $51.69 (4/7/2019 Post); Item #2.A. Sold 10 GIS at $56.18-Used Commission Free Trade (12/21/17 Post)
Broker Reports (available to Schwab Customers):
Morningstar (12/18/20): 2 stars with a FV of $57 (noting that growth in pet sales will survive the pandemic with over 11M pet adoptions; otherwise the analyst focuses on Y-O-Y growth stagnation when comparing the 1st year after the pandemic with a full year of revenues during pandemic, which I view as irrelevant when valuing this company but is relevant to the Stock Jocks who are making decisions based on momentum rather than FV and rational valuations)
Credit Suisse (12/17/20): Outperform with a $67 PT (while sharing the opinion that Y-O-Y growth will be difficult after the pandemic ends, the analyst believes that GIS, which has increased advertising for 3 years in a row, will do a better job than its peer in retaining new customers.
S & P (12/7/20): 4 stars with a 12 month PT of $68
Argus (12/31/20): Hold
Realized Gains GIS-2007 to Date: $2,421.51.
Snapshots of 2007 through 2017 round-trip trades can be found in Item 1.B. The largest single gain was $1,285.51 realized on a 52 share lot in 2016. There have not yet been any realized losses.
B. Added to GIS (Fidelity Taxable Account)-Bought 4 at $58.88; 5 at $58.2 and 5 at $57.95; 5 at $57.5; 5 at $57; 5 at $56.6; 5 at $56.4:
![]() |
Average cost per share = $57.48 |
See Item #1.A. above.
Average Cost this account: $57.48 (35 shares)
Yield at $57.48 = 3.55%
C. Eliminated Remaining BTZ-Sold 37+ at $14.88:
Quote: BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust Overview-A Highly Leveraged Bond CEF
BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust (SEC Filing of holdings as of 9/30/20)
SEC Filed Semi-Annual Report for the period ending 6/30/20
Profit Snapshot: +$149.05 (12/17 sell only)
Last Discussed: Item # 1.J. Pared BTZ-Sold Highest Cost Lots (6/13/20 Post)(profit snapshot = $31.09)
Last Buy Discussion: Item # 2.E. Added 5 BTZ at $11.19; 5 at $10.96; 5 at $9.7; 5 at $9.29; 10 at $11.43 (5/2/20 Post)
Leveraged: Yes, usually near 30%
Leverage cuts both ways. Borrowing money to buy assets falling in price is not a desired method to pay for your nursing home expenses.
Prior Discussions of leveraged CEF bond funds: BTZ 5/8/17 Post; Update For Closed End Fund Basket Strategy As Of 8/14/15 - South Gent | Seeking Alpha (scroll to General Risk Discussion for Leveraged Bond CEFs)
Dividend: Monthly at $.0839 per share
So far, leverage has worked with a robust rally in bonds and a decline in borrowing costs. The value of the bonds go up and interest income can rise due to the spread between the cost of borrowing and the interest payments received from bonds bought with low cost debt.
Data Date of 12/17/20 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $15.64
Closing Market Price: $14.89
Discount: -4.8%
Average 3 year Discount: = 10.1%
Sourced: BTZ-CEF Connect (click "Pricing Information" tab)
Other Sell Discussions: Sold 103+ at $13.4+ (5/8/17 Post) (contains snapshots of trading profits starting in 2010 through May 2017 = +$870.19); Item #1.B. (2/23/2019 Post); Item # 3.A. (4/4/19 Post)
Goal: Harvest the dividends and sell at a profit
D. Pared TRST-Sold 10 at $6.72 (highest cost lot):
Quote: Trustco Bank Corp. (TRST)
Trustco Bank - Corporate Profile
Profit Snapshot: $7.75
Investment Category: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
Last Buy Discussions: Item # 1.E. Added to TRST-Bought 5 at $5.69; 10 at $5.6; 5 at $5.15; 15 at $5.23(10/3/20 Post); Item # 4.B. Item # 4.B. Restarted TRST- Bought 10 at $5.95; 5 at $5.83 (8/29/20 Post)
New Average Cost per share this account: $5.44
Dividend: Quarterly at $.068125 per share ($.2725 annually)
Yield at $5.44 = 5.01%
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/20): SEC Filed Press Release
"third quarter 2020 net income of $14.1 million or $0.146 diluted earnings per share, and $38.6 million or $0.400 diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2020."
Charge Offs: $21K.
Coverage Ratio: 225.4%
Tangible equity to tangible asset ratio = 9.76%
Average Residential Loans: Up $237.6M or 6.9% Y-O-Y
148 offices in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Florida at September 30, 2020.
Sell Discussions: Item # 2.B. Sold 125 TRST at $8.6 (11/2/19 Post); Item # 1.B. Sold 161+ TRST at $9.2+ (7/2/18 Post); Item # 2 Sold 100 TRST at $6.69 Update For Regional Bank Basket Strategy As Of 7/26/16-South Gent | Seeking Alpha; Item # 1 Sold 315+ TRST at $6.92 (1/11/15 Post); Sold 50 TRST at $7.29 (11/25/13 Post); Sold 308 TRST at $6.64 (10/28/13 Post)(largest gain at $549.47)
TRST Realized Gains to Date: $1,083.22
Purchase Restriction: Each subsequent purchase, other than through dividend reinvestment, must reduce my average cost per share.
E. Pared BIF-Sold 10 at $11.08:
Quote: Boulder Growth & Income Fund Inc. - A CEF
Sponsor's Website: Boulder Funds - Home
Holdings as of 8/31/20: SEC Filing (cost at $558.565M; value then at $1.235+B)
Last Shareholder Report: Semi-Annual Period Ending 5/31/20
Profit Snapshot: $10
Last Buy Discussions: Item # 2.A. Bought 100 BIF at $10.08 and 10 at $9.85 (11/7/20 Post); Item # 1.H. Restarted BIF (Fidelity Taxable Account)- Bought 10 at $9.26; 10 at $8.75 (4/4/20 Post)
New Average Cost Per Share this account: $10.06 (100 shares)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.102 per share ($.408 annually)
For reasons discussed in prior posts, I view it as unlikely that this fund will pay out more than the regular distribution. The unrealized gains are huge but are not likely to be harvested to fund a dividend larger than the current quarterly one.
Yield at $10.06 = 4.06%
Last Ex Dividend Date:
Data Date of 12/18 Trade:
Closing Net Asset Value Per Share: $13.38
Market Price: $11.08
Discount: -17.19%
Sourced: BIF-CEF Connect (click "Pricing Information" tab)
BIF Realized Gains to Date: $560.27
Prior Profit Snapshots: $550.27
Some Prior Sell Discussions:
Item # 3.E. Eliminated BIF-Sold 156+ at $11.42 (12/18/19 Post);
Item # 3.C. Sold 50 BIF at $11.28 (11/13/19 Post); Item # 3.B. Eliminated BIF: Sold 116+ (2/16/17 Post)
The CEF Connect page has not been updated to reflect a significant change in leverage. Last November, BIF sold $225M in senior unsecured notes. Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc. Announces $225 Million Issuance of Senior Unsecured Notes
"The 10-, 12-, and 15-year series will pay interest semi-annually at the rate of 2.62%, 2.72%, and 2.87%, respectively."
I was very critical of this decision since the fund has maintained an unusually large cash position which stood at $149,880,927 as of 8/31/20, earning almost nothing:
The fund is externally managed. The external manager is paid a fee based on assets. The incentive is consequently to increase assets. The fund has not yet reported its cash position shortly before the raising $250M through this debt offering. If cash was close to $150M, it is impossible for me to explain how shareholders will benefit from a $25M debt offering when and if the fund was already sitting on almost $150M of cash earning close to nothing.
Even if the fund had already invested a good chunk of the $150M in cash, I would still be critical since now is not a good time IMO to raise $250M in debt to buy stocks.
F. Bought 10 GLUU at $9.6; 10 at $9.4; 5 at $9.19; 5 at $9; 5 at $8.9:
Quote: Glu Mobile Inc.
Stock Information as of 1/8/21:
The games can be downloaded for free. Revenues are earned "through “in-app-purchases,” with the balance of our revenue primarily generated by offers and in-game advertising."
In-App-Purchases Explained:
GLUU Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch (as of 1/1/20, the average non-GAAP E.P.S. estimate for 2021 was $.52 and $.64 for 2022)
This is a new stock for me.
Average Cost Per Share: $9.30 (35 Shares)
Investment Strategy: Lottery Ticket Basket
Last Share Offering June 2020 at $9.25: Prospectus
5 Year Chart:
GAAP diluted E.P.S. +$.07
Free Cash Flow = $31.5M
Cash = $318.1M
Revenue: Up 48% Y-O-Y
Glu Mobile Inc. (GLUU) CEO Nick Earl on Q3 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript | Seeking Alpha
The Stock Jocks responded positively to this report, with the stock closing at $8.79, up from a $6.91 close on 11/5/20 pr +27.21%. GLUU Historical Prices
Revenues may have received a boost from stay-at-home, play-at-home.
This company strikes me as a likely acquisition candidate.
G. Bought 10 GASS at $2.10 and Sold 70 at $2.68:
Quote: StealthGas Inc. (GASS)
"StealthGas Inc. is a ship-owning company primarily serving the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sector of the international shipping industry. StealthGas Inc. has a fleet of 51 vessels. The fleet is comprised of 47 LPG carriers, including eight Joint Venture vessels and an 11,000 cbm newbuilding pressurized LPG carrier with expected delivery in the first quarter of 2021. These LPG vessels have a total capacity of 439,989 cubic meters (cbm). The Company also owns three M.R. product tankers and one Aframax oil tanker with a total capacity of 255,804 deadweight tons (dwt)."
StealthGas Inc. Profile | Reuters
GASS Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch (as of 1/1/20, the average non-GAAP E.P.S. for 2021 was at $.93)
5 Year Financials:
I omitted the lengthy footnotes which can be found in the following link:
Sourced from 2019 SEC Filed Annual Report at pages 3-6 with footnotes omitted in preceding snapshots (as a foreign corporation, GASS does not use the SEC Form 10-K for its annual reports but Form 20-F)
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/20): STEALTHGAS INC. Reports Third Quarter and Nine Months 2020 Financial and Operating Results
Net Income: $.8M
E.P.S. = $.02
Adjusted Net Income: $3.2M or E.P.S. of $.08
The primary adjustment is a $2.49+M addition to GAAP net income which reflects an impairment charge.
EBITDA = $13.3M
"Fleet utilization of 96.9% - with 114 days of technical off hire, as a result of five drydockings – all completed within Q3 ‘20."
In another account, I sold 70 GASS at $2.68:
Profit Snapshot: $16.26
H. Added 1 ED at $69.7:
Quote: Consolidated Edison Inc. (ED)
Recently, the dominant trend for interest rates has been up. That movement is a negative for utility stocks that are viewed by many as bond substitutes.
ED - Consolidated Edison, Inc. Profile | Reuters
ED - Consolidated Edison, Inc. Key Developments | Reuters
ED Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch (as of 1/1/21, average E.P.S. estimate for 2021 was $4.49 and $4.71 for 2022)
Last Discussed: Item # 1.I. Bought 1 ED at $73.44 (9/12/20 Post)
Dividend: Quarterly at $.765 per share ($3.06 annually)
Dividend History | Consolidated Edison, Inc.
The dividend was last raised from $.74 effective for the 2020 first quarter payment.
Last Ex Dividend: 11/17/20
Last Stock Offering (12/2020): Prospectus Supplement As part of the same prospectus, the company also sold a bond with a .65% coupon that matures in 2023. Proceeds were used to repay a $820M term loan that had a 1.6% interest rate.
Last Earnings Report (9/30/20): SEC Filed Earnings Press Release
"2020 third quarter net income for common stock of $493 million or $1.47 a share compared with $473 million or $1.42 a share in the 2019 third quarter. Adjusted earnings were $495 million or $1.48 a share in the 2020 period compared with $513 million or $1.54 a share in the 2019 period. Adjusted earnings in the 2020 and 2019 periods exclude the effects of hypothetical liquidation at book value (HLBV) accounting for tax equity investments in certain renewable electric production projects of Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses, Inc. (the Clean Energy Businesses) and the net mark-to-market effects of the Clean Energy Businesses."
"For the year of 2020, Con Edison expects its adjusted earnings per share to be in the range of $4.15 to $4.30 a share. The company's previous forecast was in the range of $4.15 to $4.35 per share. The change primarily reflects revised expectations due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Utilities". There is less energy being sold given business closures and office vacancies in NYC due to the pandemic resurgence.
Broker Reports (available to Schwab customers):
Argus (11/18/20): Hold, wait for better entry point, long term buy.
S & P (11/9/20): 3 stars with a 12 month PT of $89. That PT is not consistent IMO with a 3 star rating. The rating should be buy with that PT given ED's dividend yield.
Morningstar (12/18/20): 4 stars with a FV of $80.
Credit Suisse: Neutral with a 12 month PT of $79.
I. Started AMGN-Bought $50 at $222.04:
Quote: Amgen Inc.
Closing Price 1/8/21: AMGN $238.49 +$4.47 +1.91%
Website: Investors | Amgen Inc.
AMGN Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch (as of 1/1/21, the average non-GAAP E.P.S. estimate for 2021 was $16.96 and $18.25 for 2022)
At a $222.04 price and using the $16.96 average E.P.S. estimate for 2021, the P/E is 13.09.
Main Product Revenues (3rd Q. and 9 months 2020)
Sourced: 10-Q For the Q/E 9/30/20 at page 9
5 Year Financials:
Sourced from 2019 Annual Report at page 44 The 2017 earnings were negatively impacted by the 2017 Tax Act, see 2017 Annual report at pages F-16 and F-47 for more details. The charge had nothing to do with operations.
Dividend: Quarterly at $1.76 per share, raised from $1.6 effective for the 2021 first quarter.
Dividend Information | Amgen Inc.
Next Ex Dividend: 2/11/2021
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/20):
Non-GAAP E.P.S. increased 19% to $4.37$3.2B in free cash flow during the 3rd quarter
Product Sales 2020 3rd Q Compared to 2019 3rd Q:
ROW - Rest of World
The non-GAAP E.P.S. calculation increases GAAP by adding back acquisition related charges that relate "primarily to noncash amortization of intangible assets from business acquisitions".
Broker Reports (available to Schwab customers):
Morningstar (1/6/21): 3 stars with a $215 FV
Argus (11/17/20): Buy with a $275 PT
Credit Suisse (multiple reports on developments): Outperform with a $280 PT
S & P (11/2/20): 4 stars with a $268 PT
J. Started CRM-Bought $50 at $218.92:
Quote: Inc. (CRM)
CRM Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch
CRM 10-Q for the 3rd Fiscal Q/E 10/31/20
CRM Annual Report F/Y Ending on 1/31/20
I view this stock to be overvalued which explains my $50 purchase. By placing it an account, I am more likely to notice a substantial price drop that may spur some additional buying interest.
There will be a substantial differential between GAAP and Non-GAAP E.P.S. due in part to generous stock compensation that companies want investors to ignore as an expense.
For CRM's fiscal third quarter, GAAP E.P.S. was reported at $1.15 and non-GAAP at $1.74.
Broker Reports (available to Schwab Customers)
Credit Suisse (multiple reports on developments):
Morningstar (12/9/20): 3 stars FV at $253
Argus (12/3/20): Buy with a $313 PT
S & P (12/3/20): 5 stars with a $309 PT
CRM was recently added to the DJIA index.
Investors generally reacted negatively to CRM's announcement that it would acquire Slack for approximately $27.7B. Salesforce Signs Definitive Agreement to Acquire Slack
K. Bought Several Small Lots of LMT:
Current Position: 1.009 shares
Average Cost per share = $346.16
Quote: Lockheed Martin Corp.
Stock Information as of 1/8/20:
Investor Overview | Lockheed Martin Corp
Lockheed Martin Corporation | Lockheed Martin (link to information about businesses) LMT is best known for its military aircraft. Aircraft | Lockheed Martin
LMT Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch (as of 1/1/21, the average E.P.S. estimate for 2021 was $26.19 and $28.16 for 2022).
5 Year Historical: Lots of footnotes.
Sourced: 2019 Annual Report at pages 25-26 (risk factor summary starts at page 9)
Dividend: Quarterly at $2.6 per share ($10.4 annually), last raised from $2.4 effective for the 2020 4th quarter payment.
Yield at $346.16: 3%
Last Ex Dividend Date: 11/30/20
5 Year Chart:
Last Earnings Report (9/30/20): SEC Filed Press Release
"reported third quarter 2020 net sales of $16.5 billion, compared to $15.2 billion in the third quarter of 2019. Net earnings from continuing operations in the third quarter of 2020 were $1.8 billion, or $6.25 per share, compared to $1.6 billion, or $5.66 per share, in the third quarter of 2019. Cash from operations in the third quarter of 2020 was $1.9 billion, compared to cash from operations of $2.5 billion in the third quarter of 2019."
Backlog and Aircraft Deliveries:
Breakdown of Revenues, Operating Profit and Margins by Business Segments:
Recent Press Release:
Pentagon and Lockheed Martin Agree to $1.28B F-35 Sustainment Contract (1/6/21)
Broker Reports (available to Schwab customers):
Argus (10/20/20): Buy with a $450 PT
S & P (10/26/20): 5 stars with a 12 month PT of $504
Credit Suisse (multiple reports): Neutral with a $409 PT
Morningstar (12/23/20): 4 stars with a $433 FV
Maximum Position: 10 Shares
Purchase Restriction: Each subsequent purchase must be at the lowest price in the chain.
L. Bought $100 GD at $152.55; $50 at $149.88: $50 at $147.26 :
Quote: General Dynamics Corp.
GD Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch (as of 1/1/21, the average non-GAAP E.P.S. estimate for 2021 was $11.46 and $$12.8 for 2022)
Average Cost Per Share: $150.53 (1+ share)
Dividend: Quarterly at $1.10 per share
General Dynamics - Stock Information - Dividend/Split History
Last raised from $1.02 effective for the 2020 second quarter payment
Yield at AC = 2.93%
Next Ex Dividend Date: 1/14/21
Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/20): SEC Filed Earnings Press Release
Net earnings of $834 million and diluted EPS of $2.90, up 33% sequentially
Operating margin up 240 basis points over second quarter
Cash from operating activities 134% of net earnings
Total backlog at the end of third-quarter 2020 was $81.5 billion, up 21% from the year-ago quarter.
Approximately 70% of revenues comes from the U.S. government
The aerospace segment, which includes private business jets sold under the Gulfstream brand and Jet Aviation which offers services for business jets, has been negatively impacted by the pandemic.
Revenues and Earnings by Business Segment:
Broker Reports:
Morningstar (10/28/20): 4 stars with a $181 FV
S & P (11/11/20): 5 stars with a 12 month PT of $203
Credit Suisse (multiple reports): Neutral with a $140 PT
Argus (10/29/20): Hold with a buy at $120
Purchase Restriction: Each subsequent purchase, other than through dividend reinvestment, must reduce my average cost per share. Purchases will generally be $50 or $100 until the price sinks below $120.
Maximum Position: 20 shares
M. Sold 1 UBSI at $31.58:
Quote: United Bankshares Inc.
Investment Strategy: Regional Bank Basket Strategy
Profit Snapshot: $7.53
New Average Cost Per Share this Account: $21.69 (5 shares)![]() |
Snapshot Remaining 5 Shares with Price as of 12/23 Close |
Dividend: Quarterly at $.35 per shares ($1.4 annually)
Yield at $21.69 AC = 6.45%
Last Ex Dividend: 12/10/20
Last Buy Discussion: Item # Restarted UBSI-Bought 1 at $26.6; 1 at $26.34; 3 at $25.95; 5 at $25.54; 2 at $24.6; 1 at $24.32; 2 at $24.04; 1 at $23.68; 1 at $22.21; 1 at $21.81; 1 at $21.3; 2 at $20.9 (9/26/20 Post);
Largest Gain: $1,235.01 Item # 1 Sold 50 UBSI at $41.58-Update For Regional Bank Basket Strategy As Of 8/7/15 - South Gent | Seeking Alpha
I neglected to include this trade in my last post where I discussed selling 2 shares in another account. Item # 1.E. (1/1/21 Post) I discussed the third quarter earnings report in that post.
N. Pared UBSI in Fidelity Taxable Account-Sold 3 at $35.44:
See Item #1.M above.Profit Snapshot: +$28.46
New Average Cost This Account: $23.76
![]() |
Snapshot Intraday 1/7/21 After Pare |
Yield at $23.76 = 5.89%
Purchase History Remaining Shares this account:
Realized UBSI Gains to Date: +$1,279.51
O. Pared EAF in Schwab taxable account-Sold 25 at $11.43 (2nd highest cost lot):
Closing Price 1/8/21: EAF $11.66 +$0.17 +1.48%
Quote: GrafTech International Ltd.Profit Snapshot: $3.99
In my last post, I discussed eliminating my position in the Fidelity taxable account. EAF had been a loser for me but the recent rally in cyclical stocks lifted the share price into profit territory. Item # 3.I. Eliminated EAF in Fidelity taxable account-Sold 46+ at $9.94(1/1/21 Post)
New Average Cost Per Share Schwab Account: $10.6 (78+ shares)
The highest cost lot bought at will be sold when I can do so profitably.
EAF Realized Gains to Date: $257.46 ($253.47 in prior trades)
2. Non-Cumulative Equity Preferred Stocks:
A. Pared DCOMP-Sold 30 out of 80 at $25.8-Fidelity Taxable Account:
Dime Community is in the process of being acquired by Bridge Bancorp Inc. (BDGE) which I own.
Profit Snapshot: $170.45
Remaining Shares Average Cost at $20.09:
![]() |
Snapshot Intraday on 1/5/21 |
I own this security in several of my accounts.
Last Buy Discussion: Item # 2.A. Bought 10 DCOMP at $20.68; 10 at $20.3 ; 5 at $20.26; 5 at $20.09; 70 at $20.09 (8/1/20 Post)
Last Sell Discussion: Item # 2.B. Sold 10 DCOMP at $21.14 and 10 at $22.06-Highest Cost Lots Fidelity Taxable Account (9/5/20 Post)(profit snapshot = $26.23)
Par Value: $25
Dividends: Non-Cumulative and Qualified, Paid Quarterly
Last Ex Dividend: 11/5/20
Issuer Optional Call Date: At par plus accrued and unpaid dividends on or after 2/15/25
Average Cost Per Share: $20.09 (50 Shares)
Yield at AC = 6.84%
I rapidly lose interest in these low yield equity preferred stocks when prices exceed par value.
I am also concerned about a rise in interest rates. The current dominant trend is up in intermediate and longer term U.S. rates.
Based on what I know now, the credit risk will improve when BDGE completes its acquisition and this preferred stock becomes a BDGE obligation.
B. Pared DCOMP-Vanguard Taxable Account-Sold 5 at $25.5:
Profit Snapshot: +$26.6
See Item 2. A above.
This 5 share lot was bought at $20.26. This taxable account currently holds 15 shares bought at $20.11:
Yield at $20.11 = 6.84%
DCOMP Realized Gains: $248.06
I also sold 5 shares held in a Roth IRA account: +$24.78
The payments made on 1/1/21 were not credited until 1/4/21.
In the following snapshots, I did not include trades.
Tennessee Municipal Bonds this account = $538.76
Those muni bonds will be the primary interest income payments during 2021.
The municipal bond prices are being restrained by their optional redemption provisions at par value. None will make it too their maturity dates using current interest rate forecasts.
I sort of have a stock position in Microsoft with one share in a frame and a 1.7+ more held at Computershare which handles Microsoft's dividend reinvestment plan. For those enrolled, the stock split shares are paid into that plan.
ReplyDeleteThe total position is 2.7+ shares which started out as 1 share. As a Christmas gift, my much older brother bought me 1 share from a company that was in that business who then for a fee put the share in a frame.
I do not recall when except it had to be between 3/26/1999 and 2/14/2003, since I have only received 1 two for one stock split.
So I received the last 2 for 1 stock split paid in 2003 and that extra share went into my Computershare plan. The remaining .7+ share comes from dividend reinvestment. There was as I recall a special $3 per share dividend paid in 2004.
Since 1 share is in a frame, and I have not yet experienced a financial need for the proceeds, I have managed to hold onto the entire position of 2.7+ shares.
Based on the closing price last Friday of $219.62, my stake is currently worth $613.45.
Lots of stuff to take in.
ReplyDeleteBill Gross is a bond expert. What's he doing picking a sensitive very limited subsector of stocks? He could be brilliant at it, but I don't know what to make of that.
Fear and Greed index moved from 50 last week to 72 now.
Does GLUU really have a PE of 300? Doesn't mean anything in a small growth stock.... except they have positive earnings, so they HAVE a PE, which is a nice change of pace for these. Finviz shows no debt. Haven't looked more at that.
Good reminder that Biden's coming - with Dem control. So targeted regulation will aim at:
Social Media
Big Pharm
Business tax rates
Regulations that add paperwork
Positive for:
Alternative energy
Pot (you pointed out :) ).
Small business loans
For starters.
Grantham's article - he has some excellent insights. He's been 2-3 years early on crashes, so that's a caveat.
I started with this Fortune Mag article that says Ichan is also talking bubble that will lead to crash. It's obviously a bubble. Hard question is where in the bubble stage. Both are talking later stages of exuberance. Wish he'd quoted Icahn more - it's vague from him.
Granham's points, new to me, and key:
- "This time is different." Low rates are motivation here. He points out it's being used as an excuse why valuations can be high "this time." That's a game changer from how I was thinking.
- When covid recedes the economy will improve... but no more excuse for the punch bowl. That's a big deal to anticipate. The market's totally reactive to stimulus.
I'd been thinking emotionally, when Biden comes in, a starting to fact reality comes with him. Reality is less exuberant and hopeful. I figured valuations will start to get a more realistic look. But the catalyst of no-stimulus is a way better point.
- He pts out the economy in the last two bubbles was healthy or was perceived so. That's what's been making it harder to see a bubble here. The external-to-the-market enthusiasm is missing. The lack of enthusiasm's made it look less like a pre-crash enthusiasm.
I don't see the headlines he's talking about - broad discussion of investing in non-investing sources. Have you seen it?
- How to play it. He points out there's usually a big dip that recovers at first. That's the VIX model.
It's nerve wracking, but one could stay in until the model triggers and recovery period.
- He talked about the top comes subtling, the economy is just a little worse than before - not a big obvious event. That's why it's not called by many.
Does that seem right? I have no idea what was the true early events of the 2000 crash.
My own sense: Rates inverted, crash was coming after exuberance. The usual phase got **interrupted** by a premature covid crash. I wasn't sure how that's effect the start of the actual crash that was coming (stop it from developing?, delay it?)
That's why the market has been so giddy through a tough time. Emotionally not time for or ready for the crash.
Since there's been exuberance, covid crash hasn't stop it cold. (If it did then this would be the start of a bull period.)
The next crash may have a pre-rate-inversion again. If there's an inversion, I'd use it same as usual.
Commmon wisdom is the market's going to keep climbing, because covid's ending. A real possibility, especially for a while. But I found these modeling points worth considering.
VIX hasn't gotten back under 20. Could it fly into the next crash without getting under? Or could recover under 20 for 3 months here, and be ready for the next setup.
Read FG's. He's worried on politics. About upcoming policies. (Sounds like a particular one but doesn't say which.) So he's focused on some profit taking. Rotation.
ReplyDeleteBut he's optimistic as usual. Now I'm confused again :). Lots of specific stocks to look at still, and block out the noise.
Business Insider has an article that most investors believe this is a bubble. That'd be contrarian to a drop. So...
Land: Republicans generally believe the Democrats will tank the economy. Looking back at history, the evidence for that belief is lacking.
DeleteClinton raised taxes and the market experienced robust gains during his 8 years. The stock market did extremely well during Obama's 8 year term but he assumed office during a catastrophic stock market decline.
The Democrats will pass an increase in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% but a number of other measures will stimulate consumer spending. The corporate tax increase will still be well below what it was before the passage of the GOP's "Tax Cut and Jobs Act"in December 2017.
Biden Tax Measures:
Rich people will not like it of course. But there are a number of benefits that flow to the middle and lower income households that will spend all or most of the increase in their disposal income.
As I discussed in this post, those measures can pass through the budget reconciliation process which is how the republicans passed their last tax bill with a bare 51 to 49 majority, avoiding the filibuster rule.
I'm not worried about Dems and economy. I've seen your explanations on that!
DeleteI suspect specific sectors will get hit with regulation. The reg won't matter, but for a short while the market will sell those off.
The Biden tax measures look reasonably good.
FG's overall optimism contrasts with all the bubble talk. That's what confused me.
Do you have any opinions on Granham's idea that... the "rates are low so valuations can be high" the new "this time it's different"?
Land: The financial incentive is to create justifications for P/E multiples being well above historical norms. The reasons will vary over time, but they will always be present during those periods.
DeleteHistorically, those justifications create herd behavior that drives stock prices higher, eventually creating a bubble as now and a subsequent major valuation reset.
I view the 2000-2002 50% decline to be a valuation reset that took the S & P 500 back to the upper end of an historical fair value range.
One argument now for historically high P/E ratios, which is unquestionably the case, is that interest rates and inflation will remain abnormally low and consequently future earnings become more valuable. The theory is called the Fed Model:,B%2FE%2FS%20earnings%20yield
The evidence supporting that justification is weak.
The valuation reset will likely occur during Biden's term. Republicans will blame him for the stock market losses resulting from the valuation reset, even though he had zero responsibility and could have done nothing to avert it.
2000 - back to upper end? I had that impression, but haven't heard anyone say it before.
DeleteNow too, a take back to start of 2000 would feel big but not be much of a reset.
I can't see this market lasting all the way through Biden. Unless it burns it off in a trading range.
Had a standing order in to sell a little IWM at 209.45. Triggered this morning. About $3k.
It's already painful, with that and GRMN & TXN to sell, to take profits, and prepare for a pullback. It's not natural feeling.
INTC is rallying and I'm missing it. If it breaks out, I'll buy in again for the classic climb.
Can't believe how much the market is rallying with all the threat of violence happening.
DeleteS&P 500 PE Ratio - 90 Year Historical Chart
The Stock Jocks are not concerned about the violence. Their current view is that Democrat control will lead to more stimulus for those who will spend the extra dollars.
That thesis is in part reflected in the anxiety being experienced by the Bond Ghouls, as rates are persistently moving higher.
U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note
1.179 +0.033%
That yield is more than a doubling from the low yield last year. Yet it is still not high enough to worry the Stock Jocks.
I am continuing my small ball "buying program" in GIS (5 share lots) which is being hit along with other packaged food companies.
SeekingAlpha has gone to a new paywall model that has made the site useless to me. Access to everything (including news) is eliminated after a few views per month The subscription price is about $20 a month. Maybe it is worth $20 per year to me. I will not be visiting again and have eliminated my bookmarks and saved passwords on all devices.
I keep trying to pick out segments of the historical PE chart that go straight up. I can't pick out patterns to use. The most interesting is that there are bull and bear segments. The way it's laid out there's very little trading range for the PEs.
DeleteThis also says we could have a while to go... room for nose-bleed seats on this.
This week was a Warren Buffet story about GDP vs capital in the market and how high it is. Again, doesn't seem to be a timing tool, just complete current overvaluations. You mention it in your valuations sections. If the economy recovers, this will come down without a crash in prices.
I've wondered about yield flying higher, though double nearly nothing is still not that much. My impression is that rate increases are like a slow cooking. They don't effect the market, until some trumpeting notices that they matter - around 3.5% or 4%.
That is disappointing about SA. I like glancing through articles. But $240 a year? Not going to happen.
There is still a food bank at the middle school when I go by earlier in the day. It's new since covid.
Today we have a twice baked president! He's finally the best at something. The very best at getting impeached in the USA! I'll send him a mug.
10 GOP Reps, and McConnell not speaking against it.
Ebay is going to self management of payments. That means Paypal loses a huge customer. It's not new news (from the summer). I just learned it. Packages I shipped a month ago for ebay are still stuck. DeJoy did a number on the post office.
I lost a lot on Intc's jump. Sigh.
VIX at 22.21. It's been near 20 for a while now.
Land: This is another P/E chart for the S & P 500 that goes back to 1870:
The P/E is based on trailing twelve months GAAP. I think there is an historical pattern of P/E ratios mostly in the 15 to 20 range. The mean is at 15.88 and the median is at 14.84.
The 2009 spike higher can be ignored since the TTM earnings number collapsed due to the Near Depression. The current P/E of 38.39 based on GAAP TTM earnings is the second highest in history, excluding that 2009 one off, beaten only by the about 44 in 1999-2000.
With the blue sky economic scenario being the consensus Stock Jock opinion, the current P/E using GAAP TTM is being treated like a one off event that will right itself within a year or so. That is how I would explain it.
One problem with that interpretation is that the forward 12 month P/E using non-GAAP estimates was at 25.45 last Friday:
The modern historical average is close to 16 as I recall.
Other than impeaching Donald again, the main development today was a pullback in interest rates with the 10 year treasury yield falling 5 basis points.
I don't believe the FED has lost control over rates. Consequently, yesterday and today I was buying in small doses the bond like stocks that were being sold, primarily utility companies. I don't particularly like them but a 4% yield is still better than .01 in cash.
I have been paring my regional banks positions almost every day. I suspect that many of them are experiencing more borrower problems with the COVID surge, resulting in renewed loan modifications, and the interest rate increase so far will not have a material impact on NIM.
The Senate will not hold a trial until after the election. It is arguable that a President can not be impeached after leaving office. Some republican senators may just say why bother as an excuse to justify voting against a conviction.
Maybe there are 3 willing to vote without without McConnells support. He would bring along more.
2/3rds are needed for a conviction.
There is reason for several of them to vote for conviction since they want to be rid of Trump forever.
The impeachment article passed today by the House uses the wording of section 3 of the 14th Amendment which prevents anyone from serving in the federal government who engaged in insurrection:
A poll taken after the Trump inspired assault on the capitol while Congress was in session showed Trump's approval rating among republicans at close to 80%, about the same number who view him as honest and as a good role model for their children.
The charts are attention grabbing. Why wouldn't now be like 2009 that the bad economy has skewed the ratio? That's been the investor's idea since March.
DeleteYour answer is that even forward PEs are way over valued. If the big 5 or so are removed, how does it look? If it's closer to normal, then there is room to buy into other more reasonably valued stocks (not the indices). Is this hard to calculate?
What I'd been trying to see was the bear vs bull parabolic shaped moves. It was noticeable that so much moved that way in the ratio, and didn't move in a trading range. I was pondering what it meant.
This new (wilshire) link doesn't show that look as much.
If bank stocks run into trouble, that will be good news for me. My total $500 max in them, could use some company. But I'm not buying here yet. Though if things simply recover from here, this is still a good entry point for someone like me who doesn't have much.
Interest rates will be kept low. Fed isn't letting them climb - they promised and in this case, I believe they are committed to it. I don't have info on why they started to climb. Fear doesn't explain it enough considering there's been fear all along.
The biggest news turned out to be - not impeachment of a president...
but that Trump isn't going to pay Giuliani.
This tweet was my favorite:
""BREAKING: According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump has instructed his staff not to pay Rudy Giuliani’s legal fees.
I’ll write more when I’m done laughing.
— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) January 14, 2021
It will not be a good look if Trump is not convicted by the Senate. I don't trust McConnell. But there will be a lot of calculating how best to retain some power for the party, and that will decide how this vote goes.
They could just move to a true conservative platform, reach out to diversity, and have a real party, that really does keep the far left in check. The party is now split. Lincoln and not sure how many factions and groups... and the cult party of Trump el als.
Land: I will be asking my brokers for mulligans on some recent sell orders. The Old Geezer got confused even believing when he sold VIAC that FDR was President.
DeleteViacomCBS Inc. Cl B
$46.46 +$3.34 +7.75%
The dominant faction in the GOP is the Trumpsters. Why else would 197 GOP House members vote against impeachment? Trump's incitement was easily the most obvious impeachable offense committed by a President in U.S. history.
The Lincoln Project crowd have already left the GOP. Steve Schmidt is one:
That was in 2018 when he published this tweet:
"the Republican Party ... is fully the party of Trump. It is corrupt, indecent and immoral. With the exception of a few Governors like Baker, Hogan and Kasich it is filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party's greatest leaders ... Today the GOP has become a danger to our democracy and our values."
Oh my, mulligans it is. The indices moves are back to abnormal too - 2-3% in a day. IWM at 4% up.
DeleteBy "they could just move..." I didn't mean with any seriousness they would. That was tongue in cheek.
There is a shaving off of 10-15% from in various GOP polls. That's a huge shift compared to how dedicated they've been. But it's still a basket case. The core ideology of the part is lost & replaced with power-mongering and nothing else. Well various hates mixed in, in order to cement the power-mongering. I hope Schmidt and Lincoln Project can form a solid base to 'split' the party and create a new direction with that split.
Ebix Inc.
ReplyDelete$42.65 +$3.17 8.03%
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2021 at 12:20 p.m. EST
My gut has informed me that this pop, based on no fundamental news that I can find, is based on technicals.
The price based near $20 last November and has been in an uptrend since then.
The price rallied this morning to take out its prior top near $40.9 established on 1/6/21 and 1/7/21.
I have a lotto position (5 shares with an average cost per share at $20.3)
Dropbox Inc. (DBX)
$22.88 +$0.75 +3.41%
This Lotto had a bad day yesterday in response to an announcement that it was reducing its global workforce by 315 jobs, which are no longer needed due to a new business strategy involving work at home being the standard. The CFO is leaving which can cause angst among the Stock Jocks.
So far, DBX has recouped about 1/2 of yesterday's decline, possibly due to a reevaluation of this announcement. Costs will be reduced over time after the initial hit on employee separation costs.
I am continuing to pare regional bank stocks into strength:
SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (KRE)
$59.51 $1.13 +1.93%
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2021 at 12:40 p.m. EST
I previously mentioned in a comment selling 50 shares of HBAN and I sold another 20 this morning at $15, which brought the position in my Fidelity taxable account down to 72+ shares with an average cost per share of $9.67. I sold the highest cost lots. The new dividend yield at this AC is 6.2%. That is just how I am approaching this market.
I have a theory of how to invest in the current market. Are there any holes in it?
ReplyDeleteOther problem is that it's scary to implement.
The market hasn't come out of unstable VIX, but it's come down to near 20, and is not showing the lower lows that are typical in a troubled market. Instead it's showing late exuberance.
So assume that from here a crash will follow the VIX model in this way...
1) There will be a spike in VIX that will last.
2) After the spike and drawndown in prices, there will be a recovery period. Where VIX comes closer to 20.
3) That's when to sell again.
4) Recovery period may or may not reach the highs. But if you've been invested all along, losing that last climb to a lower top in recovery period won't be a big deal. You're have gained on the climb until then.
It's pretty simple conceptually. Just consider that the covid crash has recovered adequately, for the next crash to follow the usual patterns, pre-crash and crash.
If accurate, then one would buy here. Not sell much for now. (Only select stocks that are problems or really need a little profit taking). Hold until the VIX spikes again. Then be sure to sell into whatever the next recovery moment looks like, even if at a loss of the last bit of gain.
That would mean if there's a trading range to burn off the high valuations, you'd have stayed in, and wouldn't lose by being afraid of the crash.
It's risk is that after a crash there won't be enough exuberance to trigger a recovery moment before the crash continues.
The scary part is:
- valuations are high. A reset is more likely than not. Buying into knowing that is scary.
Land: Regarding the VIX Model, I bought during the volatility spike in March. Since the VIX has not yet closed below 20, I have been keeping my stock allocation relatively steady, give or take $20K, after adding over $100K in March-April.
DeleteI am attempting to control what I consider to be elevated stock risks through small ball trading and a focus on reasonably priced dividend stocks.
I have been a net seller today.
I did continue buying GIS down to $54 and now own 65 shares in my Fidelity account, up from the 35 shares discussed in Item #1.B. above.
I view it as likely now that Biden will not seek to raise corporate taxes this year and will instead focus on stimulus programs. He is going to outline his plan tonight.
So that's why the rally - there's been enough leak of the Biden plan as positive, for a rally.
DeleteDo you see any holes or reasons not to conclude that a new crash would come with a pre-warning spike and exuberance recovery period?
Or is it too hard to pre-judge such things?
Land: The Vix Model simply says that the market remains in an Unstable VIX Pattern which means that another major spike is possible. The spike would be associated with a significant stock market decline. I have been buying those spikes so far, but I do not make a decision on whether I will do so in the future until I can analyze what is causing the spike and whether prices have fallen enough to tilt the risk/reward balance to reward.
DeleteSince it is normal to have a prolonged movement over 20 when there is a spike like the one last March, there is no way to predict what will come next at the moment.
A similar type spike occurred in October 2008 and the VIX started a long period where it moved back toward 20, but did not form a stable vix pattern until September 2012. There was an upside crossover of the SPX 200 day SMA line in June 2009 which indicated that the VIX would return to stable movement below 20 though it took a long time.
Yes, I think I'm discounting the UN part of the UNstable pattern too much in my theory.
DeleteI noticed in past spikes, once the VIX came down to the 20's, it didn't tend to do a big spike/crash again (except that 2011 move).
That's where I got the idea that if there is a spike again now, it'd be likely to be the start of another "real crash" pattern. It's possible. But the UN part of Unstable, makes it hard to tell. Shoot.
Though I think the idea is worth keeping in mind, that this was a crash during exuberance phase, so it acted differently. And we're still setting for the real crash that was coming & got interrupted by the black swan covid crash.
Land: I have a tendency to think too much when the best course has been to avoid thought and to go with the Big Mo.
DeleteYou are probably thinking too much about the VIX Model. With the current Unstable VIX Pattern, there is simply an elevated risk that the market could go back into a major dive mode.
VIX Close on 1/15/21:
24.34 +1.09 (+4.69%)
The Stock Jocks are ignoring a lot right now. The virus is mutating, and the vaccine rollout has been abysmally incompetent.
There are still big question marks on how long the vaccine will be effective; the percentage effectiveness (I doubt that 95% will hold up when millions are inoculated); whether enough people will be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity assuming the vaccine is close to 95% effective and immunity lasts for a year or so; and whether the virus will have time to mutate into a resistant strain (odds are increasing given the delays in inoculations).
Yet the market is near an all time high with nose bleed valuations based on a extraordinarily robust forecast for worldwide growth.
I just view the stock market as having an elevated risk level. Bonds are unattractive for new purchases and CDs are just not worth the trouble given the low rates. This has the feeling of a top formation in both major asset classes.
Definitely came to the impression I was thinking too much.
Delete"feeling of top formation"
Is that based on the valuations and ignoring of data? Or is there anything else feeding it. Such as % of upbeat articles?
FG is sitting on a fence. He's not calling the future for up, down or sideways, saying it's impossible to tell here. I haven't seen him on a fence before.
That says he's seeing some flags. He's usually early. But by weeks or a month, not years.
I agree with him that the climb could continue. The investors haven't looked down yet, and are hearing angels singing above, while they float on stimulus and better economy coming. Very hard to call the end to euphoria.
The flag he sees is a policy of too much stimulus and accommodative policy leading to that inflation that the original QE was expected to cause and didn't.
"Now with all of this liquidity sloshing around and more stimulus being planned with seemingly no pushback, there is also a little issue called inflation lurking in the weeds. ... Perhaps it is time to be watchful now as analysts start to highlight this issue. While the ink isn't dry on the latest stimulus checks, we just heard that more stimulus may be on the way. Unless it is laser-focused, (doubtful) investors need to be on the lookout as the combined effects of stimulus and organic economic recovery become the policy error that was mentioned here in early December."
That's a political worry. So he may be influenced into worry by his politics.
Title this week is "Everyone Is Bullish". If he's seeing that - and he gives a list of all the investing banks's projections that are for higher this year... that's very contrarian.
Land: My "feeling" is based on a cacophony of items that have gelled in my aged brain.
DeleteSince I am a conservative person, I will not abandon traditional measures for valuing companies based on the latest fad, and those metrics point to an overvalued stock market.
I am not significantly changing my overall stock allocation based on valuation concerns-so far, though I am doing nips and tucks based on what is standard trading for me now.
For example, a nip and tuck would be to take profits in several regional bank stock positions, which have rallied strongly over the past several weeks, and to buy GIS on the way down to $54 or to start BMY in 3 of my taxable accounts, adding more on weakness.
The focus is on valuation and dividend yields for specific stocks while harvesting some gains and reducing my cost basis in several positions.
Monetary stimulus has not caused inflation yet.
There was an inflation concern that developed after the first QE was announced in March 2009, but that has disappeared now since inflation failed to materialize.
The excess money creation has generated inflation in risk assets (stocks and bonds), not in the price of items used in the economy.
I believe there will be a crossover point in the more distant future where excess money creation and far too much federal debt will contribute significantly to inflationary pressure, but that may be more in the back half of this decade.
I do not regard 2% inflation as a stumbling block for stocks. A persistent rise above that level would be, in part due to the FED taking the free money punch bowl (ZIRP) away and launching into a series of FF rate hikes.
The powers that be are gradually turning the USD into so much confetti, which in part explains the rise in gold and bitcoin prices. I own gold bullion but will not touch crypto currencies.
Fiscal stimulus could increase inflation some, assuming Biden is able to add at least another trillion or so, mostly channeling more cash to those likely to spend all of it.
Some are predicting the ten year treasury will rise to 2% this year. That would be a bear market in bonds, one where the loss in value will more than offset the negligible interest income for recently purchased bonds with intermediate or longer term durations.
The Barron's Roundtable featured a recommendation for Amgen by William Priest who argues that the upside is to $350.
There was another favorable Barron's article on MMM:
Since no one can quantify the potential monetary exposure relating to environmental cleanups for PFAS contaminations, other than to say it could be huge, it is hard for me to buy MMM given its current P/E. I did manage to take my position to just over 1 share last week, which I will discuss in my next post.
So it being top-forming like - is more than valuations. I don't have the experience to have my own feeling. But can completely picture how it can give an image, that if you'd seen it before, is familiar.
DeleteI posted from FG's because while he can't tell which way it's going, he's expressing a "possible" top here which he hasn't done before. Ever. So he's got a sense or images are matching enough to consider it.
FG too says early rates increases don't cause the market harm. But he's bringing the issue closer than you are. That may be his political leaning coming in. There'll be warnings if rates get to an influential point. Isn't that normally also when rates invert?
I wish I'd kept AMGN that I bought at $144.
I also wish the market would rally again picking up MMM closer to a $150 loss. Cause I would sell mine.
The problem is probablities. If the market goes down, then buying now is a problem. If it goes up, not buying is a problem. And everything goes up and down...
I'm inclined to start taking some QQQ off the table. I regret selling that $3k of IWM the other day. But will keep taking a little off the top of things and trying to get out of poorer quality.
I put GIS on my list for an entry point. It rallied the days after you bought. Need to decide and look at others...
I have published a new post: