Wednesday, January 1, 2025



Pending Home Sales Moved Up 2.2% in November, Fourth Straight Month of Increases

Housing market supply is 'stale' to end 2024

On 9/16/24, two days before the FED cut the Federal Funds range by 50 basis points, the ten year treasury yield closed at a 3.63% yield. 

On 12/31/24,  with two 25 basis points cuts, the ten year yield had risen to 4.58%. 

A continued rise in intermediate and longer term rates will be a significant headwind IMO for major stock indexes that already have elevated P/E multiples. Stock Market P/E Ratios-Yardeni ResearchP/E & Yields (trailing 12 month P/E for the S&P 500 at 25.41 as of 12/27/24, up from an already high 21.87 a year ago). 

The 10 year treasury yield during the long term secular bull market that started around 1951 moved mostly in the 2.5% to 4.5% range, but that was up from less than 2.5% during the post WWII period (1945-1951) when the FED manipulated that yield far below the hot inflation rates (1946 at +8.5%, 1947 at +14.4%; 1948 at +7.7%, sourced from, Consumer Price Index, 1913- | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis10 Year Treasury Rate by Year - Multpl).  

Starting in January 1951 through December 1965, the annual average total return for the S&P 500 (dividends reinvested), adjusted for inflation, was +13.138%S&P 500 Return Calculator, with Dividend Reinvestment  The total annual average total return for the S&P 500 starting in January 1966 through July 1982 was a -1.813%.

What was the defining characteristic of both periods?  Inflation and interest rates

Starting in 1966, the ten year treasury yield, responding to higher inflation numbers, started to move  out of its range bound movement below 4.5% starting in 1966. 

It is just too early to know whether the recent slight move above 4.5% is the start of a long term trend higher or just a temporary blip. 

10 Year Treasury Yields: 

As of dates

CPI Annual: 

One extreme aggravating factor IMO that may lead to long term rise in yields going forward (measured in years), which was not present in the 1966-1982 period, is the tremendous increase in debt outstanding, both government and consumer, that has to be refinanced over and over again. 

In 1981, the entire public debt accumulated by the federal government was less than $1 trillion. It is now over $35 trillion and growing by more than $1 trillion per year, more than the entire U.S. government debt  in 1981, which was accumulated since the nation was founded.  

This is one of the scarier charts out there: 

Federal Debt as a % of GDP: 

Note that the huge and rapid rise in M2 coincided with the rapid increases in inflation:  M2-St. Louis Fed (M2 at $15.9 trillion in March 2020, rising to $21.722 trillion in March 2022 when CPI hit a 8.5% annual rate and the FED ended Q/E and ZIRP); Federal Reserve Board - Money Stock Measures - H.6 - December 26, 2024 


Allocation Shifts Discussed in this Post

Treasury Bills Purchased at Auction: $10,000 in principal amount

Corporate Bonds: $10,000 in principal amount

Treasury Note Purchased at Auction: $1,000 in principal amount

Treasury Notes Purchased Secondary Market: $5,000 in principal amount (5 separate purchases ranging in maturities between 11/15/27 to 11/15/33)

I am buying more treasury notes in the 2027-2033 maturity range. 

U.S. Common Stocks: +$1.828.83

Canadian Stock: +C1,188 (converted to US$820 for the allocation amount purpose) 

Stock Funds: +$200

Net Inflow Stocks/Stock Funds: +$2,848.83

Exchange Traded First Mortgage Bond (ELC): +$212

2024 Net Outflow Stocks/Stock Funds: -$65,632.15

The total would be several thousand dollars higher if all trades were discussed in my posts.  

10 Year Breakeven Inflation Rate as of 12/31/24: 2.34%


Carroll Jury Verdict UpheldTrump-Carroll Appellate Opinion.pdf

2nd Circuit affirms $5 million judgment against Donald Trump in E. Jean Carroll sexual assault case | Courthouse News Service

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld the jury verdict in the first Carroll case, where the jury found that Trump had sexually assaulted Carroll by forcibly putting his fingers in her vagina and then defamed her by claiming she lied about the assault. The Second Circuit found no errors in how the federal district court handled the case with his evidentiary rulings.  

Under NY criminal law, that conduct is technically not a rape which requires the insertion of a penis. Appeals court rejects Trump's challenge of sexual abuse verdict in E. Jean Carroll case - CBS NewsFederal appeals court upholds sexual abuse verdict against Trump | CNN Politics The jury concluded that Trump did not rape her under that criminal law definition which was used by the Judge in his jury instructions. 

However, when the district court judge dismissed Trump's counterclaim against Carroll, where Trump claimed that she defamed him by claiming rape, the district court found that the jury's finding of sexual assault as described above would commonly be viewed as rape, even though it technically did not fall within the definition used in the criminal code. Federal judge tosses Trump's defamation claim against E. Jean Carroll - CBS News

I view it as highly unlikely that the Supreme Court will hear an appeal. If they do, then the Republican Justices will lose even more credibility as jurists. There is no constitutional issue for the Supreme Court to review. 

Upholding the first Carroll jury verdict will make it much harder for Trump to secure a reversal of the second verdict that included the $60M in punitive damages. The factual finding made by the first jury that Trump had sexually assaulted Carroll is deemed already proven in the second trial by virtue of the long standing legal doctrine known as collateral estoppel.  

I do not believe that ABC should have settled the defamation case brought by Trump. A republican federal district court judge wrongfully IMO refused to dismiss Trump's defamation suit.  

I suspect that the corporate types at Disney were concerned about what Trump would do to ABC and affiliated companies if the case had continued into Trump's presidency, particularly if Trump had been forced to sit through a deposition which was about to happen just prior to the settlement.  

The only way to deal with a creature like Trump is never give in to him, fight him every step of the way, and then at least consider suing his lawyers for bringing a meritless claim. Trump’s many civil cases won’t stop just because he’s president. Here’s what to know | CNN Politics

My Videos: Second Circuit Hears Arguments on Trump's Appeal of First Carroll Jury Verdict - YouTube (predicting that the appeals panel would deny Trump a new trial and uphold the jury verdict); E J Carroll 2nd Defamation Case Trial Solely on the Issue of Damages - YouTube$65 Million in Punitive Damages Awarded to Carroll - YouTubeTrump Repeats Statements Today About Carroll That a Jury Found Defamatory in May 2023 - YouTube (just an another example of his extremely poor judgment, only a fool would continue to repeat statements found to be defamatory by a jury)


1. Canadian REIT

A. Added 100 of DIR.UN at C$11.87 (IB Account)

Cost: $1,188 with C$1 commission 

External Management Services provided by Dream Unlimited: 

In C$ Thousands

Sourced: 2023_DIR_Annual_Report.pdf at page 26.  

As of 9/30/24, Dream Industrial owned 545 buildings totaling 71.9 million square feet of leasable space in Canada, Europe and the U.S.  

Sourced: Q3-2024.pdf at pages 8-9. 

Occupancy as of 9/30/24: 95.1% with a committed occupancy at 95.5%. 

Claimed Net Asset value per share: C$16.73

All transactions on the Toronto stock exchange are in my Interactive Brokers account.  

Website: Dream Industrial REIT

Last DiscussedItem #2 Bought 100 DIR.UN:CA at C$12.72 (3/28/24 Post) 

Last EliminationItem # 1 Eliminated DIR.UN:CA-Sold 200 at C$13.815 (1/30/23 Post)(profit snapshot = C$653). In that post I also discussed a trade in the CAD priced units that netted a C$686 profit, but a tax reportable loss in USDs of $6.88, providing snapshots of the purchases. For a U.S. citizen and for tax reporting purposes, profits and losses are not measured and reported in a tax return using a foreign currency. The profit or loss is measured by converting the CAD cost into USDs when the security is bought and then again when it is sold. 

Dividend: Monthly at C$.05833 per unit 

Last Ex Dividend: 12/31/24 (owned 300 units as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): 

Dream Industrial REIT Reports Strong Q3 2024 Financial Results 

Net Rental Income: C$90.5M, up 7.1%

FFO per unit: C$.26, up from $.25 

I do not like how Canadian REITs adjust net income to arrive at FFO. The calculations lack the certainty of the GAAP depreciation expense adjustment made by U.S. REITs and are far too mushy IMO. 

Other Sell DiscussionsItem # 3.A. Sold 100 DIR.UN:CA at $11.92 (4/27/19 Post)(profit snapshot = C$219); Item # 3.B. Sold 300 DIR.UN:CA at C$9.48 (4/2/2018 Post)(profit snapshot = C$389) 

DIR.UN:CA Realized Gains to Date: C$1,947

Maximum Position: 300 units. 

2. Small Ball Buys

The small ball purchases summarized below are dividend paying stocks in currently unfavored stock sectors: Packaged Foods, Equity REITs, a chemical stock, a Canadian Integrated Energy, and a BDC.  

Many of the BDCs have seen a significant rise in non-performing loans and BDCs in general are having their variable rate loans reset at lower coupons as short term rates fall. 

Packaged food companies are generally experiencing negative or low volume growth, as prices increases resulting from the rapid input cost inflation starting in 2021 led to lower demand. 

Equity REITs are viewed by many investors as bond substitutes. Their dividend yields become less attractive as intermediate term treasury yields rise, which has been the case starting last September. 

Chemical stocks are in a bear market of uncertain duration, caused primarily IMO about demand concerns and input cost inflation that have resulted in lower earnings.

A. Added 5 GIS at $63.32

Quote: General Mills Inc. (GIS)

Cost: $316.6

Last DiscussedItem # 2.B. Pared GIS - Sold 5 at $75.14 (9/26/24 Post)(profit snapshot = $92.68). I have now bought back those shares. I discussed the earnings report for the F/Q ending 8/25/24 in that post. SEC Filed Earnings Press Release

General Mills Investor Relations

GIS Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch

GIS SEC Filings

General Mills: Brands overview

Recent NewsGeneral Mills Announces Agreements to Sell Its North American Yogurt Business to Lactalis and Sodiaal (9/12/24) The cash transactions are valued at $2.1B. GIS intends to use the net proceeds for share repurchases. 

New Average cost per share: $56.22 (40 Shares) 

Snapshot Intraday on 12/24/24 after add

This purchase raised my AC per share from $55.20

Dividend: Quarterly at $.60 per share, last raised from $.59 effective for the 2024 third quarter payment. 

GIS Dividend History | Nasdaq

I am not reinvesting the dividend. 

Yield at $56.22: 4.27%

Next Ex Dividend: 1/10/25

Last Earnings Report (F/Q ending 11/24/24)

Revenues: $5.2401B

Diluted E.P.S. = $1.42, up from $1.02

Adjusted E.P.S. $1.4

Second quarter results included certain timing benefits that are expected to reverse in the current quarter. 

Those included "an increase in retailer inventory in North America Retail due in part to the Thanksgiving holiday shifting from the final week of the second quarter of fiscal 2024 to the first week of the third quarter of fiscal 2025, as well as favorable trade and other expense timing. These items represented approximately a 1.5-point benefit to net sales and a 6-point benefit to operating profit in the quarter."

The stock declined in response to this report based on a slight downward revision in fiscal 2025 guidance. The adjusted E.P.S. range was guided to -1%  to  3% in constant currency, down from the earlier guidance of -1% to +1% in CC: 

The guidance does not yet include the divestiture of the yogurt business or the acquisition of Whitehouse Pet brands. 

GIS stated that the lower guidance was due to "increased investments to fund improved volume and market share trends". I do not regard that as a negative. 

In the pet segment, net sales "were up 5 percent to $596 million, driven by higher pound volume, partially offset by unfavorable net price realization and mix. Organic net sales were also up 5 percent. . .  Segment operating profit of $139 million was up 36 percent, driven primarily by HMM cost savings, higher volume, and lower other supply chain costs, partially offset by unfavorable net price realization and mix and higher SG&A expenses including increased media investment."

The entry into the pet food and treat business was kicked off by the 2018 acquisition of Blue Buffalo: General Mills Completes Acquisition of Blue Buffalo Pet Products A list of acquisitions in this segment can be found here: General Mills Completes Acquisition of Whitebridge Pet Brands’ North American Premium Cat Feeding and Pet Treating Business (12/18/24).

Sell DiscussionsItem # 2.C. Pared GIS - Sold 5 at $68.83 (8/8/24 Post)(profit snapshot = $59.15); Item # 2.A. Pared GIS - Sold Highest Cost 5 Share Lot at $68.17 (3/22/24 Post)(profit snapshot = $28.61, discussed the earnings report for the F/Q ending 2/25/24, SEC Filed Earnings Press Release); Item # 1.C. Eliminated GIS in Vanguard Taxable Account - Sold 2+ at $80.41 (3/6/23 Post)(profit snapshot = $66.83);  Item # 3.C. Pared GIS in Fidelity Taxable Account - Sold 5 at $86.64 (12/13/22 Post)(profit snapshot = $145.71); Item # 6.A. Pared GIS - Sold 5 at $81.64 (11/8/22 Post)(profit snapshot = $118.72); Item # 4.B. Pared GIS in Fidelity Taxable Account - Sold 5 at $80.65 (9/27/22 Post)(profit snapshot = $112.89); Item # 2.B. Sold 2+ GIS at $67.1 and 3 at $69.22 (1/7/22 Post)(profit snapshots = $46.67); Item # 3.B. Sold 1.582 GIS at $64.42 - Eliminated Shares Bought with Dividends (6/4/21 Post)(profit snapshot = $8.09); Item # 1.A. Pared GIS in Fidelity Taxable-Sold 4 at $61.37 (4/17/21 Post)(profit snapshot = $9.95); Item # 1.A. Eliminated GIS-Sold 27+ at $54.86 (3/21/20 Post)(profit snapshot = $426.37); Item # 1.A. Sold 13 GIS at $55.02-Used Commission Free Trade (8/17/19 Post)(profit = $134.13); Item 1.B. Sold Highest Cost GIS lots at $51.69 (4/7/2019 Post)Item #2.A. Sold 10 GIS at $56.18-Used Commission Free Trade  (12/21/17 Post) Snapshots of 2007 through 2017 round-trip trades can be found in Item 1.B (+$1,809.99). I did not track gains prior to 2007. 

GIS Realized Gains 2007 to Date+$3,043.95 

SU Bonds Owned: I own 2 General Mills 4% SU bonds that mature on 4/17/25 that were bought at a 97.35 total cost:  Bond Page |

Packaged food stocks have been at best trading vehicles for several years. One of the primary problems was the rapid increase in input costs during the recent problematic inflation period.  Attempting to recover all or most of those increases, the companies raised prices aggressively which results in significantly lower volumes as customers switched to less costly brands, reduced their purchases or eliminated them altogether. 

The result is that earnings have generally flatlined for most packaged food companies or has trended down in some cases. It is a tough sector for investors seeking a satisfactory total return. The dividend yields do provide some support for the stock prices and will make it easier to achieve an acceptable total return for me when and if volume and earnings growth return.      

B. Restarted PLYM - Bought 10 at $17.6

This snapshot includes my last elimination in this account where I sold 10 shares at $22.75. 

Quote: Plymouth Industrial REIT Inc. (PLYM) - Internally Managed REIT

Cost: $176

PLYM, through its operating entity, "is a real estate investment trust focused on the acquisition, ownership and management of single and multi-tenant industrial properties, including distribution centers, warehouses, light industrial and small bay industrial properties, located in primary and secondary markets within the main industrial, distribution and logistics corridors of the United States. As of September 30, 2024, the Company, through its subsidiaries, owned 158 industrial properties comprising 223 buildings with an aggregate of approximately 34.9 million square feet, and our regional property management office building located in Columbus, Ohio totaling approximately 17,260 square feet." Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc. Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 at page 7. 

Recent Transaction with Sixth Street: This is a complicated transaction that is described by PLYM in the following snapshot: 

Last DiscussedItem # 2.C. Eliminated PLYM - Sold 20 at $22.68 (9/9/23 Post)(profit snapshot = $212.59) 

Dividend: Quarterly at $.24 per share ($.96 annually), last raised from $.225 per share effective for the 2024 first quarter payment.  

Yield at $17.6: 5.45%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/31/24 (owned as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): 

Revenue: $51.781M

Core FFO per share: $.44
Adjusted FFO per share: $.40

Net Income to Core FFO Reconciliation: 

The two major add backs are $21.01M in non-cash depreciation and amortization expenses and a $14.657 loss on a refinancing. 

Core FFO to AFFO Reconciliation: 

Non-cash revenues created by the straight line accounting convention and recurring maintenance expenditures are deducted from Core FFO to arrive at AFFO.  

2024 Core FFO per share Guidance: $1.83 to $1.85

Note that GAAP net income includes a $3.22 per share gain on the real estate sale which is excluded when computing FFO. 

PLYM Realized Gains to Date: $433.14 (40+ shares)

Purchase Restriction: 5 share lots with each subsequent purchase required to be at the lowest price in the chain.

Maximum Position: 100 shares. 

C. Added to CVE - Bought 10 at $14.51:


USDs: Cenovus Energy Inc. (CVE)

CADs: Cenovus Energy Inc. (Canada: Toronto)

Cost: $145.1

Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Exchange Rate Chart | Xe

Website: Cenovus Energy is an integrated Canadian oil company

Average cost per share: $17.11 (50 shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at C$.18 per share

Dividends in USDsCVE Stock Dividend History & Date

Yield: Impossible to calculate since the amount paid will depend on the then current CAD/USD exchange rate. The last 4 dividends in USDs totalled $.4936. 

Foreign Tax Withholding: When paid into a U.S. citizens taxable account, Canada is allowed to take 15% of the dividend but no tax can be withheld when the dividend, paid by a non-pass through entity, is paid into a U.S. citizens retirement account under the existing U.S.-Canada Tax Treaty. The broker still needs to claim U.S. citizenship status at the source. 

Last Ex Dividend: 12/13/24

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a recent post: Item # 1.E. Added to CVE - Bought 5 at $15.2 (12/19/24 Post)SEC Filed Press Release

D. Added to LXP - Bought 10 at $8.1

Quote: LXP Industrial Trust  (LXP) - Internally Managed REIT

Cost: $81

LXP SEC Filings

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

Properties | LXP Industrial Trust

New Average cost per share: $8.35 (80 shares)

The AC was reduced from $8.39. 

Dividend: Quarterly at $.135 per share ($.54 annually)

LXP Stock Dividend History & Date

Yield at New AC = 6.47%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/31/24 (owned all as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in my 12/26/24 post: Item # 1.L. Added to LXP - Bought 10 at $8.29  (12/26/24 Post)SEC Filed Press Release  

E. Added to AHH - Bought 5 at $9.95

Quote: Armada Hoffler Properties Inc. (AHH)

Cost: $49.75

Management: Internal

SEC Filed Supplemental for the Q/E 9/30/24 

AHH SEC Filings

New Average cost per share: $10.53 (60 shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.205 per share ($.82 annually)

AHH Stock Dividend History & Date

Yield at New AC = 7.79%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/26/24 (owned 55 as of) 

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a 12/26/24 post: Item # 1.G. Added to AHH - Bought 2 at $10.94; 5 at $10.55; 10 at $10.15 (12/26/24 Post)SEC Filed Press Release 

F. Restarted FLO - Bought 5 at $20.56 - Schwab Account

Recent History this account

Quote: Flowers Foods Inc.

Cost: $102.78

FLO SEC Filings 

Flowers is the second-largest producer and marketer of packaged bakery foods in the U.S. Our principal products include breads, buns, rolls, snack items, bagels, English muffins, and tortillas and are sold under a variety of brand names, including Nature’s Own, Dave's Killer Bread ("DKB"), Wonder, Canyon Bakehouse, Tastykake, and Mrs. Freshley’s." 10-Q at pages 38-39.  

Last EliminationItem # 1.C. Eliminated FLO -Sold 20 at $28.3 (1/27/22 Post)(profit snapshot = $119.76) 

Dividend: Quarterly at $.24 per share ($.96 annually), last raised from $.23 effective for the 2024 first quarter payment. 

FLO Dividend History | Nasdaq

Yield at $20.56: 4.67%

Last Ex Dividend: 11/29/24

Last Earnings Report (F/Q ending 10/5/24):

SEC Filed Earnings Press Release 

Net sales decreased .7% to $1.191B "as positive pricing/mix was more than offset by volume declines."

GAAP E.P.S. $.31

Depreciation and amortization non-cash expense was reported at $37.331M in the quarter which reduced GAAP E.P.S. 

Adjusted E.P.S. = $.33


Some lawsuit settlements ($.49 per share) dinged GAAP results in the F/Q ending 10/7/23. 

Full Fiscal Year Guidance: GAAP E.P.S. at $1.15  to $1.19, adjusted to $1.24 to $1.28 which was changed from the prior guidance of $1.2 to $1.3. The full year net sales guidance was given at $5.116B to $5.147B, representing .5% to 1.1% growth. 

Maximum Position: 50 shares

Purchase Restriction: 5 share lots with each subsequent purchase required to be at the lowest price in the chain.  

G. Added to GSBD - Bought 5 at $12.74; 5 at $11.99

Quote: Goldman Sachs BDC Inc. (GSBD) - Externally Managed BDC

Cost: $123.65

The last 5 share lot was bought on the ex dividend date. 

GSBD SEC Filings

As discussed in a recent post, linked below, this BDC has recently experienced an unacceptable increase in non-performing loans. If that trend continues, this investment will not be productive. For now, the dividend is covered by net investment income. The  dividend yield at the current price is attractive and provides some compensation for the risk. 

Average cost per share: $13.26 (30 shares)

Snapshot Intraday on 12/31/24 after last add

Dividend: Quarterly at $.45 per share ($1.8 annually)

GSBD Dividend History | Seeking Alpha

Yield at $13.26 AC: 13.57%

Yield at last purchase price of $11.99: 15.01%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/31/24 (owned 25 of 30 as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a 12/12/24 post. Item # 1.D. Bought 5 GSBD at $13 (12/12/24 Post)SEC Filed Earnings Press Release10-Q.

H. Restarted GTY - Bought 5 at $30.44; 5 at $29.8

Quote: Getty Realty Corp.  (GTY) 

Cost: $301.18

I bought 5 just prior to the ex dividend date and 5 on the ex dividend date.  

GTY is a "net lease REIT specializing in the acquisition, financing and development of convenience, automotive and other single tenant retail real estate. As of September 30, 2024, the Company’s portfolio included 1,108 freestanding properties located in 42 states across the United States and Washington, D.C."

Investment Category: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy

Website: Getty Realty

GTY SEC Filings

Last EliminationItem # 3.A. Eliminated GTY - Sold 5 at $45.65 and 20 at $35.69  (1/3/23 Post)(profit snapshots = $211.35)  

Last Buy DiscussionsItem # 2.L. Added to GTY - Bought 5 at $25.95 (5/12/22 Post)Item # 3.C. Added to GTY-Bought 5 at $28.35; 5 at $27.76 (2/24/22 Post)

Average cost per share: $30.12 (10 shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.47 per share ($1.88 annually), last raised from $.45 effective for the 2025 first quarter payment. 

GTY Stock Dividend History & Date

Yield at $30.12 = 6.24%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/26/24 (owned 5 as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): 

SEC Filed Press Release 

Revenue: $50.494M

GAAP E.P.S. $.27

FFO per share: $.56

AFFO per share: $.59

Reconciliation GAAP to AFFO: 

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24 (legal proceedings and debt discussed at pages 12-17. 

I. Added to FSPHX - Bought $100 at $29.65; 100 at $27.57:

Quote: Fidelity Select Health Care Portfolio 

Average cost per share: $27.51  (34+ shares)

The second purchase was after the fund went ex dividend for a $2 per share long term capital gain distribution which I took in cash: 

Sponsor's website: Fidelity Investments

Expense Ratio: .65%

Top Ten Holdings as of 11/30/24: 

FSPHX-Fidelity Select Health Care Fund-Morningstar (currently rated 4 stars) 

Fidelity Select Health Care Portfolio (FSPHX) Stock Dividend History & Date

J. Added to REYN - Bought 3 at $26.84

Quote: Reynolds Consumer Products Inc. (REYN)

Cost: $80.52

Brands | Reynolds Consumer Products

REYN Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch

REYN SEC Filings

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

New Average cost per share: $27.16 (8 Shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.23 per share ($.92 annually) 

REYN Dividend History | Nasdaq

Yield at $27.16: 3.387%

Last Ex Dividend: 11/15/24 (owned 5 as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a 11/21/24 post: Item # 3.A. Restarted REYN - Bought 5 at $27.36 (11/21/24 Post) 

Last EliminationsItem # 2.A. Eliminated REYN - Sold 40+ at $29.64 (3/1/2024 Post)(profit snapshot = $60.56); Item # 4.F. Eliminated Duplicate REYN in Schwab Taxable Account - Sold 20+ at $32.55 (12/6/22 Post)(profit snapshot = $95.96)

K. Added to WPC in Fidelity Account - Bought 3 at $54.7

Quote: W. P. Carey Inc. (WPC)  

Cost: $164.1

WPC is "focused on investing primarily in single-tenant, industrial, warehouse, and retail properties located in the U.S. and Northern and Western Europe, under long-term net leases with built-in rent escalations"

As of 9/30/24, WPC's "net lease portfolio consisted of 1,430 properties, comprising 172 million square feet leased to 346 tenants, with a weighted-average lease term of 12.2 year and an occupancy rate of 98.8%. In addition, the Company owned 78 self-storage operating properties, four hotel operating properties and two student housing operating properties, totaling approximately 6.4 million square feet."  

SEC Filings

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24 

Website: Leaseback Build-to-Suit Real Estate Finance | W. P. Carey

SEC Filed Investor Presentation 2024 Third Quarter Warehouse and industrial properties amounted to 63% of ABR, see page 11. 

I am in an average down mode.

Last DiscussedItem # 1.A. Added 5 WPC at $54.97 (7/5/24 Post) 

New Average cost per share: $59.34 (55+ shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.88 per share ($3.52 annually)

WPC Dividend History | Nasdaq

Yield at $59.34: 5.93%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/31/24 (owned all as of)

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24):  

SEC Filed Press Release and Supplemental 

Revenues: $397.775M

GAAP E.P.S. $.65

FFO per share: $1.18

AFFO per share $1.17

Net Income to AFFO Reconciliation: 

Maximum Position this Account: 100 shares 

Purchase Restriction: Each Subsequent purchase must reduce my average cost per share. 

Last Bond Offering (11/24): Prospectus for €600M 3.7% SU notes maturing in 2034. 

WPC SU Bonds Owned: 16 (This is 6 more than I am supposed to own from one issuer. I am temporarily over that limit given the credit quality of the issuer and the fact that 10 of the 16 bonds mature on 2/1/25)

10 of the 4% SU Maturing on 2/1/25

6 of the 4.25% SU Maturing on 10/1/26, Bond Page |

L. Added to LYB - Bought 1 at $73.65

Quote: LyondellBasell Industries N.V. Cl A 

Cost: $73.65

Chemical stocks are in a bear market of unknowable duration. 

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

LYB Analyst Estimates-MarketWatch

Reuters Key Metrics

Products & Technology | LyondellBasell

New Average cost per share: $80.81 (8+ shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $1.34 per share ($5.36 annually), last raised from $1.25 effective for the 2024 second quarter payment. 

LYB Stock Dividend History & Date

I am reinvesting the dividend. 

A special dividend of $5.2 per share went ex dividend in June 2022. 

Yield at New AC: 6.63%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/2/24 (owned 4 as of) 

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a recent post.  Item # 2.E. Restarted LYB - Bought 1 at $87.49; 1 at $84.81; 1 at $83.87 (11/7/24 Post)SEC Filed Press Release

Last DiscussedItem # 2.B. (12/5/24 Post) 

Last EliminationItem # 1.C. Eliminated LYB - Sold 6 at $98.42 (2/13/23 Post)(profit snapshot = $58.35)

Purchase Restriction: 1 or 2 share lots with each purchase required to be at the lowest price in the chain. 

Maximum Position: 20 shares

M. Added to GMRE - Bought 10 at $7.55

Quote: Global Medical REIT Inc. (GMRE)

Cost: $75.5

SEC Filings

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

Investment Category: Equity REIT Common and Preferred Stock Basket Strategy

New average cost per share: $8.04 (62+ shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.21 per share

Yield at New AC: 10.45%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/20/24 (owned 42+ as of)

Last Earnings Report: I discussed this report in my last post. Item # 1.B. Added to GMRE - Bought 5 at $8.43; 5 at $8.96; 10 at $7.77 - Schwab Account (12/26/24 Post)SEC Filed Press Release and SEC Filed Supplemental 

I will keep averaging down until I hit 100 shares. 

N. Added to NTST - Bought 10 at $13.9:

Quote: NetSTREIT Corp. (NTST)

Cost: $139

NTST SEC Filings

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

New Average cost per share: $15.2 (60 shares)

Dividend: Quarterly at $.21 per share

NTST Dividend History | Nasdaq

Yield at New AC = 5.526%

Last Ex Dividend: 12/2/24

Last DiscussedItem # 1.D. Added 10 NTST at $14.25 (12/26/24 Post) 

Last Earnings Report (Q/E 9/30/24): I discussed this report in a recent post: Item # 2.A. Started NTST - Bought 10 at $16.43; 10 at $16 (12/5/24 Post)

I will keep averaging down in 10 share lots until I hit 100 shares, but each subsequent purchase will have to be at the lowest price in the chain. 

3. Corporate Bonds

A. Bought 2 Chubb 3.35% SU Maturing on 5/2/26 at a Total Cost of 98.48:

Issuer: Chubb Ltd. (CB) 

CB Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch

CB SEC Filings 

CB SEC Filed Earnings Report for the Q/E 9/30/24 

Finra Page: Bond Page |

Credit Ratings: A2/A

YTM at Total Cost: 4.511%

Current Yield at TC: 3.4%

B. Bought 2 Entergy Arkansas 3.5% First Mortgage Bonds Maturing on 4/1/2026 at a Total Cost of 98.704

Issuer: Wholly owned operating subsidiary of the utility holding company Entergy Corp. (ETR) 


Finra Page: Bond Page |

Credit Ratings: A2/A

YTM at Total Cost: 4.558%

Current Yield: 3.456%

I now own 5. 

Entergy Arkansas has an exchange traded first mortgage bond that I own.  Entergy Arkansas LLC First Mortgage Bonds 4.875% due 2066 (EAI)Prospectus

Last EAI Discussions: Item # 5.C. Bought 10 EAI in Vanguard Account at $22.07 (8/2/24 Post)Item # 7.A. Added to EAI in Vanguard Account - Bought 5 at $21.7; 10 at $21.5; 10 at $21.27 (5/24/24 Post)Item # 6.A. Added to EAI in Vanguard Taxable Account - Bought 10 at $21.64 and Item # 6.B. Added 20 EAI in My Fidelity at $21.62 and Added 30 at $21.5 in my Schwab Account (12/30/23 Post)Item # 6.B. Added 5 EAI at $21.6 - Vanguard Taxable Account (12/16/23 Post)Item # 5. Added to EAI in Schwab Account - Bought 5 at $21.5; 5 at $21.22 (11/25/23 Post)Item # 5.B. Added 5 EAI at $20.1; 5 at $19.85 - Schwab Account (10/21/23 Post)Item # 7.A. Added to EAI in Schwab Account - Bought 5 at $20.62; 5 at $20.36 (10/14/23 Post)

I prefer buying the $1,000 par value Entergy Arkansas FM bonds that mature within 3 years due to the interest rate risk issue.  

C. Bought 2 Regency Centers LP 3.9% SU Maturing on 11/1/25 at a Total Cost of 99.267 -IB Account

Issuer: Operating entity of Regency Centers Corp. (REG) who guarantees the notes: 


REG SEC Filings 

SEC Filed Earnings Press Release for the Q/E 9/30/24 

10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24

Finra Page: Bond Page |

Credit Ratings: A3/BBB+

YTM at Total Cost: 4.782%

Current Yield at TC = 3.929%

D. Bought 2 Comcast 3.375% SU Maturing on 8/15/25 at a Total Cost of 99.243

Issuer: Comcast Corp. Cl A  (CMCSA) 

I have eliminated my common stock position. 

CMCSA Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch

CMCSA SEC Filings 

CMCSA SEC Filed Earnings Press Release for the Q/E 9/30/24 

Finra Page: Bond Page |

Credit Ratings: A3/A1

YTM at Total Cost: 4.5794%

Current Yield at TC = 3.4%

E. Bought 2 NNN REIT 3.6% SU Maturing on 12/15/26 at a Total Cost of 97.832

Issuer: NNN REIT Inc.

I own the common shares. 

Last NNN Buy Discussion: Item # 2.F. Added to NNN - Bought 1 at $37.63; 1 at $36.67; 1 at $35.32; 2 at $34.95  (9/30/23 Post) 

NNN SEC Filings 

SEC Filed Earnings Press Release for the Q/E 9/30/24 

Finra Page: Bond Page |

Credit Ratings: Baa1/BBB+

YTM at Total Cost: 4.766%

Current Yield at TC = 3.68%

Other NNN SU Bond: I own 6 NNN 4% SU bonds that mature on 11/15/25. Bond Page |

My bond ladder process will generally cause me to extend the maturity as I come closer to bonds maturing from the same issuer, provided I remain comfortable with the credit risk. 

4. Treasury Bills Bought at Auction

All purchases were made in my Schwab account. 

A. Bought 8 Treasury Bills at the 12/30/24 Auction - 2 Accounts

182 Day Bills

Matures on 7/3/25

Interest: $167.23

Investment Rate: 4.282%

B. Bought 2 Treasury Bills at the 12/26/24 Auction:  

119 Day Bill

Matures on 4/29/25

Interest: $27.96

Investment rate: 4.35%

5. Treasury Notes Purchased in the Secondary Market

Prior to the purchases discussed below and in Item #6 below, my bond ladder had no U.S. treasuries maturing in the 2027-2033 time frame other than a few TIPs owned in Roth IRA accounts. 

Some interest rate risk concerns are present when going this far out in non-inflation protected treasuries. 

For me, the interest rate risk is what I call the risk of lost opportunity, not the interest rate risk that the values will decline after purchase. The later risk is present when there is a possibility that I may have to sell the notes at a loss prior to maturity.   

The risk of lost opportunity occurs when interest rates continue to rise after a treasury note purchase. With money tied up in the lower yielding notes, I lose the opportunity to invest the same funds to generate more income as yields rise. 

I deal with that type of interest rate risk by limiting the dollars devoted to longer term maturities and buying more when and if there is a continued rise in interest rates using proceeds from maturing treasury bills as I lengthen the duration of my bond ladder. 

A. Bought 1 Treasury 4.375% Note Maturing on 11/30/2030 at  a Total Cost of 99.3174

YTM: 4.507%

B. Bought 1 Treasury 4% Note Maturing on 2/28/30 at a Total Cost of 97.8532

YTM: 4.468%

C. Bought 1 Treasury 4.125% Note Maturing on 11/15/27 at a Total Cost of 99.398

YTM = 4.348%

D. Bought 1 Treasury 4.25% Note Maturing on 6/30/29 at a Total Cost of 99.2389

YTM: 4.438%

E.  Bought 1 Treasury 4.5% Noted Maturing on 11/15/33 at a Total Cost of 99.3104

YTM: 4.595%

6. Treasury Note Purchased at Auction

A. Bought 1 Seven Year Treasury Note at the 12/26/24 Auction:

Matures on  12/31/31

Coupon: 4.5%

Purchased at 99.8099

YTM at 4.532%

7. Exchange Traded First Mortgage Bond:  

Investment category:  Exchange Traded Baby Bonds

Exchange traded simply means the bond trades like a stock on the stock exchange.  

The rise in longer term interest rates starting last September is pressuring the price of potentially long term bonds down. 

A. Added to ELC in Fidelity Account - Bought 5 at $21.29

Quote: Entergy Louisiana LLC Mortgage Bonds 4.875% Series due 2066  (ELC)

Cost: $106.45

Issuer: Wholly owned operating subsidiary of the utility holding company  Entergy Corp. (ETR)

ETR SEC Filings

Investment Category: Exchange Traded Baby Bonds

Last DiscussedItem # 7.B. Added to ELC in Schwab Account - Bought 5 at $21.6 and Item # 7.C. - Added to ELC in Vanguard Account - Bought 10 at $21.78 (5/17/24 Post)Item # 6.A. Added to ELC in Fidelity Account - Bought 10 at $21.3 (1/6/2024 Post)Item # 6.A. Added to ELC  Bought 10 at $21.93 in Vanguard Taxable; 5 at $21.78 and 5 at  $21.6 in Schwab Account  (12/23/23 Post)Item # 6.A. Added to ELC  Bought 10 at $21.93 in Vanguard Taxable; 5 at $21.78 and 5 at  $21.6 in Schwab Account  (12/23/23 Post)


Par Value: $25

Coupon: 4.875% paid on the $25 par value

Interest Payments: Quarterly

Security: First Mortgage on substantially all assets 

My Videos: First Mortgage Bonds Traded Like Stocks - YouTubeFirst Mortgage Bonds $1,000 Par Values - YouTube 

Call protection has expired. 

Maturity: 9/1/2066 unless called earlier at issuer's option.  

Interest Payments: Quarterly

Trades Flat (whoever owns the security on the ex interest date receives the entire quarterly interest payment, even if bought the day before that date)

Credit Ratings: A2/A

New Average cost per share this account$21.64 (75 shares)

Snapshot Intraday on 12/23/24 after add

Yield at new AC = 5.632%

Last Ex Interest: 11/29/25 (owned 70 this account as of)

I currently have no concerns about the credit risk. 

Interest rate risk is high

I prefer owning the $1,000 first mortgage bonds issued by Entergy Louisiana that mature within five years. 

I currently own the following, stacked with 4/1/25 to 4/1/28 maturities:  $4,000 in principal amount

1 of the 3.78% FM that matures on 4/1/25; Bond Page | (This bond was originally issued by Entergy Gulf States Louisiana which was merged into Entergy Louisiana, see Item # 4.C. Bought 1 Entergy Louisiana 3.78% First Mortgage Bond Maturing on 4/1/25 at a Total Cost of 98.633 (6/28/24 Post)(YTM at total cost then at 5.59%) 

1 of the 2.4% FM that matures on 10/1/26; Bond Page |

2 of the 3.25% FM that mature on 4/1/28; Bond Page |

With a modest uptick in yields, I may buy at least 1 more of the 4/1/28 maturity. 

B. Added ELC in Schwab Account - Bought 5 at $21.15

See Item #5.A. Above

Cost: $105.75

New average cost per share this account: $21.27 (45 shares)

Snapshot as of close on 12.24.24

Yield at New AC this account = 5.73%

8. TIP Bought in Roth IRA Account - Secondary Market

Coupon 1.675%

Original Dated Date: 10/15/22 as a 5 year TIP

TIPS/CPI Query Results — TreasuryDirect

Matures on 10/15/27

Purchase Price: 99.234

Real Yield = 1.907%

Inflation Factor: 1.06537

Adjusted Principal Amount: 1.06537 x. 99.234 

Principal Amount Paid to Seller: $1,057.21

I now own 2. 

The prior purchase, made on 11/15/24, was at 99.695 with the inflation factor then at 1.06365 which is determined as of the settlement date on 11/18/24. The real yield was then at 1.733%. 

The price had drifted down and the real yield up when I made the purchase on 12/24.

The 3 year nominal treasury note, the closest benchmark for comparison purposes, closed at 4.27% on 11/15/24 and at 4.36% on 12/24/24. 

For a TIP purchased with a 1.907% real yield to outperform the nominal 3 year purchased with a 4.36% yield, the average annual inflation rate until maturity would have to exceed 2.453%. 

On the day of purchase, 12/24, the five year TIP had a breakeven inflation rate of 2.39%.  

I will only discuss TIP purchases in my RI accounts and no other trades. 

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, but simply an individual investor who has been managing my own money since I was a teenager. In this post, I am acting solely as a financial journalist focusing on my own investments. The information contained in this post is not intended to be a complete description or summary of all available data relevant to making an investment decision. Instead, I am merely expressing some of the reasons underlying the purchase or sale of securities. Nothing in this post is intended to constitute investment or legal advice or a recommendation to buy or to sell. All investors need to perform their own due diligence before making any financial decision which requires at a minimum reading original source material available at the SEC and elsewhere. A failure to perform due diligence only increases what I call "error creep". Stocks, Bonds & Politics: ERROR CREEP and the INVESTING PROCESS Each investor needs to assess a potential investment taking into account their personal risk tolerances, goals, and situational risks. I can only make that kind of assessment for myself and my family members.    


  1. In Item #3.B. I discussed buying 2 Entergy Arkansas 3.5% first mortgage bonds maturing on 4/1/26.

    In my next post, I will be discussing the purchase of 1 Entergy Arkansas 4% first mortgage bond that matures on 6/1/28 at a 97.8 total cost. YTM then at 4.7045%.

    Finra page:

    Sometimes the first mortgage bonds issued by utility operating companies can be purchased in 1 bond lots at the then best ask price.

    I will stack the maturities. At the moment, a 2028 maturity is as far as I will go out for the $1,000 par value first mortgage bonds and there are several different issues available for purchase in that time frame.

    One reason is that nothing much, if anything, is gained in yield, while interest rate risk increases with time. Interest rates will trend higher, even with subdued inflation near 2% annual which is probably way over optimistic, due to excessive supply.

    I am talking primarily about 5 to 20 years, though the untethering from inflation expectations may have already begun and will increase over the next 5 IMO.

  2. Easily the riskiest REIT equity preferred stock that I own is HTIA which changed its symbol to NHPAP effective today.

    In my symbol list to the right, I have changed the reference to NHPAP-HTIA.

    Par value: $25
    Coupon $7.375% paid on a $25 par value
    Private REIT

    Last Discussed: 12/26/24 Post
    Item # 5.A. Added 5 HTIA in Schwab Account at $14.5; 5 at $14.15:

    I mentioned that security briefly in a video that I just published at YT without mentioning the name or symbol.

    At my last purchase price of $14.5, the yield is at 12.72% or more than an 8% spread to the current 10 year treasury yield. I classify this stock as high risk which is certainly the signal sent by the current dividend yield.

    1. The equity preferred stock mentioned in my last comment, NHPAP, does go ex dividend tomorrow (1/3/25) for its quarterly distribution.

  3. I view it as somewhat important to check prices at 2 different brokers when placing a bond trade. The prices will frequently differ since there is a lack of uniformity in the bond market that exists in the stock market.

    An example from today is that Fidelity had the best offer price for a 3.4% Cabot SU bond maturing on 9/15/26 at 97.653 creating at the price a 4.902% yield. I then open my Interactive Brokers account and saw that I could buy 2 at 97.494 creating a YTM at 4.96%. Both yield numbers are not adjusted for the $1 per bond commission charged by both brokers.

    So I bought 2 in my IB account at 97.474.

    Finra Page:

    Both Fidelity and IB will allow me to enter a limit order which may be filled about 20% of the time for my typical 1 or 2 corporate bond orders. I will not do that at IB since I have been hit in the past with a fee in addition to the commission for a limit order fill below the price specified by IB as available for purchase.

    For such tiny bond orders, I do not gain much by placing a limit order at Fidelity somewhere in between the bid/ask prices. And, I have the aggravation of having to do it over and over again until I get a fill that adds a small of dollars to YTM. It is worth the time for a retiree who is a penny pincher to look to see whether another broker has the same bond available at a better price.

  4. I have entered an order to buy 2 of the 3 year treasury note that will be auctioned next Monday. The is part of an ongoing minor allocation into treasuries maturing in 2028.

    I am not enthusiastic about the yield.

    The 3 year treasury note closed at a 4.286% yield today (1/2/25):

    I am playing a scenario, which I do not currently view as more probable than not, where the FED cuts the FF range twice this year by 25 basis points and once in 2026 by 25 basis points with no rate hikes prior to the 3 year note's maturity date or no more than one 25 basis point hike prior to maturity with that one occurring in the later part of 2027. If that scenario plays out, then the 3 year note will provide more interest income than investing in 3 or 6 T Bills, with continuous rollovers for 3 years, or keeping the funds used to purchase the 3 year note in a money market fund going down in yield after each rate cut.

    Playing alternative scenarios is what I will do since I do not know the future and can only develop possible scenarios and assign probabilities to them based on what is known now or can reasonably be predicted over the short term.

    As of the Fed's December 2025 meeting, the CME FEDWatch tool, as of today's close, has a 88.2% probability that the FF range will be at least 25 basis points lower than the current 4.25%-4.5% range and a 57.5% probability that the range will be at least 50 basis points lower at year end.

    My current prediction is that investors in the FED fund futures contracts are too optimistic about inflation continuing a downtrend this year rather than renewing an uptrend later in the year. Most of bond portfolio is weighted at the short end, maturities starting tomorrow through 2026.

  5. I published a video at YouTube that discusses floating rate equity preferred stocks issued by U.S. companies:

    I mention in that video that I would not be discussing the floating rate securities that I call synthetic floaters which are complicated and not suitable for most individual investors IMO. I have owned them in the past.

    An example is GJS:
    "Synthetic Fixed-Income Securities Inc. Floating Rate STRATS Series 2006-2 for Goldman Sachs Group Secs"

    A brief summary may highlight the complexity.

    GJS is the trust certificate (hereafter "TC") form of ownership.

    Par value is $25.

    The trust bought a senior unsecured 6.125% senior unsecured bond issued by Goldman Sachs that matures on 2/15/2033. When this bond matures, and assuming GJS has not been called and GS survives to pay off the 2033 SU bond, the GJS owner will be paid the $25 par value and the TC will be redeemed by the trust using the redemption proceeds.

    The trust is call a Grantor Trust.

    The owner of GJS does not own the bond but has a beneficial interest in the bond owned by the Trust.

    The GJS owner does not received the fixed rate of the underlying bond owned by the trust.

    Instead, a swap agreement is created whereby the trustee swaps the bond interest payments with a swap counterparty who delivers to the trustee whatever is owed to the owners of GJS.

    The swap agreement creates a floating rate at .9% above the three month treasury bill rate. The maximum rate payable to GJS owners is 7.5%. The coupon resets every three months. There is no minimum payment as there is in the floating rate equity preferred stock GSPRA (greater of 3.75% or .75% above the now defunct 3 month Libor rate, now using 3 month SOFR + the tenor spread of .26161% to equalize 3 month SOFR with what was the 3 month Libor).

    There are more complications to the synthetic floaters that are beyond the scope of this brief discussion and have been discussed in my blog elsewhere.

  6. I published a video at YouTube discussing bond funds vs. owning individual bonds, an introductory type discussion on this topic.

  7. I published a YouTube video discussed Preferred Stock ETFs:

  8. Land: The IBonds need to be first compared to a similar security which are the TIPs.

    The 5 year TIP has a current real yield of 2%:

    Both the TIP and IBond adjust for CPI inflation so the better total return will be the one that has the highest real yield, called the fixed rate in IBonds, and that would be the TIP.

    The TIP needs to be held in a retirement account. When held in a taxable account, the inflation accretion to the principal amount is taxed even though the interest is not paid but accrued. The IBond avoids that issue.

    I deal with the difference in taxation by simply owning the TIPs in my Roth IRA account accounts.

    The yield comparison to non-inflation protected securities is worthwhile for those who emphasize current income.

    The five year nominal treasury currently has a 4.424% yield. The Vanguard Federal MM fund is close to that yield now but will be declining in the coming weeks to reflect all of the last rate cut and will decline further with additional rate cuts.

    I am buying the 3 year treasury note at tomorrow's auction (1/7). The yield is currently at 4.317%. That may change a bit by the time of the auction.

    When bought in a brokerage account, which is how I do it, I will hold to maturity but would have no difficulty in selling the note if I had to sell since the treasury market is extremely liquid.

    The ten year note will be auctioned on Wednesday. I will not buy that one. If I go out to a 2035 maturity in a treasury, I would want the inflation protection provided by the TIP as sort of an insurance policy against problematic inflation returning prior to maturity that would significantly exceed the breakeven inflation rate of the 10 year TIP.

  9. The 3 year Treasury note was auctioned earlier today with a 4.25% coupon. The price was at a slight discount to par value creating a YTM of 4.332%. I had the auction date wrong in my earlier comment.

    I also participated in the 3 and 6 month Treasury Bill auctions:

    3 Month IR 4.309%
    6 Month IR 4.256%

    The 6 month IR is hugging the bottom of the current 4.25% - 4.5% indicating IMO a more probable than not belief that the FED will cut by .25% at its June meeting and possibly though less likely at its May meeting.

    That signal is close to what the CME FedWatch tool is currently signaling as the more probable than not scenarios.

  10. The ten year treasury yield rose slightly today and is currently trading up about 3 basis points:

    U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note
    4.636% +0.034%
    Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 5:03 p.m. EST

    It does not take much of a rise to trigger a negative response in the bond like stock sectors.

    Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ)
    $88.30 -$1.15 -1.29%

    Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF
    $76.22 -$0.86 -1.12%

    The continued rise in treasury yields caused me to lighten up some in preferred stocks, eliminating my positions in REXRPRC and PNFPP. I also eliminated my small ball position in PGX which I discussed in a YT video that was published earlier today. I owned only 26 shares.

    A continued rise in intermediate and long term interest rates is the most troubling economic development at the moment for stocks given their high valuations.

    A FED governor spoke about the high valuations earlier today:

    " Valuations are elevated in a number of asset classes, including equity and corporate debt markets, where estimated risk premia are near the bottom of their historical distributions, suggesting that markets may be priced to perfection and, therefore, susceptible to large declines, which could result from bad economic news or a change in investor sentiment."

    Scroll to
    "Overview of Financial Stability" section

    The WP reported earlier today that Trump was backing off broad tariff increases in favor of more targeted ones and that contributed to some ebullience at the opening. Trump then stated in a Truth Social story that this was wrong.

    My inclination is to stay in my bunker, keep my head down, and prepare for incoming until I know more about what Trump will do. I would not have my concerns alleviated about stock valuation when and if he starts a tariff war.

    1. I bought $20k VOO (vang s&p) and $5k vxf (extended market) for a trade.

      Not a bad idea except I forgot the obvious. Trump opened his mouth.

      I can keep them long term if need be but I will sell if they go green (less than 2-5% under today's close.) Wait awhile before I take chances with Trump around.

    2. Land: I am waiting for catalyst that will cause a stock market valuation reset. There are a number of potential catalysts for a bear market including a resurgence in inflation later this year, a continued rise in intermediate and longer term interest rates, a possible trade war on the horizon, massive budget cuts that significantly lower nominal GDP growth, and the insanity issue becoming front and center on a daily basis.

      I am buying stocks where the dividend yield will provide must of the total return. They are not growth stocks. The focus is on stocks that have 4% or higher yields and are down over 20% from their 52 week highs (already in a bear market). Stocks that meet that criteria are concentrated in the packaged food, chemical (e.g. DOW) and equity REIT sectors. Even in those beaten down sectors, I am buying with caution, averaging down in small lots and will utilize my small ball trading rules as an exit strategy (e.g. consider selling profitably the highest cost lots when and if that becomes possible)

    3. That sounds like a very good plan. Not sure my buying skills are that strong. But if there's a dividend instead of looking for growth, that could be a nice place to hold stuff.

      It feels to me like we're at the exuberant phase. But not necessarily at the end of that phase. For instance, I don't see headlines splashed all over implying that stocks can't go down. When I bring up stocks to friends, most people look at me blankly.

      It's going to be a harder to read the market for the next couple of years because Trump's erraticness. It'll be a hard backdrop to interpret against. But it may present some opportunities for some buying.

  11. The ten year treasury yield movements continue to call the shots for stocks:

    U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note
    4.692% + 0.056%
    Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025 at 4:27 p.m. EST

    It is not the 5 basis point increase in yield that is unsettling many stock investors but the trend higher. The 10 year treasury yield has gone up more than 100 basis points in yield since the FED cut the FF rate by 50 basis points last September.

    For many investors, it is also unsettling to hear the next President threaten today to invade Greenland and Panama.

    As Sean Hannity once said, Trump is bat shit crazy and that condition has deteriorated since he made that observation prior to the 2020 election.

    Crazy talk from the U.S. President will be the norm for the next four years. If the crazy talk turns to action, then that would be, to say the least, even more unsettling.

  12. I published earlier today a YouTube video discussed leveraged preferred stock closed end funds (CEFs). This concludes my video discussions on preferred stocks.

    The ten year treasury yield is currently trading at a 4.7% yield.

    I will be discussing in my next post reducing my preferred stock allocation by about $1,800 which takes the allocation further into immaterial for me category.

  13. I discussed buying 1 Treasury note in Item #6.A. that will mature on 12/31/31. The coupon is 4.5%. That one was purchased at the most recent 7 year note auction.

    The price has declined some since that auction so I bought 1 more today at 99.585.

    I managed interest rate risk primarily by having a constant stream of maturities each week. That approach addresses the interest rate risk resulting from a persistent and longer term rise in interest rates.

    Another management technique is go small when going out further in time and then adding in small purchases when and if the price goes down. The interest rate risk is mitigated some by buying more as the price goes down.

    With yields rising in the 2 to 10 year maturity spectrum, as short term rates declining due to FED rate cuts, I am increasing slightly my exposure to maturities in the 2 to 7 year range, though the shift is currently immaterial for me in the dollar amounts.

    One concern, because it is a possible future scenario, is that inflation will accelerate late this year and into 2026 if Trump actually does what he said he would do. It will take time for even mass deportations to disrupt supply chains sufficiently to have a meaningful impact on inflation. Increasing tariffs on a broad range of products will have a more immediate impact.

    Another concern is that the massive supply of new debt offerings, particularly by the U.S. government, will at some point start to untether interest rates from inflation expectations, with yields starting to move higher even if inflation remains near where it is now. This may have started. This is more of a longer term concern however. If inflation is moving higher at the same time, then that would be bad for bonds.

    The primary interest rate risk that I face is what I call the risk of lost opportunity. If rates trend higher after a purchase, I lose the opportunity to earn more interest income from the money tied up in existing securities that are going down in value. By holding to maturity, I will recover the unrealized loss when the note or bond is redeemed. This is not a significant risk for me given the proceeds that I receive each risk from maturing treasury bills, treasury notes and corporate bonds.

  14. Tectonic Financial Inc. 9% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Perp. Pfd. Series B (TECTP)
    $10.44 +$ 0.07 +0.68%

    Scrolling through my Schwab account today, I noticed the presence of 30 shares of this equity preferred stock:


    I did not recall that preferred stock having an 11.5+% coupon.

    I checked my last discussion which was in April 2021:

    Item # 1.D. Added to TECTP in Schwab Taxable-Bought 10 at $9.42:

    That review refreshed my recollection since there is no way I am going to a small ball buy in 2021.

    This one had a fixed coupon of 9% paid on a $10 par value, bu transitioned to a floating rate back in April 2024.

    I have to admit that I just figured out that this had happened.

    The floating rate is at a 6.72% spread to the now defunct 3 month Libor rate. I did not find any press release announcing that the company would be using the 3 month SOFR + the tenor spread of 0.26161%. in its place, but the recent dividend payments indicate that this is the case.


    Dividends are non-cumulative.

    The issuer is Tectonic Financial, a private bank holding company based in Texas that has filed its financial results starting with the issuance of this publicly-traded preferred stock.

    This equity preferred can be called at par value now plus any accrued and unpaid dividend. The company has not yet elected to call.

    Prior to the transition the quarterly dividend was at $.225.

    The last two quarterly dividends were

    $0.3144353 per share in the 2024 3rd Q.

    $0.3092146 per share in the 2024 3rd Q.

    My AC per share is at $8.75.

    With the FED rate cuts, the coupon will trend down some but will stabilize soon until the next FED rate action.

    10-Q for the Q/E 9/30/24:

    The risk is expressed in the yield. The price will not stray too far above the $10 par value given the optional redemption right.

    I noted that Paul Krugman suggested that the rise in treasury yields may be due to the insanity premium.

    Trump's mental condition is so obvious that every voter must have known about it when voting in the last election. A few weeks of observation, reading and listening to his statements, would reveal his mental condition to anyone, and voters have had over 8 years of confirming evidence and are about to get 4 more. No one can not be heard to say that they were unaware.

  15. I have published a new post:

  16. I have 2x as much $ in regular taxable brokerages as in my Roth.

    I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with that taxable $. I want to leave the Roth invested to grow for a 20 or 20+ horizon.

    So that leaves using my regular taxable account for:
    Rainyday cash
    Income bucket (to supplement SS) in 3-4 years.
    Project money (a few projects such as helping my dad develop a house on land he has zoned for it. So $2-300k once we get started.)
    Stuff I can't seem to get into the market because valuations are stretched.

    Getting into stocks would make it easiest to get capgains rates and choose when to have taxable income. Otherwise I don't know what to do with these funds... still trying to figure it out for my portfolio.

  17. Land: No one can predict the future but I do believe that the stock market is frothy, using major index levels, with a 20%+ downside risk as more probable than a 10+% gain from current levels.

    However, stocks can continue to rise for an extended period even when the stocks driving the indexes are higher are in nosebleed territory. An example is what happened in 2000 that was in effect a valuation reset that resulted in a 49+% decline in the S&P 500, taking IMO that index into a reasonable valuation range. It took 59 months to recover that decline.

    I just read an article at Marketwatch, which is behind a paywall, titled "Large-cap U.S. stocks may be heading for a lost decade, this contrarian warns." The analyst uses Costco as an example of a stock that he views as overvalued. That company has grown earnings 8-9% per year since 1983 but topped a 60 P/E last month and is currently trading near a 55 P/E. Costco's stock lost 57% from its early 2000 peak to its 2002 bottom.

    Another issue for me is the widespread investor adoption of non-GAAP P/E ratios for many technology stocks that have led the market's surge higher, when there is a huge percentage difference in GAAP and Non-GAAP earnings caused in significant part by non-GAAP E.P.S. excluding the huge GAAP cost of employee stock grants that are major sources of stock dilution.

    If a bear market is on the horizon, it will not be stocks like GIS or KHC that will cause it but a relatively some number of very high multiple, large capitalization stocks suffering a major valuation reset which will take other more reasonably priced stocks down in price through internal market dynamics (e.g. derivative trades on major indexes, broad selling of stock ETFs and mutual funds). There are multiple possible triggers for that reset.

    Chart S&P 500 P/E Ratio

    Another issue for me is the earnings hit that U.S. multinationals will take from the recent surge in the dollar starting in early October 2024. The Dollar Index has surged about 10% recently indicating a rise in the USDs value against a basket of major foreign currencies.

  18. I didn't know that about non-gaap and the dollar.

    Warren Buffett said that for somebody new to the market, just buy the s&p. Every advisor I see or hear, tends to recommend that same move. I'm thinking partially because Buffett said it. Partially because that's the index that is consistently growing, based on the big tech and social media firms and the AI enthusiasm. I don't know when that focus wears off. But as you said there's catalysts, and at some point it will.

  19. Land: With large technology companies that are the driving force behind the rise in the S&P 500, the non-GAAP E.P.S. calculation excludes the very large employee stock expense.

    Most of those companies are not granting stock options, where the employees at least have to pay a price to acquire the stock, but grant restricted stock units instead, where no money changes hands. The employee is simply given the stock at a certain date. The difference is explained in this video:

    As to how much difference there can be between GAAP and non-GAAP, take the last earnings report from Salesforce (CRM), a component of the S&P 500 and the DJIA.

    GAAP E.P.S. $2.41
    Non-GAAP E.P.S. $1.58
    Difference $.83 or about 35% for 1 quarter.

    The largest "expense" excluded from GAAP to arrive at Non-GAAP is $.85 per share in employee stock compensation. The weighted average shares outstanding was at 956M.

    The old fashioned stock investors, and I fall into that category, do not view RSUs as a non-expense, particularly when they are so dilutive and consequently will not accept excluding their real cost to non-employee shareholders when applying a multiple to earnings.

    For purpose of establishing a reasonable multiple to "earnings", which CRM E.P.S. number is the appropriate one when valuing the business given the size of the stock compensation expense add back to arrive at non-GAAP E.P.S.?

    Warren Buffett views stock options as an expense where the employee at least has to pay for the stock at a specified price.

    The RSUs are given to the employees.

    I would be willing to accept this adjustment to GAAP earnings provided it is immaterial and consequently not dilutive of non-employee shareholders. I would view this exclusion more favorably if an employee was given a choice between $100,000 in cash compensation with roughly $50,000 in RSUs or just $150,000 in cash with no RSU. But what has happened is that the cash and benefit compensation are already very high, say $150,000 in this example, and then free stock is added to the cash and benefit compensations.

  20. Land: Buffett would recommend a S&P 500 as the best purchase option for most investors, new or old, as opposed to selecting individual stocks.

    I would add that many brokers permit an investor to set up automatic purchases which removes the issue of trying to time the market.

    Maybe additions to the automatic purchases could be made when SPY or VOO decline by 20% from a recent high, more after a 30% and more after 40%.

    Those ETFs are not viable sources for dividend income. SPY has a 1.21% yield based on yesterday's closing price and is up $9+ so far in before opening trading today (1/15)
